Super Finding App

Chapter 1179: Intern Police Officer

Chanson is an intern police officer in Binka, Beizhou Road.

At this moment, he was wearing a police uniform and the police uniform was spotlessly washed by him, and even neatly ironed with an iron.

Looking at the majestic police uniforms reflected in the mirror, the majesty and solemn atmosphere revealed above the badge made him respectfully.

From today he is a glorious police officer in Dobinka, North State of Douang State.

"My son is finally getting better. Remember that when he comes to the unit, he must enforce the law impartially and learn more from old employees. Don't show it up? ..."

Qian Sen nodded fiercely while eating his parents' prepared breakfast.

He used to eat Hesse when eating, but now he is carefully holding it with chopsticks, fearing that the police uniform on his body is soiled, he nodded sharply.

"Don't worry, mom and dad, I know, I'm a glorious policeman from today ..."

What should the police station look like?

In Qian Sen's view, there must be a clear sense of majesty in the window.

But when he came to the Criminal Investigation Team of Binka, Beizhou, the smoke was suffocating, and the smoke dance was diffused. He almost smoked him out.

Every man in plain clothes had a decadent look on his face, some smoking cigarettes violently, and some directly lying on the table and snoring, where is the police in his mind?

How is this going?

I read it wrong,

Am I going in the wrong place?

Should i go in the wrong place,

Is this really the police investigation team? Am I going the wrong way?


Qian Sen stepped back to the door, looked up at the house number, and indeed wrote the Criminal Investigation Team.

Turned his head and walked in again, the situation in front of him was smart and neat and dressed in police uniform. The handsome and handsome policeman was completely different.

Is this really a criminal investigation team?

"Who is your kid, what are you doing here, what are we doing in the criminal investigation team? Don't get in the way"

Just as Qian Sen was stunned and overwhelmed, a black mountain surrounded him, and a loud voice came behind him.

Yawning, his eyes were red and red, his eyes were unusually heavy, and he held a cup of refreshing coffee in his hands, lowered his head, and his eyes were inexplicably murderous.

"Hello, I'm Qian Sen transferred to the Criminal Investigation Team today ..."

Qian Sen swore drooling in a fright, and left the body busy, introducing intermittently.

"Newly transferred player? Second child, second child, what the **** is going on? Could it be said that the transfer of the new team member to our department failed, why haven't I heard of it?"

The burly man grabbed Qian Sen's collar and dragged him in.

At this moment, Qian Sen felt as if he were a little lamb in the wolf's den, shaking with horror.

Is this really a criminal investigation team?

Is it a bandit nest?

"Boss, how many times have I told you, don't call me my second child, don't call me my second child. My name is Zhao Weiquan. I really seem to have heard that I have to say that we don't have enough manpower. We will send a new person as an internship. Isn't this busy working on a case of murder and corpse recently? It's been too dark for a long time. Where do you remember such a thing, it seems that there is such a thing ... "

With a cigarette in his mouth, the man who wanted to smoke three cigarettes lifted his head from the pile of official documents with red eyes.

"Who made you here is our second oldest. What is it you are not the second child? Well, I have forgotten such an important thing. This kid is the intern employee sent above. Is your name Qian Sen? "

The burly man touched his head, put Qian Sen down, looked at his skinny arms and legs, shook his head, and said dissatisfied

"What the **** is going on here? Do you really think that our criminal investigation team is eating dry food? Why did you send such a thin and non-trash person to come? Can you hit or not? It seems to be a clerk at most. That's it ... "

Obviously the burly man is very dissatisfied with the small and devout.

"Wait, I don't like to hear what you say. Although I'm not taller than you, as a police officer, I will never drop the chain."

"Yeah, that's good, it's just a person who loses his temper. I like ... second child, second child, the internship employee will leave it to you, so you take him."

The burly man yawned and arranged Qian Sen to Zhao Weiquan.

"No, boss, now that this case is just busy, you asked me to bring a new one, don't you know how difficult it is to bring a new one now? I don't have that effort"

This is a policeman with a thin face, wearing casual clothes and constantly smoking a cigarette.

"Just give me nonsense, this is the task given to you above, you have to complete it. During Qian Sen ’s internship, you will follow him. Do n’t underestimate him. He is a detective in our criminal investigation team. After completing the internship task back to the top, remember to tell us more about the criminal investigation team "

The burly big man laughed and reached out and patted Qian Sen's body.

Powerful impact, even Qian Sen's body involuntarily leaned forward a few steps, after the shoot, Qian Sen only felt hot on the back

Is it a shoot or a fight?

"Hello that ........."

Since it was an organizational arrangement, Qian Sen came to Zhao Weiquan, who was full of cigarettes, in two or three steps, and frowned slightly.

As a police officer, he has always disciplined himself, and he never smokes.

However, he did not expect that almost everyone in the criminal investigation team was smoking. At this moment, he frowned, even though Qian Sen came to Zhao Weiqian and was just about to speak. I saw Zhao Weiqian helpless. Waved

"Okay, okay, don't give me a close, since the boss said, follow me, then follow me, if you're fine, find a place to sit and don't hinder me."

Zhao Weiquan simply killed Qian Sen in two simple sentences, making him furious.

Just when I wanted to speak, I remembered what my parents said, but I was aggrieved again. It was the first time I arrived, not to mention that these policemen were all seniors.

Angrily, Qian Sen casually found a seat in the criminal investigation team and sat down. He picked up the team's files, and when he was at a loss, he heard an anxious voice.

"There is a case, there is a case, and this case was transferred again. Although it was found to be suicide, it is still suspected, so let our criminal investigation team send someone to look over it. Zhao Weiquan's case is just over to you."

"Isn't he bringing a newcomer, just for the newcomer to see and see, but also to say that our criminal investigation team has nothing to do, only smoke and drink every day ..."

The burly team leader of the criminal investigation team took the case and saw Qian Sen sitting in the corner, shaking his head, and handed the case to Zhao Weiquan.

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