Super Finding App

Chapter 1193: gift

"Cheng Yiping, you're here to pick up your girlfriend Zhang Xiaona again, really a good man"

"Honestly, if my husband is like you, then I will be very happy ..."

"Let ’s come, who does n’t know when your husband chased you at the beginning, not the same as Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiao, who came to pick you up every day. At that time, we all vomited. None of us can look straight at you "

"Forget it, forget it, that's just before marriage. Don't you know he's sprouting now after marriage, I now feel whether he was cheated by him. Zhang Xiaona, you need to see clearly, the man is not catching up It ’s been so good before, it ’s not worth cherishing after you catch it ”

"Okay, okay, don't say that. Originally, Zhang Xiaona and Cheng Yiping were very good. If you broke it off, it would be troublesome."

"It's okay to divide it. Is a female high-quality woman like Zhang Xiaona afraid that no man will chase it?"

"Okay, okay, don't say that, Cheng Yiping, wait for me, and I'll be busy for a while today."

Zhang Xiaona's office is in the TV station of Jiangzhen City.

The crowd looked at Cheng Yiping's expression of laughter. Although he didn't speak well, Cheng Yiping knew that they were just ridicule and didn't care. They were already immune.

Zhang Xiaona said with a slightly shy smile.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, you guys are busy first, I'm waiting for you"

Cheng Yiping nodded, he was already very familiar with this situation, I just hope that today Zhang Xiaona's work can really be completed sooner.

Time goes by little by little

Only Zhang Xiaona's group is busy in the office.

Cheng Yiping yawned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was already sleepy.

It's not over yet

It seems to be busy tonight to end.

Others say that working on TV is very good, but what kind of work is actually easy these days?

Even some civil servants who have passed the examination are quite tired and annoying.

It can only be said that it is not easy for everyone in this world.

"Being equal, be equal"


Cheng Yiping's ears sounded.

Cheng Yiping opened his slightly sleepy eyes and yawned. Zhang Xiaona, in a professional suit, looked slightly tired.

"Work is already busy, let's go ... you've waited a long time"

"It's okay, I just took a nap ..."


Can I talk to my girlfriend for a long time?

Even if you do n’t know how to pick up girls, Cheng Yiping, who has a low emotional quotient, will never say that she has waited for a long time.

"Then let's go now ..."

"it is good…"

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectual charm, gently touched the long hair of her shawl, revealing a gentle smile.

There was a smile in Cheng Yiping's eyes yawning.

Perhaps for Zhang Xiaona's TV colleagues, a lot of people quarreled with her.

You see Zhang Xiaona is so beautiful, she looks beautiful, she has a good body, she has a great job, but her family is not good.

No matter how much you can find a wealthy successful person by virtue of their size and appearance and qualifications.

Why did you find Cheng Yiping?

Moreover, I heard that Cheng Yiping was a security guard before, and did not match at all.

Maybe they're all right, or they're doing it right.

But shouldn't the marriage talker choose the one he likes?

Zhang Xiaona has been wandering in the streets since she was a child. She knows that bread is important to love and bread.

But love is also very important. Maybe it seems that ordinary people are really incompatible with Cheng Yiping.

But Zhang Xiaona knew very well that the longer she spent with Cheng Yiping, the more she found that she liked Cheng Yiping more.

What's more, who stipulated that men and women get married this year, and men must support their families?

Men must support women?

Do men make less money than women do?

If Cheng Yiping really does not make much money himself, then I was wondering what can be done to raise Yiping?

As long as I am willing, everything is not a problem!

Of course, the premise is whether Cheng Yiping is worth paying for himself.

Cheng Yiping naturally didn't know that Zhang Xiaona thought so much about herself.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona walked out of Jiangzhen TV Station.

It was already starry, and there seemed to be some coolness in the air.

"Zhang Xiaona, I thought about it. I'm going to open a jade shop and sell some jade ..."

Cheng Yiping took Zhang Xiaona's hand and walked on the street.

Cheng Yiping likes this feeling very much. The silence around him, holding the beloved woman's hand and pressing the road, gives a very romantic feeling.

Even if there are no words, just need to just walk in silently, holding hands, the whole person's heart seems to become warm

"Jade shop, this is indeed possible, but Cheng Yiping, do you know jade? I heard my friend said that the industry is very deep, and it requires a lot of investment in the early stage. Are you thinking?

Zhang Xiaona opened her mouth, tilted her head, and there was a strange look in her beautiful eyes.

She thought about what Cheng Yiping would do, but did she really think that Cheng Yiping would do jade business?

The jade industry is like jewellery and gold, and the water is quite deep.

"Of course, no problem. You do n’t think I ’m getting a head burn. It ’s true that the jade business is a hugely profitable business. According to the TV station, there are some resellers with a purchase price of only 10 yuan and 20 yuan. , But you also know that I do n’t want to do this. In fact, I will jade carving. I just plan to open a jade shop and put my carved works in the jade shop for sale. By the way, I will pick up the custom-made goods. ... similar to a studio "

"Jade carving? Cheng Yiping, do you even know jade carving?"

Zhang Xiaona's mouth was wide open, it looked very cute, and her eyes revealed a doubtful look.

Are you kidding me?

Cheng Yiping, do you know jade carving?

How is this possible?

Never heard you talk about it!

Of course you haven't heard me talk about it ...

This is what I learned through the Faith-Finding Help Skills of the Super-Finding App!

Cheng Yiping touched his nose slightly awkwardly, revealing a bright smile, took out a small box from his arms and handed it to Zhang Xiaona, smiling

"Why, don't believe it? This is for you ..."

what is this?

Is it a gift?

Zhang Xiaona took the small box with a little surprise, showing a look of joy.

No matter which woman loves gifts,

They all like their own gifts from men they like.

The bright moonlight shone, and Zhang Xiaona opened the box.

In an instant.

It seems that the moonlight in the sky falls on the crystal green rabbit jade in the box, emitting a crystal clear light.

Under the embellishment of the moonlight, the eyes of the rabbit jade seemed to be alive, emitting a smart light.

Beautiful ...

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