Super Finding App

Chapter 1294: Transaction (1)

"Is this true? Brother, that's great, but it requires a lot of money for this operation. Do you know how much it costs for this operation?"

In the white ward, the sunlight outside the window shone down. Qian Hongguang, who was originally full of numbness and despair, melted like ice and snow under the sun. The smile and smile at the corner of his mouth were as bright as sunlight, like flowing water. Pleasant.

This is the smile that never appeared on Qian's face since Qian Hongguang was injured.

It's also the smile Qian Hongming never saw in his brother's face

"Brother, I'm sorry, I really don't know. I'd better ask now, I'll ask now"

Qian Hongming froze in the end, after all, he was just a teenager, after all, when he heard what the doctor said, he rushed over to tell his brother, but forgot what the doctor told him next.

The hospital is not a charity. Who can help you without money?

You may be very miserable and pitiful to you, but for doctors and hospitals, they have long been used to life and death, and they have been used to the sadness of the world.

For doctors and nurses and even hospitals, you are only an insignificant part of their lives after all, and you are used to it.

"Okay, okay, you can just wait here, I will ask myself, I will ask myself, so I can ask a little bit more clearly, my brother, I have really worked hard for you for a while, and wait for my brother to get better in the future "When we pay off the debts of Boss Deng, and when you can go to school normally, everything will be fine."

Qian Hongguang smiled and reached out and touched his brother's head.

Qian Hongming wonders why today's brother feels so strange?

What exactly is going on?

"It turns out that, from this time on, Qian Hong has already produced dead spirit?"

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, looking at the harmonious faces of the two brothers in front of him. Cheng Yiping knew that this was the last parting.

Money is really an asshole.

Singing in a state of soul, gritted teeth.

But in fact, this is often the case. The thing that stumped heroes with a penny of money happened constantly in various parts of the world.

Especially in this hospital, doctors are used to being angry. You can cure diseases when you have money. You can only crowdfund if you do n’t have the money. You ca n’t afford to owe the crowdfunding. Waiting for death, nothing more.

I just didn't expect that Qian Hongguang could do this for his brother Qian Hongming.

People say that people are free, they are independent, and they all want to lead their own lives.

But some people have been born with a family and a heavy responsibility for their loved ones since they were born. They all have different starting points. How can we talk about fairness?

Qian Hongming didn't know his brother Qian Hongguang's thoughts at the moment. Now he has an excited look on his face.

The doctor said that his brother's hand was saved, which was the best news for him.

He was hoping that his brother would be cured by surgery, and he was hoping that his brother would become what he was before.

At that time, he will never be so ignorant again, he will study hard, he will take good care of his brother, he will never mess up his nerves, he will not be a good boy like before, he will be a let A child assured by his brother.

In a state of soul, Cheng Yiping followed Qian Hongguang and Qian Hongming out of the ward and came to the doctor's office not far away.

"Brother, brother feels thirsty. Would you like to help me get a glass of water in the ward?"

At the door of the doctor's office in the hospital, Qian Hongguang suddenly turned and said to Qian Hongming, at the same time he raised the wrapped hand and showed a bitter smile.

"Okay, okay, brother you wait, I'll get it now, I'll wait for you, I'll get it now"

Qian Hongming didn't feel the slightest strangeness, nodded, and turned quickly to run to the ward.

Looking at the leaving Qian Hongming, Qian Hongguang sighed quietly, turned around, pushed the door of the hospital office with his body and walked in, and his own state of soul in the state of soul followed through the door. .

"One hundred thousand, you need at least one hundred thousand for this operation. In addition, the cost of rehabilitation and rehabilitation in the later period will add up to at least one hundred fifty thousand. If it is reduced, it will be at least one hundred thousand.

Inside the doctor's office, the doctor in a white lab coat looked up at Qian Hongguang's cold number and said it word by word.

Sometimes the doctor is really very helpless. He knows exactly how much his words will hurt the people in front of him, but as a doctor, he can't help it.

The various regulations of the written regulations, the surgical expenses have been specified above, the calculation is completed, and the doctor does not have any way to reduce or exempt.

He knows that his mouth is tens of thousands, tens of thousands, but for ordinary families, 100,000 is not something that can be easily taken out.

But even so, the doctor can only tell the patient what he knows truthfully. As for whether the patient can do it in the end and how to do it, he can't be the master.

"Doctor, I know, thank you doctor"

In the face of 100,000 medical expenses, Qian Hongguang's complexion did not change at all, as if he heard something that had nothing to do with himself, nodded, and turned to leave.

The doctor opened his mouth and said

"In fact, your situation is not too serious. If you can actively receive treatment, it is entirely possible for your hands to recover and return to the state of ordinary people. It costs 100,000 yuan. I hope you think about it carefully."

"Thank you doctor, I know, I will seriously consider"

Qian Hongguang turned around and said respectfully, but how much true or false he said was probably only known to him.

As soon as Qian Hongguang turned around, his younger brother, Qian Hongming, ran over with tea, just looking out of the doctor's office, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Let's go back to the ward"

Although Qian Hongming was puzzled, he obediently listened to his brother, followed the brother back to the ward, and couldn't wait to ask.

"What did the doctor say, how much treatment is needed, is it expensive?"

"Not expensive, only 10,000 yuan for medical expenses"

"Ten thousand dollars"

Qian Hongming shouted in surprise.

Ten thousand yuan may be easy to take out for other people's families, but for these two brothers nowadays, this is really a lot of money

"Don't worry, don't worry about your brother. Although we don't have any money now, we still have a little family. If I remember correctly, it is Wednesday, and it will be brought to the weekend in a few days. On the weekend, the town of Jade There will be a large number of individual customers in a street. You go home and go under your brother's cabinet. There is a jade card over there. If you are lucky, you may be able to sell it for 10,000 yuan, which will be enough for treatment. "

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