Super Finding App

Chapter 1231: Crisis (1)

There is a way to eat from a mountain to a mountain, to drink from a mountain, a dragon to a dragon, a rat to a rat!

Although it is said that the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty is a country under the rule of law, it is inevitable that there are still dark laws in the dark corners out of the sun.

The Jade Gang is the gang born in Yushi Street, Nanyu City.

Facing the huge profits of jade, the gangsters and gangsters gathered together for profit.

For some large stores that open jade, they naturally have no way. For stores with back-offices, not only will they not charge any protection fees, but they will stubbornly try to maintain them to seek protection.

But after all, most people are just ordinary people. In the face of people who have no background, they will use some means to force them to protect them or make their business impossible.

Although many people have reported the alarm at the beginning, it is a pity that even after the alarm, the police can only inquire and take it to the police station to be held in custody. If there is no cause of death or death, it will be the most. detention.

Once detained, these local gangsters will get worse after they are mixed out. Maybe they wo n’t beat people, but they will make the business yellow. Over time, the business will be yellow. What the owners of these stores can think of That is to break the fortunes.

It is precisely this idea that made jade help grow little by little in the jade street of Nanyu City.

But people's desires are infinite, and people's desires are greedy. One hundred is 1,000, and one thousand is 10,000.

Especially the gangsters are more greedy than ordinary people. How can they only meet a small amount of protection fees, facing the huge profits of jade, they gradually formed a monopoly.

Jade gangsters used these various methods to completely monopolize the channel between raw ore and jade street in Nanyu City.

The raw ore in all mining areas can only be sold to them, and then resold to the wholesale merchants in Yushi Street, Nanyu City. They can earn the difference, and it can be said that they make a lot of money.

Of course, this huge benefit and huge profit also attracted the attention of many greedy people. Fortunately, the boss of the Jade Gang is very flexible. He knows that he can definitely earn too much profit with his little ability. People are jealous, so he seeks protection

So here, a protection area and a protection circle belonging to the jade gang were formed in the jade street of Nanyu City.

"Very good, then continue to stare at me, what can be the owner of the ore? I just want to tell everyone in the jade street of Nanyu City that no one dare to accept the original ore except our jade gang. , Even if it is opened, it ca n’t be sold. In the end, it can only be sold to us. ”

"Yes, yes, the boss is right, the boss is really a talented man, it is because of the boss that our life can become so good."

"Now we can also drive a good car, live in a luxury house, and make a beautiful woman. Compared with our previous life, it is just like a world."

The little-mouthed monkey cheek nodded and said,

"That's for sure, and I don't want to think about who he is."

"Okay, that's enough, don't shoot anymore. You have to know what time it is now. It's no longer the time of the machete. What is the current era?"

"It depends on the mind. Whoever can make money can be the boss, just like the officials who help us. If we don't give them great benefits and feed them, who will help us, anyway. I pay close attention, do I not want to have any problems? "

The boss of the Jade Gang sneered.

He knew very well that all the jades in the jade street wholesale market in Nanyu City were monopolized by him, and that it was simply impossible for others to have no opinions.

It's just that they have been suppressed one by one.

If one person rebels, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, no matter for the so-called face or the so-called benefits, the boss of the Jade Gang will never allow anyone to dare to resist himself, and he must take down this unyielding miner!

"Boss, boss is bad, boss, boss is bad

Suddenly, I saw a younger boy outside running over, with a flustered look on his face.

"What's going on, so panic, why? Is anyone daring to make trouble? If anyone really dares to make trouble, call me and let them know who is in this jade street where Nanyu is Dare to oppose our boss? "

The little brother with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek immediately drank in front of the boss.

The little brother who ran over was panting loudly, the sweat on his forehead flowed, swallowed a bit of saliva, and carefully looked at the jade gang's Zhoulao Avenue

"Boss, boss is not. Boss, haven't you kept us paying attention to the boss who refused to give in? We have seen it now, and we found that the boss of this mine has bypassed our street in Yushi, Nanyu City , Found a supplier directly in Yushi Street, Nanyu City, and is now buying mine in his mining area. "

"What? What did you say directly bypassed our direct contact with the owner of the original ore and went directly to the mine to buy mine? What you said is true."

The boss of the jade gang in the jade street of Nanyu City stood up instantly, his face changed.

He knew exactly what the young man was talking about.

"Really, really, Boss, me, where do I dare to joke with the boss about this matter, but what I said is true, I have specially sent someone to follow it, indeed there should be a dozen now I have already come to the ore area to buy raw ore "

The younger brother who was dispatched as a follower swallowed droolingly

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it's really interesting, I really didn't expect that there are really people who are not afraid of death in this world, and even dared to bypass us and go directly to the mining area to buy mines. Very good, this is really Not afraid of death"

The boss of the Jade Gang became more dignified and unsightly, gritted his teeth.

He knows that this is an extremely bad phenomenon. If the boss of this rebellious mining area is really successful, I am afraid that other mining area bosses will be unconvinced at first glance.

After all, no one wants their money to be unreasonably divided.

"What's the boss to do? This is too arrogant, even dare to bypass our jade gang to buy raw ore directly, this is simply death!"

"Boss, such things must not be tolerated, otherwise who will listen to our jade gang in the future?"

"Calm down, calm down, it's never a big deal to fight and kill. Indeed, he can find other bosses to go directly to the original ore to buy ore. It is really amazing, but he forgot one thing. Only if it can be shipped out, if it cannot be shipped out, then it will only be a pile of broken stones. "

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