Super Finding App

Chapter 1269: Ma second child (two)

Ma's second child can also be regarded as a little famous figure in the street of Yushi in Jiangzhen City.

A master of sculpting has also studied jade carving for a while, but he always thinks that jade carving is too time consuming, and whether the carved works can be bought by others, it is another saying.

After doing it for a period of time, I hated it, and started to stir up antiques and jade sales in the street of Jade in Jiangzhen City.

With the people in the street of Jade in Jiangzhen City, he could make a lot of money.

But Ma has a great hobby, that is gambling.

In particular, he is addicted to gambling, even if he earns even more money, it is definitely not enough for him to gamble.

In recent years, almost all the money made in the Yushi Street in Jiangzhen City has been lost, and even the stores that originally had some are completely lost.

Now I can only do odd jobs in the jade street of Jiangzhen City and do some scattered work.

And now it is even more because he lost the gambling grit and was angry with his teeth, but he did n’t have the capital to turn the books, so he found some fragmented jade carved in the past by himself in the home. If today is the weekend, see if he can be in the river. In the town of Yushi, a few innocents were found, and they were sold to earn some money to make copies.

However, Ma's second child has forgotten that due to the rapid development of science and technology, people now receive a lot of information on the Internet, but it is not as easy to flicker as before.

How many people Ma Ma found one after another, but the visitor looked at the tattered jade in his hand, even if he said that the smallpox was falling, but no one bought it, so angry that he gritted his teeth, but There is no way.

"No, no, no, I have to sell, I have to get some money to make a copy, I'm kidding, it's my turn to make a bet after losing such a long bet."

"If I don't hurry up and get some capital to come back, today's luck will be completely dead."

While the second child was walking within a street in Yushi, Jiangzhen City, he gritted his teeth and talked.

"What so-called gambling are all wrong, what so-called gambling are ten gambling and nine deception are simply nonsense. My second child has studied gambling specifically. In this world, all people's luck is balanced. If there is luck, there will be bad luck, and after a long period of bad luck, a person will definitely become lucky. The reason why gambling people must lose every gambling is because after they lose, they have no capital to make a comeback. If they have the capital to continue gambling, they will be lucky after the bad luck has passed. The ratio between bad luck and luck is only half of what they are. Now what I lack is the capital, what I lack is the capital. As long as I have the capital, the former bad luck I've been here so many times, and I can definitely post this time! "

"Capital, capital, what I lack now is just a capital. As long as I have the capital to make a copy of it, I will definitely be able to send it. As long as I have the capital, I will be able to make a copy of it."

Ma's second child is jostling around in the jade street in Jiangzhen City, and he wants to sell his jagged jade, but he can't sell it anymore.

Suddenly his eyes brightened, and he saw a little boy walking into the jade street of Jiangzhen City, with a red rope hanging in his hand. There was a crystal jade pendant on the rope.

good stuff!

good stuff!

This is definitely a good thing!

Although Ma is not doing jade carving now, his eyesight is still there.

It can be seen at a glance that the jade pendant held by the little boy is a good thing. The material of the jade is quite good, and the main thing is that the carving worker is extremely beautifully carved.

"Wait, wait, I remember, I know this little boy, isn't he Qian Hongming's brother Qian Hongming?"

"One happened on the construction site, and Qian Hongguang, who was almost amputated with both hands, was almost two hands."

Ma's second eye suddenly flashed, revealing a gloomy smile.

What kind of person is best to bully in this world?

Of course, fatherless orphans!

Orphaned children, like those who are ineffective every day, are best bullied.

What if you are bullied?

They could not find anyone to come to justice.

In front of this money Hong Ming is the best candidate.

Ma's second child snorted quietly, and walked behind Qian Hongming calmly, followed him tightly ...

Looking at Qian Hongming looking around, he looked tangled.

It looks like he is like himself, but also hopes to find people who can buy this jade in the street of Jade in Jiangzhen City

"Even if you are out of luck today, your elder brother Qian Hongguang can be regarded as my oldest brother. Now that my oldest brother has a problem, of course, the younger brother must of course be subsidized. Please rest assured that when my second child makes money Back to you "

With fierce light in Ma's second eye, the first two steps immediately knocked down Qian Hongming and grabbed the jade from his hand, and turned away quickly.

Suddenly, both legs were hugged.

Looking down, I saw Qian Hongming clenching his legs tightly and shouting loudly

"Give me back, robbers, robbers, you are a robber, give me back this jade pendant, give me back this jade pendant"

Damn it!


Absolutely not!

So many people here.

If you are surrounded by people and think that I have snatched something, once you call the police, my second wife will be finished in my life.

My second son of Ma also hopes to go to the casino to find a copy, absolutely nothing can happen.

In the eyes of Ma's second child, the light flashed through, kicking Qian Hongming fiercely, and shouting loudly.

"What are you talking about, thief, thief, you, a thief, you have been caught by me now. This jade pendant was carved out by my hard work. You stole my jade pendant. Now you caught me. It's so horrible to dare to hit a rake, be careful, I'll call you and catch you! "

Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

The development of the matter should be that I directly beat the rake and pushed the money Hong Ming directly, and left quickly?

As long as he left here, there was no witness or physical evidence even after Qian Hongming reported to the police.

There is no use at all!

But why?

Why is this happening?

Why am I falling to the ground now?

What exactly is going on?

The second child, Ma, fainted on the ground, was dizzy, with a look of panic on his face, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

I can clearly feel that a young person came over in front of me, took the jade card that he had robbed in his hands, and walked to his side and squatted down.

"Yes, I thought you would be able to wake up at least half an hour later. I didn't expect it to be so fast. It seems that my physical fitness is pretty good."

"Since I'm awake, that's good. I just called the police and it won't be long before the police will come over."

"Rest assured, if this jade pendant is really yours, the police will definitely return it to you, but if it is not yours, I don't know how long you can be sentenced to this robbery?"

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