Super Finding App

Chapter 1227: Daily Object Search (1)

The white van was driving within the bumpy mountain road, and the people in the car were constantly ups and downs due to the bumps.

"This mountain road is really difficult to walk. Can't we repair this road a bit? It hurts to rest my buttocks. I knew it would be better to be in the original mine of Yushi Street, Nanyu City. It ’s good to buy some raw materials in the wholesale market, so there is no need to suffer such a crime. ”

A slightly thin-faced man fluctuated with the bumps of the car. He touched his buttocks and said with gritted teeth.

"Lady, at first glance you haven't had any hardships. What's this way? When I first came out to do business for quite a few years, in order to save money, I went to the original mine to buy the original mine. There were no cars at that time, But it took me three or four hours to go back and forth, and it took almost a day. Now it's so good to be able to have a car, lad, don't be afraid to suffer if you want to make money. "

Another chubby business owner smiled huh, and seemed to be indifferent to the impact of the bumpy van.

"Please, please, uncle, what age is it now, you still say this, you were in difficult conditions at the time, but now it is not, now it is a new era, the brain should be more flexible, and still think that suffering is the same as before Can make money, how is this possible? "

"If I say your boss won't do anything, he can fix this road. Don't he know? Taking customers into the mining area and enjoying the process is also a service process. We come easily, see easily, and buy their raw materials naturally. It's easy "

Skinny man scoffs

"Sorry, sorry, don't be noisy. This road is actually just repaired, but there are a lot of vehicles passing by every day. Some trucks are carrying ore. If you squeeze it for a long time, the road is naturally easy to break, but It will take 15 minutes to reach the mining area. Please rest assured that you will be able to buy suitable raw ore ... "

The **** of the man named Xiaozhou was slightly suspended, and his body was shaking up and down with the ups and downs of the van.

But he didn't fall down in any way. It seemed that he had adapted quite well.

"Oh, this gentleman is good. It seems to be a hard-working person. The average person has already been ridiculed in this way ..."

After 15 minutes of driving, the van stopped at the gate of a mining area.

Just opened the door, and the guests sitting inside jumped out and vomited, and the bumps along the way almost made their bile vomit.

The man in a suit and a briefcase turned around and watched Cheng Yiping walk down from the van with his eyes light.

Can this bump be counted?

Perhaps this bump is really uncomfortable for ordinary people.

But don't forget, Cheng Yiping has studied martial arts with the help of finding objects, Tai Chi, Jeet Kune Do, and balance is quite good.

Although it is said that after exiting from the object-seeking help consciousness space, the skills will decrease after learning, but the warrior consciousness still exists.

"Where, I'm just a little better balanced"

Cheng Yiping shook his head and said, turning to look at this mining area.

This mining area is unusually large. The fence on both sides is just a simple white fence. A gust of wind blows and can lift dust ...

In this mining area, there can be seen scattered white simple houses, and there are many trucks, which are constantly busy inside.

"Please, please, please hurry inside, everyone, just the latest batch of ore has come out, we have packed it up, and then you only need to submit a bid."

The man named Xiao Zhou, with a bright smile, will welcome him in as an equal

Cheng Yiping was the first time to come to this raw ore area to buy raw ore, and everything felt very fresh.

Walked to a house in front of a row of iron fences.

I saw workers launching a large number of raw ore in different categories, each of which was packed together and divided into dozens of groups.

"Welcome everyone, welcome to the mine, please rest assured that all of these ore are excavated from the latest. Of course, if you want high-quality ore that has been identified, there are also on the side, and some The ore is mainly determined after screening, and you can bid. "

Xiao Zhou's uncle is a man with a beard.

Perhaps because of the dusty and simple atmosphere on the face of the mine for a long time.

So it is


Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed, and he nodded, touching his chin, and understood.

No businessman is an idiot

Businessmen are profit-seeking

The bosses in this mining area have already put the high-quality ore mined aside for a long time, and the prices naturally vary.

And what needs to be invested right now is the ore that belongs to it, or some raw ore that even the boss himself cannot determine.

These raw ore are not calcite, and the quality after being decomposed may be high or low.

Therefore, they are packaged and mixed together, and the bids are made by the merchants.

To put it plainly, this can also be considered a gamble

A gambling stone

But the formation of this gambling stone does have its own natural reasons

After all, jade is definitely a huge profit, so many people do it.

But each time there is so much raw ore produced, and in the face of too many wolves, in order to prevent anyone from sinning, in addition to the high-quality ore that has been identified, the rest of the ore will be This form of bidding is used for bidding.

The highest bidder wins, and the loser will only transfer the resentment to the buyer without any dissatisfaction with the miner.

He just provides raw ore

This is definitely money and stimulus for the owner who bought the raw ore

Cheng Yiping nodded his head and touched his chin, and suddenly there was a hint of interest.

If it is said that in the street of Yushi, Nanyu City, it is the guests who spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy one or two pieces of raw ore for fun.

Well, it is definitely a gamble in this mining area. If the bet wins, the bet is full, if the bet is lost, as long as it is not too bad luck, you can make money, but you can make less.

It is also the case that every time there is output in the mining area, people will rush to it.

"Okay, okay, boss, don't say we all know these processes, let's get started, get started ..."

The boss in a suit and a big belly with a briefcase shouted immediately, he couldn't wait for some

"Not in a hurry, wait for someone to come together"

The boss of the mining area showed a thick smile, but what he said made Cheng Yiping raise an eyebrow.

Not yet here?

What does it mean?

Is it not just a van that is bidding in this mine?

Not just five people?

Anyone else?

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