Super Finding App

Chapter 1197: Weird Death (3)

Zhao Weiquan, from Binzhou, Beizhou, frowned slightly.

Devoted to finding things, he has indeed seen it in the system of the super finding object app.

But Zhao Weiqian never succeeded.

Not only Zhao Weiquan, but basically the police did not go through the devotion to find things, even if there were occasionally a few devotion to find things, they ended in failure.

Therefore, there is no such thing as Zhao Weiquan and other police officers in this super finder app.

In fact, just thinking about it is completely understandable.

After all, Zhao Weiquan, as a police officer, believes in law.

Their belief is science.

It is not the so-called object-hunting body.

Even today, they are indeed using the Super Hidden App to find the killer. In the final analysis, they are just using the Super Hidden App as a means of criminal investigation.

It is not possible to enshrine the **** of finding things in the Super Finding App as your own faith.

It can be said that the belief line of the police is the lowest. Their loyalty and their beliefs have been given to the country and to the people, not the illusionary **** of find things.

"Is it pious search for things? But this pious search for things can really be successful. Is there a **** of search for things in this world?"

Zhao Weiquan, from Binzhou, Beizhou, frowned, raised his eyes and looked at wearing ordinary clothes, but the temperament emanating from the whole body was like a mist and said slightly.

He was really very curious, is there really a **** of object hunting in this world?

"I do n’t really know if there is a **** of finding things in this world, but one thing is for sure: I ’m really religious when it comes to finding things, maybe because I ’m a devout believer. Do n’t you believe in one thing? Or is it illegal to believe in a **** who seeks things within the kingdom of the Tang Dynasty? ”

Cheng Yiping's eyes narrowed sharply, he could clearly feel the hostility brought by Zhao Weiquan in the city of Binka in front of him.

Perhaps this is not considered hostile, it should be considered skeptical.

It is a kind of corporate disease brought by the administrative police team, but even if there is only 1 ‰ doubt.

Cheng Yiping will strangle it in the cradle.

Fortunately, the Super Hidden Object app has uploaded the backup system to the entire Aqua Blue Star through the Internet.

It's not like before, only Cheng Yiping owns a super finder app, which greatly hides Cheng Yiping's true identity.

One way is to hide in the wild, and hide in the dynasty. The biggest concealment is to merge yourself into a drop of water and merge into the ocean:

Who will be able to find this drop of water at the time?

At this moment, Cheng Yiping controls the Super Hidden App like a drop of water in the ocean.

Uploading the backup system of the Super Hidden Object app to the entire network is equivalent to letting everyone have this drop of water, turning it into a sea of ​​oceans, hiding it in one level, as long as you do not find yourself dead, you will be foolproof.

"It's true. Cheng Yiping is the consultant of our six serious cases. He is much more proficient in using the Super Hidden App than we are. I believe that with the help of the Super Hidden App, Cheng Yiping's help will definitely find the killer.

Obviously, Wang Yuting of the six major cases did not notice the secret confrontation between Cheng Yiping and Zhao Weiquan.

With the light shining in his eyes, he looked up at Cheng Yiping and said

In the middle of the night, she called Cheng Yiping to the Jiangzhen Police Station. What was it for?

Impossible, it's just the so-called chatter:

To solve the case

If before, when the Super Hidden App did not spread to the entire Mercury Star, I was still skeptical about the ability of Yiping to find and find people.

Still surprised by the devotion of the super finder app:

But now when the backup system of the entire Super Hidden App has spread to the entire Aqua Blue Star.

Wang Yuting has great trust in the super finder app

Like other Blue Star police officers, perhaps the killers found by the Super Hidden App cannot be directly evidenced:

But it can shorten their search direction, and now in the case of a hot hand, Wang Yuting and others have no idea what happened to the killer.

They desperately need to know the truth

"Okay, okay, I said, boss, calling me deeper in the middle of the night and there was a case, just once, is there any tricky case? What prisoner do you want to catch, or what evidence do you want to find?

Cheng Yiping immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope, pretended to yawn, and asked.

"This time is not for you to find anything, but for you to find someone to find the killer. You see this is this case, very strange ..."

Wang Yuting's eyes brightened, she took the file from one side and handed it to Cheng Yiping.

At the same time, the LCD screen in the six groups of serious cases was opened, showing the main characters of the case.

"This is a case that occurred in Bingka, Beizhou. It was also responsible for two criminal policemen, Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Binka. From the file of this case, we know that two cases occurred during the test in Binka. Suicide case, this case is quite weird "

"Although one of the wonderful young girls died by suicide, the internal organs in his body were completely burnt. According to forensic testing, the degree of burning is like burning the intestines."

"And the other, who did not commit suicide, died after the hospital's rescue was ineffective. The forensic doctor who had opened his stomach identified that his internal organs were completely frozen, and became frozen into ice. This is fundamental. Impossible and totally incredible "

How is this going?

The internal organs of a woman are burned, but the other is frozen and killed by ice?

Is there anything wrong?

Are you reading any horror novel?

"It's true or false, Wang Yuting, don't you think you'll be fine at night and say a reason to come and tease me?"

Cheng Yiping's mouth opened wide, and he looked through the dossiers on his hand and the details of the case marked on the LCD TV screen. He really couldn't believe it. It was too far-fetched.

"When we received this case from the beginning, we really felt very strange and incredible, but this is true. I hope you can believe it."


I certainly believe:

Don't say that human internal organs are burned and frozen.

Now even if you say that there are aliens, I definitely believe it.

Cheng Yiping's mouth widened, oh yeah, if his mouth is changed in normal times, maybe Cheng Yiping would not really believe such a mysterious thing:

But since I have the Super Hidden Object app, I have encountered so-called gods and so-called new gods in this demon zone.

Cheng Yiping collapsed completely on atheism

Just kidding.

This year, even the super-hunting app is so magical and against the sky.

Even gods and new gods have come out. What else is impossible?

Even if it is too incredible, as long as some fantasy things are involved in the Super Hidden App, the immortals may happen.

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