Super Finding App

Chapter 1264: Theft (2)

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, it's so ridiculous, everyone comes to see, this thief is really stubborn. I stole something and found it. Now I dare to slam it down. I say that this jade is your brother. Qian Hongguang's sculpture, without hands and feet, is really the best master of the world. What is your jade carving, is it a kitten or a puppy? It can be carved casually, but it is meticulous. Live, even an ordinary sculptor, you ca n’t sculpt fine works with both hands, and you will fail if you carelessly, and now you say that your brother can sculpt with both feet. This is simply ridiculous. "

Ma second child did not rush to smile.

"I'm telling the truth, I'm telling the truth, give it back to me, give it back to me quickly, this is my jade is my brother's jade, you are the thief, you are the thief! "

Thirteen-year-old Qian Hongming cried loudly, tears streaming down, his face showing an angry look, gritting his teeth and looking at the five big and thick horses in front of him.

If it wasn't for him to know that he really couldn't beat him, he really wanted to bite Ma's second child to death, and tears flowed.

Qian Hongming got up from the ground, patted his clothes carefully, opened his mouth and pounced on the second horse, biting on the second horse's arm, grinning the second child with a grin. Yelled, his hands kept slap on Qian Hongming's body and he wanted to break free.

But no matter how he was beaten, Qian Hongming still bite Ma's second arm firmly, his teeth penetrated deeply into it, and he bit his blood dripping, even if he was swollen with a nasal and swollen face, even when he was beaten up and cried. Never let go.

This is my elder brother's jade, and it must not be taken away, absolutely not!

"Brother, brother, what are you doing? You haven't played with me for a long time. I want to play, do I want to play? Brother ..."

Qian Hongming angrily held a football and stood at the door of his study at his brother.

Due to the long absence of going out, his face has become increasingly pale. At this moment, he is sitting in the workshop, wearing a large magnifying glass on his eyes, and carefully caring about Qian Hongguang, who is carving jade in his hands. With a small jade carving, it seems to be carving something exquisite.

"Wait, wait, brother, older brother is working now, otherwise you go and play for yourself first, brother will be busy with work, I will come to play with you, OK?"

The immature Qian Hongguang raised his head to reveal a bitter smile, carefully followed his brother to persuade him, then lowered his head and sculpted his head again.

"My brother is a bad guy, my brother is a bad guy, my brother is a big liar, and I am really mad at me"

Qian Hongming was so angry that he squinted at the corner of his mouth and patted the football with the palm of his hand, boring in the room and bored, depressed

My elder brother has promised to play with myself many times, but every time my elder brother enters this studio, there will be several hours, even if he ignores himself for a day.

This is really bad, my brother is a liar!

Depressed Qian Hongming slapped the football and sat in the living room of his home with a rump of sorrow. He turned his head and looked at the work room in his brother's room.

As time passed, little by little, after the sunset fell, my brother walked out of the studio. His face was decadent, and his eyes became extremely red.

Qian Hongguang came to a drawer in the room, opened the drawer and took out the eye drops, carefully dripped a few drops into his eyes, and sighed quietly.

Jade is never an easy thing to carve, especially jade carving, which takes into account eyesight and carving skills. Sometimes once inspiration comes, it needs to be done in one go, otherwise the effect of jade carving will be greatly reduced once it is broken.

If a piece of jade carving is as fast as two or three days, it is completely possible to drop it for a year or two.

Qian Hongguang knew that he absolutely did not have that time to sculpt one or two years, which was impossible.

"Hurry up, this jade buddha statue can be carved in a day. As long as the carving is completed, you can complete the task of Boss Deng. You can earn a lot of money, your brother's tuition and living expenses this month and The rent is there ... "

Qian Hongming dropped a few drops of eye drops and blinked his red and dry eyes, which only eased a little, took a long breath, raised his eyes, and saw the brother holding the ball, exhaling. Look at yourself.

"Sorry, sorry, brother, brother is busy with work, and some are over, so let's go, brother will accompany you now, OK?"

"No, no, brother, what time do you watch now? It's dark outside, you still go out to play, brother is really a deceit, and brother, I have starved to death without preparing meals "

Qian Hongming said dissatisfied

"Sorry, brother is preparing now, brother is preparing now"

When Qian Hongming heard this, he shot his head. He was too busy with his work.

Quickly opened the refrigerator. There is no more food in the refrigerator. The only thing you can find is two instant noodles. Take it out to your brother.

"There is nothing to eat at home, but fortunately there are instant noodles and two ham sausages. Brother will help you soak. Today we will eat instant noodles and pay."

"My brother is a bad guy, my brother is a bad guy, my brother clearly said he would accompany me to play, but he did not accompany me to play, my brother also said that he would invite me out for dinner today, and I would not eat instant noodles, but also instant noodles, My elder brother is really a big bad guy. He is a bad guy who doesn't count. His elder lies, and he is a big liar! "

Qian Hongming's tears burst into tears.

He was very happy today. His elder brother can accompany himself to play, and today he can no longer eat instant noodles, and can go out for a big meal, but he did not expect the end result.

"Sorry, brother, you have to know that my brother can't help it. Recently, this work is busy. The boss wants to be more secure. Rest assured. After the brother is busy with things, he will make good compensation for you, okay? Take a good rest at home or read a book "

Qian Hongming's bitter smile disappeared, and he reached out and stroked his brother's head to persuade him.

"No, no, I want mom, I want mom, I want mom"

It's okay not to touch it. At the touch of Qian Hongming, he cried directly, and the crying voice was shaking, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, and his legs were stroking.

With Qian Hongming's constant crying, Qian Hongguang, who had been patiently persuaded, became increasingly ugly, dizzy, and slammed in front of Qian Hongguang who was screaming and screaming. On his face, scolded

"Enough, brother, be more sensible. Do n’t you understand me? Do n’t you understand me now? Only two of us are dead. Mom and Dad have died. Only we are two of you. Ca n’t you be more sensible?”

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