Super Finding App

Chapter 1275: Work injury (2)

Destiny is like a clown who is playing with people all the time. He has just stepped out of the quagmire, and once again entered the abyss of **** with his hopeful family.

"Compensation? What compensation, did we sign a labor contract with him? There is no labor contract at all, he only works for an hour, not to mention so many people come and go on this site, who asked him to work here, who Let him work here, we can send him to the hospital, give medical expenses, it is already a humanitarian spirit, and as for other compensation jokes, it is impossible! "

On the operating aisle in the hospital of Jiangzhen City, the operating table's lights were on, and Qian Hongming, worried, was anxious above the aisle.

A few migrant workers, also wearing linen clothes, were anxious beside him.

After a while, a man with a big belly was dressed in exquisite clothes, and came and scolded, yelling at the foreman in front of him.

"My brother has an accident at your construction site, you must be responsible"

Although Qian Hongming was a teenager, he was not a fool. The person who had a stomachache when he saw it was the owner of the construction site, and hurried over to say loudly.

"Brother has an accident on the job site for you. Then you must be responsible for this accident. This is absolutely inevitable."

What's more, if the boss of the construction site is really not responsible, it is difficult to help his brother heal under the conditions of Qian Hongming's family.

"Young man, although it is a pity that your brother had an accident, but we are not doing charity here. Your brother has not signed any labor contract with me, so you can find him who does it. Who, we have already paid tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses in advance, this is the humanitarian spirit, do n’t take it up

The boss said eagerly when he heard it, refused, and said nothing was leaking.

"No, no, my brother is working in your factory. The accident is a work injury. You should be responsible. You should be responsible. You don't think that I was unclear when I was young. But I have seen the law. This is a work injury. You Be responsible "

Qian Hongming quickly retorted

"Stop, stop, don't tell me anything about the law. All I know is that without signing a labor contract with your brother, he is not an employee on my side. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the labor bureau and you can go The court, I believe that when we arrive at the Labor Bureau, if we are judged to be responsible, we will certainly be responsible, but again, we are not doing charity. I think you are alone. This time we will pay the medical expenses first. It ’s already a humanitarian spirit. You have to be grateful to Dade for not talking about the lion. It ’s not a good habit to slap people. In today's society, it ’s just like you drink too much before the old lady falls to the ground and no one dares to help ... ”

"No, no, no ..."

Qian Hongming's head shook like a rattle, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the boss in front of him.

He never thought that there should be such a brazen person in this world.

Is the site owner right?

He was right!

And legal and reasonable!

But what he said is exactly this sentence. If you say that it is our fault, you can also pay compensation. You can go to the Labor Bureau to file a lawsuit.

This sentence is a word in the end, drag!

This is also the most common method used by some unscrupulous merchants now. If you feel dissatisfied, you can go to a third party for identification. If you do n’t recognize it, I do n’t recognize it.

If it really doesn't work, you can go to the Labor Bureau to sue, you can go to the court to sue, and it takes at least the time required for one or two visits.

The mediation of the Labor Bureau may be faster, and it can be completed in a week or two. If you go to the court to appeal, it is absolutely impossible to bring the lawsuit down in a few years.

The problem is that the owner of the construction site can afford it and can take the legal approach. However, the two siblings, Qian Hongming and Qian Hongming, couldn't afford it.

Can be dragged can also drag Qian Hongguang and Qian Hongming to death.

This is also the most commonly used method nowadays. It is reasonable and legal, but it can drag it alive. There is no way, and ultimately it ends without illness ...

The owner of the construction site can drag it, and he can not care about Qian Hongguang's injury, but Qian Hongming cannot.

At this moment, Qian Hongming was panic-stricken and ran towards the hospital quickly. What was in his arms was 10,000 yuan sold.

Although he did not know whether the 10,000 yuan was enough or not, he listened to what his brother said. As long as he sold the jade pendant for 10,000 yuan, he would be able to make up for the surgery fee. Treat your brother ...

Today he finally sold Yu Pei.

Qian Hong stumbled and ran tomorrow, looking at the hospital's door with a surprised look on his face. He ran over two or three steps, plunged to the ground, his hands were blurred by the rubbing flesh.

He stood up stubbornly, wiped his tears, covered his wounds with his sleeves, and now he has no money to go to see a doctor, let alone only a few skin injuries, and hurried to the hospital inside.

"Brother, Jade was sold by me. Your surgery fee was enough. Jade was sold by me. I have enough surgery ..."

Qian Hongming ran to the inpatient area excitedly and pushed open the door of the ward. I thought I could see the face of my brother lying on the bed, but found that the entire bed was empty.

An ominous feeling shrouded in Qian Hongming's mind

what happened?

what happened?

How could my brother disappear?

Why is my brother missing?


What exactly is going on?

Qian Hongming ran in the hospital in a panic, pulled a nurse who was visiting the room and asked urgently

"Nurse, nurse, have you seen Qian Hongguang, have you seen my brother Qian Hongguang, have you seen my brother?"

"No, no, did you go out by yourself, and a person was bored at the hospital, and you look for it, I have not received any news of him leaving the hospital and undergoing surgery."

"No, no? Where will the brother go? Where will the brother go?"

Qian Hongming was panic-stricken, anxious inside, looking anxiously around the hospital.

He really hoped that his brother was too stuffy in the bed for too long, and when he was bored, he wanted to get out of his mind and breathe.

But Qian Hongming searched the whole floor and found no trace of his brother.

"Brother, where did you go? Brother, where did you go? ..."

Unknown feeling shrouded Qian Hongming's heart, and anxious tears flowed up.

After all, he was just a teenager.

While crying, she wiped her tears and raised her head. At this moment, the original immature face became abnormally hard. It seemed to have matured a lot, and quickly found it in the hospital.

Since my brother is not on this floor, he will look for it one by one!

Only my brother is in this hospital, and he will definitely be found!

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