Super Finding App

Chapter 1195: Weird Death (1)

Jiangzhen in the middle of the night is where most of the people in the city have fallen into their sleep.

After the troubled day, I fell asleep early and fell asleep.

But even in the middle of the night there are a group of people who work late at night.

They are either workers, white-collar workers, overtime workers, or office workers.

Dragging his exhausted body was busy until two or three in the morning before being able to return home.

What they ask for is just a habitat, a future.

"Master, you are really very hard. I didn't expect to be able to get a car this late ..."

Received a phone call from Wang Yuting, Group 6 of Jiangzhen's serious case.

Cheng Yiping had no choice but to get up and yawn, pushing the door two or three steps in his clothes.

When I came downstairs, I found a taxi that stopped at the gate of the community and waited for the guests.

"This is no way, we all run night shifts, how to run without staying up late at night, but although there is less night work, the money paid is also less."

"You don't know, the children's tuition and fees have risen again this year. Although the country has reduced its burden every year, it can be reduced to the end, but the cost of education has skyrocketed. I want to take advantage of this time to run more orders It ’s also good, at least to be able to supplement homes, is n’t it? ... "

The taxi driver was a middle-aged man with a beard full of face and tired expression, but his pupils were full of energy.

The hand holding the steering wheel was strong, and from his words, he could hear the hardship of life but also revealed that he was fighting for his family.

The pride that comes from working for your family.

This is also the status quo of many ordinary people in the entire Tang Dynasty.

They may not be officials, they may not be dignitaries, but ordinary people.

Doing a very ordinary job.

And this is to allow your family to live a good life.

But in many cases, hard work may not be rewarded.

Most people are just struggling after all.

As the old saying goes.

Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy.

"You are really working hard ..."

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said

"It's hard, it's hard to work hard to make money these days. Everyone has their hardships, but they just don't know if they can't see them. Just like you, you go out late at night and don't sleep at home. "

"Master, what you are saying is absolutely right. No one is hard at work these days. Of course, if you have a good technique for reincarnation, then it is another matter ..."

"This is, this is, I used to say that everyone is on the same starting line, and working hard can be able to fly Huang Tengda Ke now more and more feel that incarnation is really a technical job ..."

The taxi driver seemed very talkative, and this road was not far away.

Let Cheng Yiping feel hesitant. After paying the fare, he got out of the taxi, watched the taxi, and disappeared into the night.

Worthy of being a taxi driver

It's really very talkative.

This road is talkable.

Time passed by.

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly. It can be said that every profession has its own hardships, but also has its own advantages.

I looked at the Jiangzhen Police Station.

At this moment, even in the middle of the night, you can still see the sporadic lights of the police station building flashing, and there are still police officers staying up on the spot.

I walked straight into the Jiangzhen Police Station. The heavy case six had not yet arrived. I heard intense discussions and disputes at the door of the heavy case six.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's really weird, according to the information our people have got so far, it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with this big money at all, why did it suddenly die, but instead It ’s Weifang who does n’t have any problems. What is going on? ”

"Weird, weird, this is really weird. Does this big money have anything to do with the two girls who died in Binka before?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We have come to investigate and found that Zhang Daqian is related to Wei Fang and has nothing to do with the two young girls who died suddenly and strangely in Binka. We checked a lot and various information. There is no connection. "

"But if this is not the case, then tell me what is going on now? Why didn't Wei Fang have an accident? Instead, Zhang Daquan had an accident. Is there anything strange about it?"

"If I say, the strangest thing now is Wei Fang. After all, the two girls who died in Binka are friends of Wei Fang, and this big money is also a friend of Wei Fang. At the center of the case, perhaps only Wei Fang was able to know the key to the incident. "

"Now the police have conducted a case investigation and investigation on Wei Fang, but so far, there is no news at all. This Wei Fang is about 20 years old and is a freshman in high school. , She had a big money and dropped out of school early, but her trajectory of investigation was very clear. To put it plainly is a greedy vanity, hoping to find a rich woman of the second generation.

"Gold lady, really, what do you think of the current child? I remember when we went to a university in the past, this is the case of Guangzong Yaozu. People in the whole village will be very excited, which one is not desperate to go to university You can take a look at the current children. After going to college, you can eat, drink, and play. Even for some girls, they do n’t even cultivate their own life skills. Instead, they think of sugar daddy. It's become too fast "

"Enough, enough. It doesn't make any sense to discuss these now. We still talk about the key cases. We can now conclude that this case could really be related to two teenage suicide cases in Binka. survey"


Isn't that in Beishu Road?

Is it Binka?

Cheng Yiping, who walked on the aisle, frowned slightly.

Binka City This is the North Tang Road of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Yiping in Binka City has never been there, but how did the police in Binka City come to Jiangzhen City?

And Wang Yuting called to call himself so late?

It seems that something really happened.

Cheng Yiping's mind flashed an ominous feeling, stretched out his fingers, rubbed his temples.

What he was thinking was whether to dismiss the police consultant's profession in the future. After all, he promised to become a police consultant because he had helped Dou Dou to arrange a leisure job.

At first I thought it was still very good, but now it seems that I feel more and more chicken ribs.

After Cheng Yiping thought wildly for a moment, he coughed twice and pushed open the door of Group 6 of Jiangzhen City's serious case.

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