Super Finding App

Chapter 1148: Zhao Ziqing

What's more, the backup system of the Super Hidden App has been uploaded to the entire Mercury Star, and tens of millions of people are using the Super Hidden App together.

Even if everyone gets only a little bit, the point of faith can earn thousands of points every day.

Although it is not enough to find the other two broken pieces of the Super Finding App, if it is only used to find Zhao Ziying's brother.

Absolutely no problem!

Would you like to help Zhao Ziying find his brother?

this is a problem

However, after Cheng Yiping looked at Zhang Xiaona, he had the answer instantly.

Should you spend your faith to help Zhao Ziying find your brother?

of course yes!

Since Zhang Xiaona has spoken, she must not refuse.

What's more, didn't Zhang Xiaona say that there will be rewards for going home after completion.

In order to reward this favor, absolutely help.

"Well, Miss Zhao, since that's the case, then I'll help you once, and I'll watch it when I get paid."

Cheng Yiping made a decision, raised his eyes and said, held out a cup of green tea on the coffee table, took a clear sip.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it, Mr. Cheng, please help me"

Zhao Ziying was so excited that she immediately stood up and kept bowing.

"Calm, calm, first of all, let me wake you up. The Super Hidden Object app can indeed find everyone, but it is not necessarily a good thing. Your brother has no news after you graduated from college, or you dodged. Either you have an accident, you have to be prepared for this "

Cheng Yiping said to Zhao Ziying in a timely manner.

"I know……"

Zhao Ziying's face changed, her expression turned pale, and finally she nibbled her teeth and nodded.

"No, Cheng Yiping, how do you say that, it's unlucky"

Zhang Nana, full of knowledge, frowned, and said dissatisfied

"This is no way, Zhang Xiaona, the Super Hidden Object App can indeed find any person and thing, but it cannot determine human life. In the final analysis, the Super Hidden Object App can only be an auxiliary system."

Cheng Yiping said helplessly.

"It's okay, it's okay, Miss Zhang, as long as Mr. Cheng is willing to help me, I'm satisfied, please Mr. Cheng must help me"

Zhao Ziying said quickly, it seems that for her now, as long as she can find her brother, whether it is life or death.

It seems Zhao Ziying is already mentally prepared. This is a good thing.

In this case.

Then come to an end earlier.

"That's it, then I'll start now ..."

Cheng Yiping said, and then he pulled out his phone and opened the Super Find App.

In an instant

A spinning and bright starry sky emerged, a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged, and paragraphs of text appeared in a flat mind.

The super-hunting app in Yiping's hand is just a furnishing.

[Super Finding App Connecting]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection]

[Please ask the seeker to say the goal]

[Looking Target: ...]


What is Zhao Ziying's brother's name?

Haven't asked so far,

It's really depressing.

Find someone without even asking for their name. How can I find it?

Is it true that the Super Hidden Object app is a versatile artifact?

Cheng Yiping coughed a few times, his face became slightly embarrassed, raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Ziying, who was excited and nervous.

"Miss Zhao, what's your brother's name?"

"Zhao Ziqing, my brother's name is Zhao Ziqing, Qingshui Qing, Mr. Cheng, please help me find my brother, please find my brother, I really miss him, whether it is life or death, I need to know where he is ... "

Zhao Ziying with a beautiful face blurted out, her voice was rapid, and she seemed to have spoken before her voice seemed to be flat.

"I see, is Zhao Ziqing right? One Ziying, one Ziqing has a pretty good name."

In a paperback, I picked up the phone in my hand and entered it.

[Please ask the seeker to enter the search target ...]

[Search Object: Zhao Ziying's Brother Zhao Ziqing]

In an instant

Cheng Yiping's mind instantly seemed to be pumped out one by one, one by two, and passed through the seven-color channel.

In an instant

Wind and clouds

Cheng Yiping's soul descended from the sky, crossed the sea of ​​clouds, and thundered in the sky above a bustling city.

You can clearly see the surrounding high-rise buildings, and there is endless traffic.

With a state of soul, Cheng Yi stood quietly on the road, countless vehicles roared past, and the drivers honked through the body in the state of Cheng Yiping's avatar, and rushed away.

This is a downtown area.

Cheng Yiping in the state of soul, look left and right, not far away, a red arrow radiating is staring.

Cheng Yiping, the state of the soul, walked without any hesitation, following the instructions of the arrow.

This is the ordinary old city, which is commonly known as the urban village.

Village in the city.

The village in the city looks like this ...

Even in the bustling area, there are urban villages inhabited by civilians.

It's called a slum.

I didn't expect it to be here

It seems Zhao Ziying's brother lives here.

Cheng Yiping, in the state of the soul, followed the instructions and came to this dilapidated city center.

The village houses in this city are dilapidated and small, and the sewage on the ground is flowing from time to time, and it has a disgusting smell from time to time. It seems that I can clearly hear the voices and even the sound of quarrels from the houses on both sides. The private wires are intertwined with each other, like entangled lovers.

found it!

The avatar Cheng Yiping in the state of the soul did not go far in the village in the city. Following the instructions, he saw a young man in front of him. The whole body glowed red.

found it.

Sure enough, it was a red light.

But having said that, in the process of the pathfinding of the Super Hidden Vortex App, the person in the state of soul watching the red light all over the body is really a bit like a Super Saiyan.

This is Zhao Ziying's brother?

It looks pretty ordinary.

This is a dark-skinned young man with a strong body and a bright smile on his face.

Although his age and labor will make him look young and mature, his dark eyes reveal hope for life.

This is a very sunny youth.

and many more.

If Zhao Ziqing is so sunny, why should he avoid his sister?

After all, according to what Zhao Ziying said, she had her own brother, Zhao Ziqing, who brought her up. The relationship between the two should be very good.

Then why did Zhao Ziqing, who was an elder brother, graduated from her sister Zhao Ziying University, and had no news after entering the job?

Is there anything else that cannot happen?

The avatar in the state of soul became a puzzled puzzle.

Mind moving

In the state of the soul, the companion becomes a level of doubt and puzzlement. The surrounding scenes are rapidly changing, disappearing like bubbles, and then quickly combined again ...

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