Super Finding App

Chapter 1272: Yupei (1)

Destiny is like a slut, a juggler, a tortured clown.

Whenever you feel you can break free of fate and master a new future, fate will show you merciless ridicule and knock you to the dust with your backhand.

The world is bright and beautiful, and the most broadcast in news reports on television is the beauty of this world. The beauty of this world, how many people are helpful and contribute to the world. .

But in this beauty is accompanied by darkness that cannot be taken care of by sunlight. These darkness are like shadows and shadows. They are silently hidden in the corners that cannot be illuminated by sunlight. Fall into eternal darkness, unable to struggle.

Sometimes destiny is so helpless, it is so ridiculous, it is such arbitrary playfulness.

People who have the power and even do bad things can want to enjoy peace and prosperity forever, and those who are diligent and only want to make money through their own work have to bear the ruthless trick of fate.

Some people say that this is ruthless and the greatest fairness.

But if this is the so-called fairness, then it is fair.

At the moment, Qian Hongguang did not think about his own destiny, nor did he have any spirit to think whether destiny was unfair to them.

Now he is struggling to carry bricks on the construction site.

In the sky, under the sun, sweating, and a brick making money, it seems not much, but for Qian Hongguang, this is already the only way he can find quick money.

Carving jade is never a simple matter, not to mention that after he smashed the jade carving of Boss Deng into pieces, his reputation has spread among the jade carvings in Jiangzhen City.

Many people originally hoped that Qian Hongguang could help him to change his mind.

After all, a good raw jade ore is very valuable, even if it is not well carved, it can be sold at least, but if it is smashed into fragments, it is a loss.

Even if Mr. Deng can tell Qian Hongguang to write down the IOU, as the family conditions like Qian Hongguang still have a younger brother who can drag the oil bottle, when can he return the account?

In the end, it will only become a dead account. After much reflection, many people looking for Qian Hongguang jade carvings have changed their minds one by one.

Jade carving is an industry that is very famous, and also very famous for a carver. Once the reputation is broken and the reputation is gone, it is definitely not a simple matter to establish it again.

Obviously Boss Deng's lavish touting outside has caused Qian Hongguang's reputation for jade carving to plummet, and it is difficult for him to take over some work.

On the other side is the high debt owed, coupled with the younger brother Qian Hongming's tuition, living expenses and rent, which can be said to be overwhelmed, Qian Hongguang is out of breath.

He also didn't have any time to think about whether this job is a good job or not, what kind of damage to the body can't be considered at all. The only thing he can think of is making money, making money, and earning money desperately.

The sun in the sky became hotter, and the rest of the workers had begun to take a short break, but Qian Hongguang simply ate a piece of pancake, drank a little water, and put on his undershirt again. It was sweaty to carry it, as long as you moved ten more, it was 10 yuan, and if you moved 100 more bricks, it was 100 yuan.

At least today's expenses are enough.

"Efforts, hard work, gold always shines. The reputation of Jade Street in Jiangzhen City has been ruined by Boss Deng, but there are still many jade sculptors in this world. As long as my craft is still there, continue Looking for someone who can definitely find my jade carving. By then, as long as I am diligent and make a name, I can pay off the money owed to Boss Deng, everything will be fine and everything will be fine. "

Qian Hongguang put the brick in his hand to the designated place, looked up, and watched the sun shining in the sky, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and not far away, he could clearly see that several students were playing with each other.

Qian Hongguang smiled comfortably. Although the life is now extremely difficult, there are still good things. At least his brother Qian Hongming has become more sensible after experiencing the incident of Boss Deng, and It won't be as funny as before.

"But there is something wrong with what I do myself. After all, Qian Hongming is just a younger brother who is much younger than me. He is right that he was bullied in school. I should have found help as an older brother, and It ’s not hard work, not just ignoring my brother just thinking about work. If I could give my younger brother more care and concern, I ’m afraid things wo n’t be like this now. ”

Jade Street, Jiangzhen City

"So because you broke the statue of Maitreya Buddha that your brother received from Boss Deng, and your brother was forced to take over 200,000 debts, and finally went to work on the site?"

Within a street in Yushi, Jiangzhen City, squinting and squinting, listening to Qian Hongming's narration in front of his eyes, he sighed quietly.

what is this?

People used to say that they were pit fathers, pit mothers, and pit sons. I didn't expect there was an pit brother here.

Think about it is really speechless.

If it weren't for Qian Hongming's waywardness at the time, I'm afraid things won't turn out like this.

If it weren't for Qian Hongming's smashing the jade buddha image of Boss Deng, his brother would not have signed a debt of 200,000 for him.

200,000 is definitely not a small number, and it is definitely not a family that can easily return it.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I was really too naive at that time. I just thought why my brother didn't count and why my brother deceived me, but I didn't really think the final result would be like this "

Qian Hongming shed tears, and if you want to ask him what he regretted last, he will tell you that the last regret was the impulse that he should not have been, which caused his brother to become this. .

"I see. Well, since that's the case, then I collected this jade penny, ten thousand yuan."

Cheng Yiping knew that Qian Hongming was really telling the truth, and he sighed sighily.

There are too many unfair things in this world. Similarly, Chengyiping also knows that he can't help the world, but since he saw it, there is absolutely no problem in meeting a handy one, 10,000 yuan. Money was not paid before, but now I can still get it.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much."

Qian Hongming suddenly stood up from his seat, and bowed respectfully, with an excited look on his face.

I was saved, I was saved, my brother's surgery was saved ...

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