Super Finding App

Chapter 1256: Succession (2)

Cheng Yiping nodded, her heart warmed, and thinking of Zhang Xiaona holding her mobile phone and waiting for her phone call really did not fit her personality.

It seems that even the most powerful woman, in the final analysis, still hopes to be loved by the man and the little woman who the boyfriend cares about.

"I see. If I travel later, I will report to her every day."

Time passed slowly between Cheng Yiping and Zhou Hui talking about each other.


The door of the meeting room was opened with a click, and Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectual charm, and an old man dressed in a sun suit, apparently came out with a cultural flavor.

Behind him is Zhang Xiaona's team and several celebrities, each with an excitement and a decadent look on his face.

It seems that staying up late for a meeting is not an easy task for everyone.

"I'll leave it to you after that ..."

"Please rest assured that I will make this show well, so that everyone can understand what the show is and the true charm of the men's team."

"That ’s good, that ’s good, but I ’ve seen your performances, and the ratings are still very high. I believe that with our cooperation this time, this time Taiwan ’s Qingqing, which is co-operated by Jiangzhen Television, will be successful. A win-win situation! "

"Yes, that's right, it's a matter of mutual benefit for you and me. Your TV station in Jiangzhen can increase the ratings. Our men's group can increase popularity and win-win!"

Apparently, the head of Zhou didn't answer this question for the first time. When speaking in a set, Zhang Xiaona nodded, and talked to each other before leaving.

Turned around and saw Cheng Yiping sitting aside, a happy heart, a bright smile, this smile is even brighter than the sun.

The men's group Zhou Zhouchang waited for a moment to see Zhang Xiaona's bright smile, and then sat aside, stood up and slammed her head and laughed.

"I understand that Miss Zhang Zhang doesn't have to send me, it doesn't need to send me, we just set it, and I'll come to talk with you tomorrow"

"I will not give it away that week."

Zhang Xiaona's face turned slightly red, and she nodded and said.

If it was normal, she would definitely send the head of Zhou all the way to the entrance of Jiangzhen TV Station.

But today he did not, watching the leader Zhou take the men's team members and assistants away, Zhang Xiaona came over, picking at the corner of her mouth, and slightly smiling.

This smile is full of intellectual charm, as if a blooming flower, can not help but intoxicate.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Xiaona had a hint of coyness and dissatisfaction in her tone.

"I went to Nanyu City to buy raw jade ore, and now I have bought it back. Of course, I came to see my girlfriend the first time. How about, stay up late and I'm hungry now, I bought takeaway for you here. , Rest assured, everyone has it "

Cheng Yiping touched his nose and pointed to the takeaway on the table.

The other people in the office ate cheers as soon as they heard about it.

Do n’t eat white, and they are really hungry.

"Thank you, thank you ..."

Zhang Xiaona looked at her colleague who was buying after a takeaway

"Did you buy you a takeaway meal?"

"Don't say that, Sister Zhang, this is Cheng Yiping's intentions. How can we live up to it?"

"Yes, that's right, and we have stained you with Sister Zhang. If Sister Zhang is not here, I think Cheng Yiping will definitely not buy food for us to eat."

"Yes, yes, we are stained with Sister Zhang's light, oh, let's go, let's go, I heard that it would be unlucky to make a light bulb"

"Yes, yes, we don't make light bulbs, we don't make light bulbs"

"Sister Zhang, we will go first ..."

Colleagues in the office teased Zhang Xiaona, laughing while holding a takeaway.

Only Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona are left in the room. "

"Your colleague is really lively"

Cheng Yiping touched his nose and found nothing to say

"Well, wait for me again, I will be off in a while"

"OK, no problem."

Chengping nodded.

"Director, the director is unfair and unfair. This is really unfair. Why should you give this Xiaoqing event to Zhang Xiaona? This is really unfair. People must also do it."

"This time the Taiwan Festival program should be left to others to do, but I specially researched the materials for the celebration."

In the deputy director's office of Jiangzhen City TV Station, he was wearing professional uniforms, full of jade rabbits, and his slender long legs were crystal clear and fascinating. The tall beautiful woman was almost paralyzed by the deputy director's affairs. Milky voice said arrogantly, the beautiful eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"My baby, this is not that I do n’t give it to you, but that you think about how important this time the celebration of Jiangzhen City is. There are so many people in the celebration party. In addition to the host, The most important thing is the planning of this party. Zhang Xiaona's ability is obvious to everyone. Basically, the projects she handles have been very well received. It is foolproof to hand over such things to Zhang Xiaona. As for you, I can Wouldn't it be equally possible for you to be assigned a moderator? "

"Do n’t, do n’t, I do n’t want to, the host ’s identity is really good, but the host is not the only one, and if I can plan the celebration, it is vital for my development in the stage , The director gave me the plan, and gave me the plan, the director. "

The tall woman wearing **** clothes in front of her looks like a stunner, is a well-known beauty host Jiang Wenxin.

Jiang Wenxin is very confident. Since elementary school, she knows that she is very beautiful. She is also very good at using her advantages in school.

I learned how to dress up at a young age and use my strengths to the extreme.

Jiang Wenxin also has special methods, and she is very skillful among men. Although she has also encountered some entanglements, she was finally settled by her.

Even when she entered the TV station in Jiangzhen City, she became a famous host from a small housework, which shows that she has a strong wrist.

Of course, she also paid some necessary prices in this, otherwise how can she become a famous host.

For Jiang Wenxin, the most jealous of her in the TV station in Jiangzhen is Zhang Xiaona, who is full of knowledge.

Zhang Xiaona always walked in front of him, and even felt that Jiang Wenxin found herself pressed by Zhang Xiaona.

However, she found that Zhang Xiaona's ability was very strong, she was beautiful, tall, and full of intellectual charm.

It can be said that it is a unique beauty.

However, this Xiaona does not seem to take advantage of her natural advantages. No matter whether it is up to the deputy director or some directors in Taichung secretly sending Qiu Bo, Zhang Xiaona all refused to leave the door.

Only to work honestly, and this also gave Jiang Wenxin a chance to take office.

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