Super Finding App

Chapter 1144: The big rescue (4)

The darkness of the sea was illuminated by the huge spotlights of the numerous rescue vessels of the Chaoyang Maritime Patrol Team. Like the day, the commander Li Xiang's face became abnormally solemn and stood on the deck, and looked up at the gradual storm. , A little long breath in my heart.

"It seems that it's really God's eye opening. The storm is over. Once the storm is over, our rescue work can be carried out one after another, and it can reduce a lot of risks for us. Is the super object finding app Xiao Xiao really useful? Is it really willing to find all the tourists on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship ... "

The rescuers standing next to the commander of the Chaoyang rescue team nodded, and the assistant's face was covered with a mixture of rain and sweat, showing a surprised look.

"Useful, useful, really useful, I really didn't expect that the Super Finder app was so useful. Although this Super Finder app suddenly appeared on mobile phones, many people said that the Super Finder app is useful, and I have always used This used to be a software for finding items, but I didn't expect that this super finder app turned out to be so amazing. The super finder app he used for the tourist Xiao Zhao found really put all the Tianyin luxury cruise ship into the water All of them have been found. Now, the major rescue teams have obeyed Mr. Cheng's instructions for rescue. Basically, they can accurately find the location of the fallen man, which has provided us with great convenience ... "

The rescue team members had just spoken, and Li Xiang flushed with excitement and took a deep breath.

"It's good to be useful. It's good to be useful. What we lack most at sea rescue is time. What we lack most is search and rescue time. We don't know the exact location of the person who placed the order. Every delay of one second, the trapped person will There will be more dangers in life. I didn't expect that this super finder app is so amazing that it can really find the exact location of the person who fell into the water. It seems that I will follow the above proposal and we must develop our own super finder app. Need to obtain a large number of faith points, so that in the face of the next shipwreck crisis, or even when someone is in trouble, the fastest and fastest time to find the trapped, rescue the trapped, this will be extremely helpful to our rescue operations Great convenience! "

The commander of the Chaoyang Maritime Rescue Team, Li Xiang, was trembling with excitement. As the chief commander of the Maritime Rescue Team, he had seen too many lives and deaths, and had seen too many people who died because of time delay. He tried to commit suicide, and as a rescuer, he was stunned.

Compared to the super finder app that can quickly find the location of various fallen and trapped people, compared to where the super finder app came from, Li didn't care what the purpose was.

For the rescuer, the world is huge, there is absolutely no rescuer's life is even greater. As long as the super finder app can really find many sinkers, Li Xiang will never give up.

"Let me go, let me go, I want to save my wife, I want to save my wife, let me go, let me go ..."

Wei Chenyang, already in a black suit, had been tattered for a long time with the help of rescue workers and his daughter Wei Xing boarded the rescue boat. Wei Chenyang, who had just boarded the rescue boat, yelled loudly and hugged his hands tightly To the edge of the rescue boat, we want to jump down.

I looked up and saw clearly that the Tianyin luxury tanker had sunk 23, and the remaining 13 was slowly sinking. He knew there were his relatives there, and his wife Qin Kexin. He was going to find his wife. He is going to find his loved ones. Even if there is only one thousandth of hope, he must not give up.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, our rescue team will not abandon anyone, our rescue team will not abandon anyone ..."

The members of the Chaoyang Maritime Rescue Team quickly soothed Wei Chenyang and calmed him down. They had experienced too much and had seen too much.

Every trapped person rushes to the scene to save their loved ones, perhaps a wife, a husband, or a child, and they will save their loved ones even if they have lost their lives.

But for rescuers at sea, how can they let people risk their lives and enter into danger again? This is absolutely impossible.

"Let me go, let me go, I want to save my wife, I want to save my wife, I want to be my wife"

Wei Chenyang was desperately struggling, his eyes were not cracked, his teeth were gritted. He really couldn't imagine how his wife Qin Kexin would die after his death? As he was struggling hard, he could hear a faint voice in his ear.

"Wife, are you talking about the woman who fell from the sky into the Tianyin luxury cruise ship? If it is him, you can rest assured that there are already rescuers going to the rescue to see if this is not rescued. ... "


Has been rescued.

Wei Chenyang was stunned and raised his head in tears. This was a teenager with a common face. Next to him was a beautiful, intellectually beautiful woman. Along with the direction of the man's fingers, he saw a huge piece Under the light of the rescue boat's light, a snoring sound came out, a sea rescuer emerged from the bottom of the sea, behind his wife Qin Kexin, who was unconscious in the water ...

Really saved it.

Wei Chenyang wept with joy ...

"Mr. Cheng, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. If you did not find all the drowning people on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship with the super finder app you own, I am afraid this rescue will not be so fast and Such a successful conclusion ... "

The dark sky gradually appeared the sunrise. After a night of search and rescue, the Tianyin luxury cruise ship has been completely submerged in the sea and there are no traces. I want to finally find the one that can be salvaged, and many of the Tianyin luxury cruise ships have been The sleepy people and the drowning people rescued one by one with the help of the faithful search of the Yiping Super Finding App. The death toll was less than double digits. I have to say that for a sudden shipwreck that happened at night, at sea, The rescue was a huge success.

The Chaoyang Maritime Rescue Commander Li Xiang came to Cheng Yiping in excitement, and the surprise revealed in his eyes, he knew that this maritime rescue would not have been so successful without Cheng Yiping's Super Hidden Object app.

After working all night, I felt extremely tired and showed a smile with ease. I looked up at the sailors on the sea rescue vessel filled with the rescued Tianyin luxury cruise ship, the waiters and even many tourists, most of them Weeping with joy and wiping tears, it was an absolute nightmare for them.

"It's okay. For me, I'm very happy to be able to help. Of course, if I really want to be grateful, I wonder if I can send us to shore soon. I'm hungry ..."

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