Super Finding App

Chapter 1259: Decorate

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang, this is really irritating. It is simply impossible. The funds given to us have made it very urgent for us to organize this year's celebration. Now we need to hire another front line. How could this be the superstar coming? "

"Which of these front-line stars' appearance fees do not reach several million or even tens of millions. How can our cost for this point please get a big star? Is this simply an intentional embarrassment?"

Zhang Xiaona, who returned to the TV station's office, called a group member to convey the meaning of the deputy director.

Zhou Hui shouted for the first time, angry.

Many other group members also discussed one by one

"It is true. Although we are TV stations and have little contact with the entertainment industry, after all, we have resources. Not to mention the first-tier stars, even if they are second-tier stars, we can't find it right?"

"What the **** is going on here? This is intentional, if I say it is definitely the intention of the Deputy Director, it must be intentional."

"This is definitely intentional, and it is impossible for the Deputy Director to know the price of the stars in the entertainment industry today. How can we invite front-line stars without additional funding? This is too ridiculous, it is just forcing Did Sister Zhang resign? "

"No, no, I have to go to the director to complain. It is ridiculous to do so. It is simply unreasonable."

"Calm down, calm down, everyone is calm down. Now that things have happened, it ’s useless for you to say too much. After all, for us now the order of the deputy director must be executed. Since the deputy director can issue such Order, that is enough to show that he has entered into communication with the above, we have no chance to resist, now think about which stars can be invited, right? We have to stay up late tonight "

Intellectual Zhang Xiaona sighed quietly.

She is not the kind of person who will cry and cry when something goes wrong.

It is the kind that once the situation is out, the more difficult Zhang Xiaona's fighting spirit will be, the higher it will be.

"It ’s true that there is a lot of appearance fees for frontline stars, but this does not mean that all stars can only be invited with appearance fees. We can find some who have problems and see if they can be invited in a cooperative manner. Today Everyone gets busy at night "

Intellectual Zhang Xiaona patted her palm and said.

The members of the same group nodded at a glance, and they were busy.

Although everyone is very clear, it is quite difficult to invite the stars of the Tang Dynasty to invite them.

After all, Jiangzhen is a third-tier city, and there is not much funding in Taichung, but even if there is only first-line hope, Zhang Xiaona and others have to give it a try.

This busy day is all night.

The morning sun shone down.

Cheng Yiping yawned and came to the antique street of Jiangzhen City.

In fact, it is an antique street, but compared with the antique street in Nanyu City, it is simply a world.

The antique street in Jiangzhen City is plain, it is just a side street, and it can be strolled from end to end after only five minutes of strolling

The shops on both sides can be seen clearly. Some of the shops sell things that look like they have some years, but those who know it are very clear. The things inside are 100% fake, and the authenticity is quite small. .

Even so, the reason why this antique street in Jiangzhen City has been able to open till now is that every weekend, a large number of individual visitors and individuals come here, set up stalls, and gather a lot of popularity. It is true that It is not open for three years, and three years after opening is the reason.

Cheng Yiping came to his storefront, holding a document in his hand.

Looking up at the store, this store has been decorated for a long time and everything is in order.

"Sure enough, it is rich and easy to handle. If it was me, it would take a lot of time just to find a store. In addition to finding workers, looking for a decoration company and design drawings, it was like a busy head. , But now it ’s completely different with money, and with the help of a lawyer, the legal procedures for finding the facade can be completed quickly. The decoration companies invited by this decoration store are also acquaintances. I did n’t expect that in just a few days, now It ’s been decorated, it ’s really fast enough ”

No wonder now that there are always people who are richer the poorer the poorer.

After all, rich people can make money, and money can indeed solve most of the problems in reality.

Because the jade is sold, the interior decoration of the store is slightly styled.

Mahogany furniture decorates this small cloth store with this antique temperament.

It's just that everything in this store is empty and there are no goods.

"The next thing you need to do is to ship the goods, but I do n’t have the effort to turn all the jade raw ore here into products every day. That ’s not exhausting, but it ’s just as common as other stores. Use of machines to make general pendant sales "

"I'm sculpting good raw materials. I just need to sculpt some. It is said that it will not open for three years and eat for three years. I don't want to be stuck here all the time."

"The jade shop is opened to make money, and to get a job. After all, Zhang Xiaona is right. I ca n’t be permanent even if I help people find the super app. The main thing is if one day If the APP disappears, I still have a way of life. "

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he sighed sighily, this super finder app is very magical, and may even make Cheng Yiping become the so-called new god.

But it is not clear whether it can truly become a new god.

Everyone needs to have a few plans, after all, if something unexpected happens, Cheng Yiping can also have a backup plan without hanging from a tree.

Next, Cheng Yiping made a phone call and sent the jade he bought to a special factory for disassembly. The remaining pieces were taken to the storefront for carving.

On this clear morning, there was no opening ceremony or opening ceremony, and the jade shop opened by Cheng Yiping opened silently.

For the other shop owners in the antique street of Jiangzhen City, they opened a shop silently and no one cared.

After all, this antique street has a lot of shops, but it's closed a lot.

Although there is a saying that the antique shop has not been opened for three years, and it has been open for three years, how many can really persist?

Whoever is serious about just opening a store and doing business will have some other means of making money. Only in this way can you make a lot of money.

Just open a shop? That ’s not starving!

A shop that opens silently like Cheng Yiping, and only sells simple jade, can it be sustained, and who knows.

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