Super Finding App

Chapter 1282: Tentative (1)

"Humble, humble, this is humble, how can it be possible to sculpt a jade carving that reveals the breath of life like this, how could it not be called the word" master "?

"This kind of work is simply breathtaking. It is too modest. I didn't expect that you could have such a craft at a young age, but it is really dazzling. It really is a hero."

Boss Shan could not help but twitch:

Humility and excessive humility are called hypocrisy, not to mention that in front of you, you are not even over 30 years old, but you really dare to say that you can sculpt this jade piece that only top masters can sculpt. ?

This is a foolish dream.

Having said that, if he really wanted to have such top-level jade carving techniques, he would have made a name for himself in the jade world for a long time, no matter whether he was seen by professional people or sold jade works, how could he make a lot of money? The silent effect is not coming out.

Don't say it was ten years to sharpen a sword, that was ridiculous.

In ancient times, this kind of retreat in the old forests of the mountains may have appeared as a great god, and then the sword was shining in the nineteen states. It was ancient and novel. How could there be such a person in reality?

Even if there is such a person in reality, the jade works produced by him will be returned to the sale of funds, after all, this is jade carving, even ordinary stone carving, it also requires cost and labor.

Boss Qian said with a smile on his face but with a thick smile on his face, as if it were like a spring breeze.

"That's right, since you just came to our jade street in Jiangzhen City, I don't know about us here, but I am very familiar with it. If you tell me anything in the future, rest assured, I will take you with you. I won't let you suffer, and take less detours "

There is a strong dragon that does not suppress the ground snake, of course, if you are a dragon, then it is another matter.

What's more, reaching out and not smiling at people, Cheng Yiping looked at the money boss's thick smile without too much suspicion.

Although his peers are enemies, Cheng Yiping knows that his shop is specialized in selling jade. Most of the people in the jade street in Jiangzhen City are antiques, calligraphy, and cultural relics. Jade is very small. Part of it, there is no hate relationship. Nodded and said

"It turned out to be the boss of money. If so, then I will take care of it in the future."

"No problem, is it okay? This is definitely no problem. There is a way to rely on parents at home and go out to friends. Everyone comes out to work. It is not easy to work. Don't look at the outsiders who say that we are the boss of the shop. It ’s comfortable, but how do they know that sometimes being a boss is really not as good as an employee. At least you have done the work and you can get a salary in the end, but we, the bosses, are different. I want to know what the business is like, just some big bosses, like the streets in Yushi, Yushi, Jiangzhen, which basically rely on the traffic of weekends to attract some business. Usually, the business is abnormally bleak. "

"If the neighbourhood neighbors are in a bad relationship and they are quarrelling every day, isn't this business doing right? There is a way to make money, and to make money. Everyone and money will naturally come, and they will naturally be rich. "

Boss Qian spoke really like a set of yellow river water that could not be flooded with exaggerated talk, listening to it flatly and froze, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and nodded, without much dislike.

After all, I opened a new shop in Jade Street, Jiangzhen City. I am a newcomer, but I still need to have a newcomer attitude.

"Oh, yes, yes, since you are a master of jade carving, then, in a few days this time, our Jiangzhen Jade Association will hold an event that will allow some jade lovers to organize their own activities. Carry out some jade for carving, then choose which jade is best to see. Of course, this is not official. It is just a small event for jade lovers in our private circle. I wonder if you are interested in participating I just can introduce other bosses to everyone and get to know each other. "

There is a way that real gold is not afraid of fire, whether it is true or false, you can know it at a try.

With a smile on Mr. Qian's face, the cold light in his eyes flashed:

Since the people in front of them say that they are sculpting these top-level jade works that only masters can sculpt, then let's try it.

At that time, only at the jade exchange meeting, you can witness for yourself whether Cheng Yiping's jade carving technology is true or not.

"Of course, it does n’t matter if you feel a little shy or do n’t know what to do. Anyway, my store is right next to you. If you are free, you can come here. I also have some good jade in my store. You can first Carve out a few to try it out. I can tell you that it ’s good to sculpt something. You can also give this as a gift to other colleagues. Can everyone make friends? As the saying goes, parents rely on their parents at home. , Relying on friends outside, multiple friends, multiple paths "

Mr. Qian said


This is a temptation!

Boss Qian is very deep in mind. If it is really just to participate in the exchange of this jade fellowship, if once the bosses of other merchants are made aware that Cheng Yiping possesses top-level jade carving techniques, it will definitely compete with him. Boss Qian will not do such a self-digging thing.

Said to be a jade exchange, in fact, it was just a cover for Qian Lao. The main thing is to hope that with this sentence, Cheng Yiping can show his jade carving skills in front of himself. If it is fake, then everything is rested. If it is really money, the boss should study it carefully. How to treat as a level.

Just between the electric light and the flint, the boss of money thinks through everything in his brain.

It is exactly the same, with a copy of slyness and treacherousness, he was able to mingle in the jade street of Jiangzhen City until now.

"Do jade communicate?"

After Cheng Yiping thought with his head down for a moment, he looked up at Boss Qian and shook his head.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in jade exchanges. I said that I only carved jade works just by hand. This jade shop is only used as a means of livelihood. If you want to buy, you don't want to buy. In fact, My job is not jade carving. "

Conceited, panicked, I know that you dare not sculpt jade in front of others, and sure enough you are a liar, a liar, a young man under 30, how could he have top It is impossible for the carving technicians.

The bosses Qian sneered, but asked with a kind smile on their faces.

"Oh, you turned out to be a part-time job, so I don't know what your job is?"

"My job is to help people find things ..."

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