Super Finding App

Chapter 1166: I disagree (2)

"You can rest assured that I really like Zhao Ziying. No matter what, I will give her happiness. You can rest assured."

The mighty Deng Kun breathed a sigh of relief

There was a hint of joy in his eyes. As long as the so-called Zhao Ziqing left Zhao Ziying in front of him, it would be ironclad.

As long as time passes, Zhao Ziying will naturally forget her brother.

Everything came into being.

Raising his eyes, he looked at Zhao Ziqing, who was dark-skinned, and said with a serious heart

"I believe this is the best choice for you, for me, and for Zhao Ziqing. Even if Zhao Ziying knows, I think she will definitely agree."

"I disagree!"


A crisp, angry voice came from my ears.

Zhao Ziqing and Deng Kun were stunned. When they saw a strong wind coming around them, with a scent, a wonderful young girl appeared in front of them.

——Zhao Ziying



I did not expect that Zhao Ziying was really so impulsive.

What to do before you think about it

He rushed out alone.

Cheng Yiping looked up suddenly from his opposite side and stood up, then rushed to Deng Kun and Zhao Ziqing before Zhao Ziying could not help but patted his head.

It seems that Zhao Ziying really belongs to the kind of woman who is soft and soft inside.

Have a fight with Zhang Xiaona.

Whatever you want to say, what you want to do.

"Zhao Ziying, sister, how are you here?"

The dark-skinned Zhao Ziqing stammered and looked at the younger sister in anger, and bowed his head in guilty conscience.

"That, Zhao Ziying, listen to me explain, listen to me explain"

Deng Kun sat up from his seat, his expression changed a bit, and he looked at the beautiful Zhao Ziying in a complicated way and said quickly.

He did not know how long Zhao Ziying had been here.

How much do they know about their conversation with Zhao Ziqing?

Feeling strange and surprised in my heart.

How on earth did Zhao Ziying find this place?


Deng Kun's gaze fell on Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona behind him, and suddenly his eyes seemed to understand something.

After a long time, it turned out that Zhao Ziying could find this place and it was the ghost of the two of you.

Can't you not find people and things?

Damn super finder app!

Deng Kun gritted his teeth. Although he didn't speak, his eyes had explained everything.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona stood up and walked over, seeing three people with awkward faces.

Cheng Yiping's eyes felt Deng Kun's fierce light directly, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

What's the use of staring at me?

You know, this time I really haven't used the Super Hidden App, I just met Zhao Ziqing with luck.

You can only blame you for being unlucky.

Regarding Deng Kun's wrath as if he was flat, he didn't care.

Of course, at the moment, Deng Kun couldn't even care about competing with Cheng Yiping. He was comforting Zhao Ziying.

"You listen to me, I do it all for hello, I do it for both of us"

"For the sake of both of us, is it just to take my brother away from me?"

"Deng Kun has told you from the first day we talked with the subject. I was brought up by my brother. My brother dropped out of junior high school to work outside in order to support me. It was very hard. For me to read and for me to go to school, I will never abandon my brother, but you know where I am when I go to my brother, and you still do n’t tell where my brother is? What do you mean? "

"No, no, Zhao Ziying, listen to me, all of this is for your good. You are now doing it in the top 500 companies. You should be able to know how complicated the communication circle is. Knowing that you have an older brother who is a junior high school student who is also working as a coolie, do you think you can still develop as well as you do now? "

"Enough, I don't want to hear what you say anymore, you are right, if you say that the top 500 companies can't hire me because of my background, it doesn't matter. For me, my brother is more important than my job. "

"But, but, in this case, you will lose a lot of opportunities."

"Even if the opportunity is lost, it doesn't matter. Without my brother, there will be no me now. Do you think I will give up my brother? This is simply impossible. For me, my brother is the most important person in the world."

"Okay, okay, okay, even if you do n’t want to work, do you think about our engagement, Zhao Ziying, do you know that I like you very much, can I easily convince my parents to agree to your marriage to my house, agree Our marriage, but if you let them know you have an older brother who has not graduated, what do you think will happen? "

"Do you think my parents would agree with you? Will they agree to marry me? My parents would never agree, wouldn't you just like that?"

"If you don't agree, don't marry"

Zhao Ziying said decisively

Deng Kun took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"It's easy to say what you say. Isn't it in your heart that I can't compare with your brother? We can let your brother leave you, and we can meet your brother in private after we get married. Question, isn't that possible? "

"Enough, no, absolutely not. Marriage between two people is the union of two families. You have to accept not only me, but also my family and my brother, just like your family, Just like you asked me to accept your family, if you want to marry me, you must also accept my brother. If you can't accept my brother, then I'm sorry, I don't think we are suitable. "

"I said my brother is the most important person in the world for me"

"You, you, if you have to say that, then you are too disappointed. Zhao Ziying, you think about it. There are not one thousand or eight hundred women who want to marry Deng Kun in this world. There is no such shop, and if you regret it, you will be too late. "

"No need"

Zhao Ziying looked coldly at her boyfriend Deng Kun.

I used to think that my boyfriend was good.

But now it seems that his boyfriend is not what he thinks.

"You ... you ... you will regret it!"

Deng Kun gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Ziying, who grabbed his own hand and left.

Angrily threw the green tea cup on the hand coffee table directly to the ground, angry.


After watching the show, it's time to leave.

Otherwise, if you are angry.

That's a little bad.

Cheng Yiping thought for a while, looked at the anger and said nothing, angrily gave the tea cup to Deng Kun, grabbed Zhang Xiaona's hand and turned away.

In front of him, Zhao Ziying pulled his brother Zhao Ziqing's hand down and quickly ran out of the tea house.

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