Super Finding App

Chapter 1183: Frost

Zhang Yanmin's friend Hu Ting will burn and die like the internal organs of Zhang Yanmin?

is it possible?

Maybe it's too fantasy, right?

The aggressive look of Qian Sen sitting in the police car.

He learned many ways of dying in the police academy.

But never has a human organ been burned to death?

This is really weird ...

How could there be such a thing!

This is simply impossible.

"Do n’t think wildly, we as criminal police remember everything that speaks with evidence. As long as there is enough evidence, the last answer is even the impossible answer is the final answer. Any case that seems very mysterious or even strange is ultimately There will always be a very realistic answer. Don't confuse yourself. "

Zhao Weiquan, who was driving a police car, fluttered with anxiety, and Qian Sen, who was tangled in his face, reminded him.

As a police officer, he knew that some cases looked very strange at first.

It's even strange, but when you pull the cocoon according to the evidence and collect it little by little, you can see that most of them are just suspects.

Although Zhao Weiquan did not know exactly how the killer did it.

But at least one thing is for sure, that is, I want to be a monster, and everything is a human heart.

"I know, I know ..."

Qian Sen nodded violently, took a deep breath, forced his thoughts down, and his body was shaking slightly.

Binka First Hospital.

As the first hospital in Binka, it has always been the best hospital.

The traffic is crowded, the vehicles flow endlessly, and the pedestrians in and out of the doctor are in and out, and it is very lively.

Zhao Weiquan took out his police officer card and was immediately released by the security guard. The police car was arranged on the parking space, then quickly got out of the car and entered the first hospital in Binka.

Immediately after entering, the smell of acrid disinfectant water came on.

Qian Sen was a bit uncomfortable with this smell, and sneezed a few times, but Zhao Weiquan on the side was already accustomed to it.

As a criminal policeman, the hospital is familiar with the light traffic. In addition to arresting the prisoner and sending the prisoner to the hospital after being injured, sometimes he will be injured by the prisoner when performing official duties, and often go to the hospital for treatment and injury.

So sometimes don't just think that the police is a very glorious profession, but the sadness behind it is unknown.

It can really be said that it is for the safety of people's lives and property that their lives are tied to their belts.

"Hello, let me find Hu Ting ..."

Zhao Weiquan went straight to the help desk and took out her police officer's ID. The female nurse quickly looked at it.

Zhao Weiquan was told a moment later

"On the third floor"

Is it on the third floor?

Inpatient area?

Could it be said that Hu Ting's condition has been alleviated?

Zhao Weiquan had some doubts and led Qian Sen to the third floor.

Because the hospital saw a large number of patients, waiting for the elevator was an anxious death, and took a walker directly to the third floor.

"Wow ..."

"My daughter, why did you leave so early? Doctor you must rescue our daughter, you must rescue my daughter, I beg you doctor, my daughter is only 19 years old, I My daughter is only 19 years old ... "

Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen just came to the aisle on the third floor.

The sound of crying and shouting came from the front.

I saw a pair of middle-aged women wailing loudly on the sheets in front of the operating room.

Beside them were the doctor and nurse in white coats, with sad expressions on their faces.

Even if you are used to seeing doctors and nurses who are separated from life and death, it is still inexplicable to see people's life and death.

"Sorry, we have tried our best ..."

The doctor opened his mouth, and all the thousands of words could only be translated into one sentence.

They have done their best

Doctors are humans after all, not gods ...

"My daughter, my daughter, it's so bitter, why is this so? Why is this? Doctor why my daughter died, why?"

"Doctor, please save my daughter, please save my daughter, she is only 19 years old, she is only 19 years old."

The middle-aged woman was crying like a scream, tears were flowing, terrible, and her legs fell on her knees on the ground, holding her doctor's thigh and crying

"Get up, get up quickly. If we can save our doctor, we will never give up any patient, but we really do our best."

The doctor looked sad ...

not good

Is it ...

Zhao Weiquan was startled and walked in two or three steps to take out the police officer's testimony.

"Hello, we are the first team of criminal police in Binka. May I ask if you are Hu Ting's parents? We have some questions for you ..."

In the ward of the First People's Hospital in Binka, crying Hu Ting's parents wiped their tears and burst into tears.

The voice became hoarse, looking up at Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen with a surprised look.

"Police, why are you looking for my daughter? My daughter is dead now, why are you looking for her? What did she do?"

"Misunderstanding, don't get me wrong. We didn't find Hu Ting because of what she did, but because she was related to one of our cases, but I'm very surprised now how your daughter Hu Ting died properly, doctor. what is the reason?"

The doctor hesitated, looked at Hu Ting's parents, and sighed. "

"Hu Ting was frozen to death ..."

Frozen to death

how can that be?

You are joking

Qian Sen's mouth was wide and his face was incredible.

Hu Zing's parents, who were crying, wiped their tears, eyes widened, and looked at the doctor at a loss.

"I know you do n’t believe it, but it is true. When we were in the operating room, we rescued Hu Ting. Through tests, we found that the organs inside the object were completely frostbite. Originally, we I hope to be able to rescue her organs through surgery, but the degree of frostbite is quite bad, just like a person being placed in a few hundred degrees below zero, the entire organ is completely frozen to death "...

"This is a situation I have never met in my career"

"Impossible, impossible, you lied, you lied, how could my daughter's organs be frozen to death, how could it be, how could the human organs be frozen to death, you're joking"

Hu Ting's parents suddenly yelled in shame and anger

"I do n’t know, I really do n’t know, but I suspect that it may be caused by an unknown germ, which can quickly freeze the organs of the human body. This is a disease that we have not yet discovered, specifically The situation also requires medical anatomy to obtain ... "

The doctor felt the sweat on his forehead and wanted to cry without tears.

He is also depressed,

God knew that when he opened Hu Ting's chest, the large amount of cold air froze and he snored.

In this case, he has never encountered it before.

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