Super Finding App

Chapter 1249: Royal Palace (1)

Kingdom of Tang Dynasty. Imperial palace

The Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty is exceptionally large, gorgeously decorated and majestic.

The whole palace is divided into outer palace and inner palace.

The outer palace is also regarded as a tourist destination, for many people to enter the outer layer of the palace to play.

Feeling the royal style, the inner palace is the place where the royal family of the Tang Dynasty lived. The pavilions, small bridges and flowing water are not the most luxurious, but they have a strong charm and charm of the Tang Dynasty.

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty Tang Xuanyu, wearing a graceful and luxurious Han suit, sat directly under the willow tree, comforting Guqin.

The faint sound of the piano spread out from the jade fingers, like a classic beauty coming out of the painting.

"His second princess, your second princess ... Mr. Smith is here, Mr. Smith is here ..."

The secretary in a professional suit and gold glasses hurried over, with a look of panic on his face.

Tang Xuanyu's original leisurely movement of the Guqin stopped abruptly. Music like a stream of peers stopped suddenly. With a deep sound, a string on the Guqin broke completely.

"Smith, why did he come here again? Didn't I tell you? I don't want to meet him"

Tang Xuanyu rubbed her temples with a headache.

For others, many people are very envious of the identity of his royal queen daughter, but who can know this identity is accompanied by the responsibility of this identity.

It is doomed that she cannot go to school like ordinary people and make friends, but some people who appear around her have various purposes.

Not because how much she likes her, but because she is the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu!

"I also know, but this is His Royal Highness the Second Princess, His Royal Highness brought him personally. Mr. Smith is talking and laughing with the King, and is walking towards this garden."

The woman in a professional suit screamed

"My elder brother is really, do you just want to marry your younger sister like that? Or do you want to gain benefits?"

Tang Xuanyu stood up from the ground, showing his graceful figure. Although he was unusually dissatisfied, he knew that Smith was the son of the Rice University Consortium, with some political factors. If it was not properly explained, it might cause it. Disputes between the two countries.

This is ugly politics. Even if the two secretly hate each other's teeth, but still keep a bright smile on the bright side. Outsiders seem to think how good the relationship is, but they are just misgivings.

"Understand, you can lead them to the study, right, optimistic about Miss Three, don't let her run around again, I don't want Miss Three to make any messes again ..."

Tang Xuanyu said, thinking of his three sister Tang Xuanxue taking a deep breath and instructing

"Yes, my second princess, I know. Now the third princess has become a lot more clever since she came back from the outside, and she has become a lot more sensible than before."

"That's for sure. I've drifted outside for so long, walking around with an inexplicable person. It's ridiculous if you don't have a long experience yet."

"But my sister is still thinking about going back to Cheng Yiping. Really, doesn't she know that? Calling someone else to call him father, our father emperor heard quite uncomfortable."

"Moreover, what's so good about Cheng Yiping, it's just an ordinary person, and the work is just security. Doudou walks around with him. Why can't Doudou forget this? There is something I can't understand."

Tang Xuanyu has been puzzled until now. According to the information she has collected, Cheng Yiping is not very good for her sister Tang Xuanxue to eat and live well. She even followed his sister to follow him. Going into the rain, I was in danger several times, and it was totally heaven and earth to follow the palace.

But why is his sister Tang Xuanxue not forgetting Cheng Yiping?

It's so strange.

Wearing a professional suit, the assistant with glasses opened his mouth and shook his head.

As a topic between the royal sisters, she was consciously not involved.

Although she would like to tell Her Royal Highness Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, the main points of her third princess Doudou are caring and like, but not simply by eating and drinking ...

Coughing twice, shifting the topic wisely

"His second princess, now Smith is about to arrive in the study. His Royal Highness is receiving him. I hope you can come and I don't know you ..."

"Go, go, of course. Although I'm not interested in politics, but after all, he represents the Rice Consortium. Political communication is still needed. It's too much trouble."

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu, stood up unhappyly, showing her graceful figure, her hot figure glowed even when her assistant looked aside.

"Speaking of Cheng Yiping, His Royal Highness Princess II has been arranging people to follow Cheng Yiping. It seems that he has encountered some trouble in Nanyu City ... he has conflicted with others ..."

"Oh, what is the conflict between Cheng Yiping and others? What is it about? Is he arrogant? Is it because he and Tang Xuanxue know each other, so he is a fake tiger?"

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, asked her beautiful frown.

This kind of thing has been accustomed to her for a long time. There are many people who basically can't hit her with eight poles. As long as they have a little relationship, they can climb up and cheat.

Is it true that Cheng Yiping is the same person?

"No, it's not His Royal Highness Princess Two. One bottle doesn't bear the sign of Three Princess Lin.

It's just his conflict with people.

One person clashed with more than 20 people.

The assistant wearing glasses looked strangely weird, thinking of the news he received, he felt very strange.

I have a feeling of heaven and earth


A person conflicted with more than twenty people?

Is he fully fed?

It seems to be badly beaten.

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty Tang Xuanyu opened her mouth, shook her head, and didn't think much.

The voice just fell, but we saw the strange look of the assistant wearing glasses

"His Royal Highness Princess on the second floor, you are wrong. Cheng Yiping is indeed suitable for more than 20 people in conflict.

"What, you're kidding more than 20 people down to the ground, are you kidding me? Is he superman?"

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty Tang Xuanyu was stunned, her mouth widened.

No kidding!

"Although Her Royal Highness Princess No. 2 is unbelievable, it is indeed true, and according to the news we have received, these twenty or so are the monopoly of Nanyu and the raw ore of jade."

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