Super Finding App

Chapter 1261: Opening

Cheng Yiping stretched a lazy waist and looked at the jade carving of the twelve Chinese zodiac in front of the crystal clear and some sculpted things in a long, sighing, stretched a lazy waist, the body felt Unusual soreness.

Honestly, fortunately, I have the top-level engraving technology, otherwise the jade works carved by so many things will be engraved for at least a few months.

This shows. How powerful the jade carvings you learned in the Hidden Object Assisting Skills of Super Hidden Object App.


"This super finder app is indeed very powerful. I should be glad that there is a finder help in this super finder app."

“Otherwise, even if I have a super-hunting app, in addition to searching for people, I really do n’t know what I can do.”

After Cheng Yiping thought for a moment, he shook his head funnyly.

I got up and placed the sculpted works one by one in the most conspicuous position. I touched my chin and then took out the price and filled in each price.

Each one between four and five

"The next step is to find some employees, but since I have not been here for a long time, I have to work harder on the selection of employees. At least I must choose one that must be responsible and trustworthy, otherwise I will not be in this shop. , He took all the stuff out of the store and it was funny. "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and said, this is not impossible.

It is said that nothing is impossible in this world, and it is quite possible.

After all, it's unknowing to know people now.

Does the ghost know what the other person thinks?

Seems to be honest, it is not impossible to sell the store as soon as you turn around, you have to choose carefully in this regard.

"Let the matter be handled by a lawyer. At least the lawyer knows how to look at people and can distinguish them clearly. Otherwise, even if my character is deceived, I don't know what's going on."

Although you can use the Super Find App to get people back, but when things are gone, what's the use of finding people? "

After thinking about it, Cheng Yiping who finished it all was washed in the room. After opening the store, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The jade street outside the shop was so cold now that crowds are surging. From time to time, various scattered people are training on the roadside stalls on both sides. The stalls are filled with a variety of antique jade. It looks like there are Something from the ages.

An endless crowd of people crowded and bustled.

"How did I forget, today is Sunday"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, patted his head, and understood the pink color that came out.

Although I want to open a jade shop and invest in a jade shop, I can't even remember the date of Sunday. If I really do business, I'm afraid I will lose my life.

It seems I'm really not the material for business

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile. Since today is a star weekend and there is a lot of traffic, there is no other plan for Cheng Yiping. After opening the store, see how the business is today.

And Chen Yiping was also interested to know if the jade carved by him was really bought by someone.

Although Cheng Yiping is very confident and self-confident in the help of the super-finding app.

But the market is changing fast, how do you know which is true and which is false?

There is a way that has not experienced the test of the market, everything is just a paper tiger.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping was not in a hurry to go, went back inside the store, took a pot of tea and drank.

After all, a store like the Jade Store has a way of not opening for three years, and eating for three years. It is also like waiting for someone to come in to have a business.

Sitting in this storefront, looking at the newly decorated storefront, the scattered jade and carved works become a peace.

Who can think of it, before there is no super-hunting app, don't say that you are running a jade shop, even if you open a small shop is out of reach

I earn so little a month, in addition to my own expenses, plus I am afraid that there is little left in the mortgage, it is even more difficult to open a store.

And it ’s not like it is now, it ’s just a few phone shops and it opens.

The world is always rich. The richer the rich, but the poor are poorer.

Class solidification

Cheng Yiping shook his head in a funny way, suddenly showing a ridiculous look, thinking about how old he was, even thinking about things such as class solidification that the upper class can only think of.

There are some who think too much.

Still think about this jade shop opening on the first day today and it's the weekend. I don't know if anyone came to buy it.

Wang Zihan walked leisurely with two friends in the jade street of Jiangzhen City, his eyes widened, his eyes lightened, and he looked left and right, and the corner of his mouth was slightly full of confidence and youthful vitality.

"Wang Zihan, why do you think of this jade street today? What's so nice about it? If you really want to buy something, it's very simple. Can you buy it from outside stores? What can I buy here? meaning?"

"There is nothing good at all, but I heard that everything in it is fake."

Wang Zihan chuckled

"It's different. The jade I bought in the store is really a good thing, but you also know that my grandpa is going to have an 80th birthday. This time I hope not to buy jade, but some antiques and the like. "Like Grandpa"

"If it really makes Grandpa like it, it's worth it even if you spend a little money."

"It turned out that Grandpa was going to have an 80th birthday, so you can buy it. There are too many fakes in this jade street. If you buy fakes, you will lose more."

"This is not necessarily true. There are indeed many fakes in it, but there are also quite a lot of genuine ones, but the main thing is that there are many fakes here. But if we go to a special store to buy first-rate goods, He didn't dare to fool people with fakes, but that would be quite valuable. "

This is a handsome and handsome man in a pleated suit, wearing an intellectual face and look

"That being the case, in addition to this, I also know some specialized stores, where antique calligraphy and paintings bought and sold are quite good. I can invite you to take a look together when that happens."

The handsome teenager turned his eyes and looked at the youthful Prince Han, and his beautiful eyes shot out with the light of love.

The three walked as they talked, and went straight to the door of Boss Qian's shop. The decoration was gorgeous and crystal clear, and the three eyes went in.

Boss Qian had a kind smile on his face. As a boss, he had cultivated a pair of jealous eyes, and instantly saw that these three young people were definitely rich or expensive.

When making antiques, antiques are very clear that buying antiques is either rich or expensive. For them, as long as they look right, the price is not a problem at all.

Mr. Qian's favorite is such a customer

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