Super Finding App

Chapter 1267: Memories (2)

"What's going on? What's going on? What the **** happened? ..."

Qian Hongguang, who was sleeping in bed, suddenly woke up from the bed because of the loud sound in the room, with a startled expression on his face.

Turning his head to look at his brother on the side of the bed without any trace.

Is it ...

An ominous foreboding filled Qian Hongguang's mind.

Qian Hongguang stood quietly between the studios, his face pale and bloodless. In the small working room in front of him, the lamp was shining.

The jade Buddha statue of Maitreya Buddha, which had originally taken him a few days, was even sculpted after staying up late.

The Buddha's head dropped to the ground and gave him a thick smile.

Aside from his brother's hand holding his hammer and gnashing his teeth, he saw his brother scream. The hammer fell to the ground with a flustered look on his face.

"Why? Why? Why, why do you do this? Don't you know? This jade, but it took your brother and you three whole days to stay up late to be able to sculpt, and this is the goods that boss Deng said he wanted, You smashed it, you killed him, Qin Hongming, what exactly do you want to do? What are you doing? "

Qian Hongguang screamed almost hysterically, unable to believe everything he saw.

He just slept for less than an hour, and his younger brother even smashed the jade of the Buddha, which he worked so hard, into pieces directly.

what is this?

Why is this happening?

He really couldn't understand.

Don't you know that my brother did all this for you?

Is my brother doing all this to support his family?

Why on earth?

Why did you do this?

Faced with the loud shouting of his brother Qian Hongguang, Qian Hongming's face became more and more groaned, his teeth screamed.

"I did it on purpose, I did it on purpose, it was all the faults of these jade carvings, all the faults of these jade carvings. Without these jade carvings, you can accompany me, and you will be able to accompany me to dinner You will be able to play with me, and you will be able to pick up and drop off. I go to and from school, all these jade carving faults. "

"Shut up, shut up, what are you talking about blindly? Do you know what you are talking about? Without these jade carvings, and without the jade carving skills, what do we eat and drink, don't you know? ? "

"My brother did it all for you, and my brother did it all for you."

Qian Hongguang really couldn't understand. He grabbed his brother Qian Hongming's arm with both hands and kept swinging, almost screaming hysterically.

"No, no, no, no, you are not for me, you are for yourself, you are for yourself"

"Did you know? Do you know that if I go out to play today, I already told my classmates!"

Qian Hongmingwa cried loudly, tears streaming down.

"Classmates in the class, everyone has their own parents to play, and every classmate has parents to pick up and drop off when they go to and from school, that is, I have only one person, that is, I have only one, do you know in the class At that time, everyone called me an orphan, everyone called me a child without parental pain, and everyone said I was a wild child. "

Qian Hongming screamed in a hysterical manner, tears streaming down, sobbing while talking

"I told my classmates today that I have an older brother, and I have an elder brother who is the best and best for me, elder brother. Today, I have an appointment with my classmates to go out and play together. I want to take my brother away with you, But brother, you lied to me again, you lied to me, you lied to me, you promised me, you want to go out with me today, you promised me, you want to accompany me today, but you are still here Carving jade here, you don't care about me at all, you don't care about me at all, not to mention it is for me, you are all for yourself, you are all for yourself "

"No, no, my brother is not. Today is a special situation. Today is a special situation. You have to understand the elder brother, you have to understand the elder brother."

Bringing a child is never an easy task. How difficult can it be for ordinary people to bring a child?

Isn't that just one more bowl and one more pair of chopsticks?

But in fact a single mother with a child is extremely difficult, not to mention that now a Qin Hongguang with a brother, no one can understand the difficulties.

He was a father, a mother, and an elder brother, supporting his younger brother Qian Hongming with **** and urine, but he was only a man after all.

Qian Hongguang really didn't know that his brother would be said to be like this in the school, tears flowed, and he stepped forward and hugged his brother, crying loudly.

"Brother, brother, my brother knows you are wronged, and my brother knows that I shouldn't lie to you. My brother knows that I really should go shopping with you today, and promise you that things must be done, but you must also trust your brother."

"We are only two of us now. We can only support each other and live in this world. We have to eat, we have to wear, and you have to pay for school. All this requires money. Can you understand my brother?"

People have said that there is no money in this world to solve what is not, and problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

But for most ordinary people and ordinary people, the biggest problem is that they have no money.

Qian Hongguang didn't want to pick up his brother and go to school every day like everyone else.

Why don't you want to travel with your brother like other families.

Why don't you want to go shopping with your brother to eat and cultivate your feelings.

But he really couldn't do it. The burden of the family was all on him, and he had to feed the family.

He is going to school for his brother.

He wants to pay the rent, is it really impossible to send his brother to the orphanage?

He was really reluctant.

"Brother ... Brother ... Brother ..."

Qian Hongming burst into tears, tears streaming down.

As a teenager, he did not understand the hardships of this world.

He didn't know what the adult was responsible for.

The child's heart is fragile and sensitive. He just wants to get the attention of his brother, but he doesn't know what kind of blow his family will bring to this family.

"Give it back, give it back to me, this jade is mine, this jade pendant was carved by my brother, and returned to me ..."

Shao Hongming bit his horse's arm tightly, and his eyes were bloodshot. He knew that the jade of this jade that was snatched by Ma's second child seemed to be just a small jade, but for That would be more important than life for my brother.

The older brother protected himself, but now it is his turn to protect the older brother.

Even if the head is bleeding!

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