Super Finding App

Chapter 1137: Maritime Rescue Team (2)

The storm leaped on the escape boat.

In the torrential storm, it was like a leafy boat surrounded by darkness. From time to time, waves crashed into it, and Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and two tourists seized the edge of the escape boat and used the oars in the sea. Moving forward, his body was already wet by rain.

"Is it really in front of this? Is it really in front of this? Mr. Cheng, aren't you seeing the wrong way? We haven't seen any ships at all until now, all around is a sea of ​​ocean, now even We ca n’t even see the Tianyin luxury cruise ship. We wo n’t go the wrong way. If we get lost, it ’s not good. ”

Storms, thunders, and dark nights, surrounded by darkness, can only see the turbulent waters not far from the front of the lifeboat, as if a lonely boat is creepy and frightening, I do n’t know what the road ahead is Where?

"The instructions of the Super Hidden App are absolutely not wrong in the front. If you do n’t believe me, then you can step down this lifeboat. If you do n’t want to, then stay obedient, just follow the guidelines of the Super Hidden App. Can find a sea rescue team ... "

The storm was pouring down, and the rain continued to hit Cheng Yiping's cheeks, looking up at the two restless tourists.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping did not comfort the two tourists, although the Super Hidden Object App has clearly told where Cheng Yiping ’s maritime rescue team is, but the problem is that there is a certain distance from the maritime rescue team, and at this moment Everyone is on the sea. Although there is an escape boat, but God knows how long this escape boat can support this?

If you encounter the problems discovered by the maritime rescue team again, then it will be over. After all, the Super Hidden Object App can tell Cheng Yiping where the target is, but the danger encountered on this road needs to be Yiping himself. To overcome.

And being level in the rough sea is really like walking on thin ice. After all, no one knows what dangers will be encountered on the ocean. Even if there is a rescue boat, it is not foolproof. Now it is a storm, lightning. Thunder, perhaps a rescue boat will fall apart when a wave hits it. At that time, even if Cheng Yiping had the skills of breaststroke, he knew where the rescue team was, and it had no effect.

The process of finding objects is the most dangerous.

The two tourists sitting on the rescue boat suddenly froze, but did not expect Cheng Yiping to be so rude, opened his mouth to say something ruthless, but looked at Cheng Yiping's stern face and swallowed it again. Going on, they know very well that in the current environment, they still have to rely on Cheng Yiping to find the maritime rescue team.

The magic of the Super Hidden App is obvious to everyone. The two tourists themselves do not have a mobile phone loaded with the Super Hidden App. The only thing that they can do now is to believe that Cheng Yiping ’s Super Hidden App can definitely find the marine rescue team. Otherwise, they are in the same sea as Ye Guzhou trying to find a way.

Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified at this moment, facing the storm, although he could clearly feel that his goal with the rescue team was getting closer and closer, but it was not known whether he could arrive safely because of the storm. The waves have become more and more violent, even overturning the lifeboat by almost one.

In this bad weather, the lifeboat can be swallowed by the waves at any time.

"Cheng Yiping, rest assured, we will be fine, I believe we will be fine."

Intellectual Zhang Xiaona turned her head and looked at the dignified color on her face. I did n’t know whether it was rain or cold sweat. Cheng Yiping's affectionately stretched out hands and tightly held Cheng Yiping's slightly cold hands. It was courage, conviction, and anxiety, Cheng Yiping was shocked, and turned to look at Zhang Xiaona, who was full of intellectuals, who had some irritability and urgency, calmed down slightly, and nodded heavily.

"Relax, Zhang Xiaona, I'm fine, we can be rescued ..."

The sensation passed by the hands only made Cheng Yiping's irritable heart completely calm down. He knew that he was not alone now, and he had Zhang Xiaona, his favorite girlfriend.

"You see, you see, there is light in front, there is light in front ..."

As the lifeboat continued to follow the waves in the waves, the two tourists sitting suddenly behind the lifeboat made a surprise yelling, Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona quickly looked up, and two lines of light beams appeared in the darkness in front of them, as if in the Hidden in the darkness, the eyes of the giant beast were horrible and terrifying, but this light gave tension to Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and the two tourists with great confidence.

Because this is the light, this is the light of the ship!

No matter whether it is a maritime rescue team or not, but as long as it can meet a ship, it will be rescued.

Cheng Yiping's face was filled with ecstasy, and his mind was instantly connected to the super seeker app in the state of soul. In an instant, you can clearly see what a ship is gradually approaching through the avatar floating in the sky. vessel?

With the idea of ​​being level in the state of the soul's avatar, the scene in the immediate surroundings changes instantly. The level of the avatar in the state of the soul appears on the ship that is gradually approaching in the dark, and looks up at this. It is a very ordinary ship, but on the wall of the ship, it says, [Chaoyang Maritime Rescue Team Marine Patrol Ship. 】

This is a maritime patrol ship, a patrol ship belonging to the maritime rescue team!

Suddenly, these short lines of words represented the avatar in the state of hope and soul of life, and quickly transmitted the message to the body of the lifeboat.

Patrol ship!

It turned out that a patrol ship belonging to the maritime rescue team was about to appear.

A flat look on the lifeboat revealed an ecstatic look.

He knew they were about to be rescued.

as expected.

As the lifeboat approached the Chaoyang maritime patrol boat in front of them constantly, the huge lights on the Chaoyang maritime patrol boat shone down. You can see the staff in raincoats shouting loudly. The colleague dropped the rope to slow the lifeboat Approached the patrol ship at sea.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why are you sitting on the lifeboat? Why are you in the sea? What happened? What happened? Why did you appear here?"

After Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and the two tourists were rescued by the maritime patrol, they panted vigorously and looked up at the two young and old people of the patrol urgingly.

"Tianyin, Tianyin luxury cruise ship accident, you hurry to save people!"

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