Super Finding App

Chapter 1327: Mirage (2)

"Wait, wait, Miss Liu, let me say in advance, I did complete the top ten impossible tasks to find the Northern Lights, but this Northern Light is not really the Northern Lights, it is not an absolute nature Phenomenon, but a kind of light emanating from something in the Arctic, in other words, he is fixed all year round ... "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and quickly explained that the northern lights of the Arctic are reflected in the sky. The northern lights are more like an astronomical phenomenon inspired by the ancient ruins underground in the Arctic to guide relevant people. It is possible to find the ruins of the Arctic, not directly the real northern lights.

After all, the northern lights and mirages are uncertain. Each occurrence is completely different from the previous one. Once it disappears, it disappears completely, and you hope to find the same mirage. It is simply difficult.

"Mr. Cheng, I know what you mean. You have told me the white manager of the visiting club, and the mirage I want you to find this time is not a simple mirage."

"I naturally know that mirages are a natural phenomenon in both the desert and the ocean. It is a reflection of the scene of another place that has happened in reality. Once it disappears, it is quite difficult to find it. But what I am looking for is not this simple mirage, but ... "

"From the mirages of the past, people can enter the mirages ..."


Can a mirage from the past?

A mirage that can be accessed by people

Are you dreaming?

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth wide, coughed twice, looked up at Liu Ting in front of him, and asked carefully, word by word.

"That. Is it just that I didn't hear clearly? You said that you were looking for a mirage from the past, a mirage that can be accessed by people?"

"Yes, Mr. Cheng, you didn't hear me wrong. What I am looking for is not an ordinary mirage. It is indeed a mirage. It is a mirage from the past. It is also a mirage.

Liu Ting said verbatim, her expression was extremely serious and serious.

Understood, fully understood, this woman in front of me is here to joking.

Just nothing to make me play!

Cheng Yiping snorted and stretched out his hand, took the coffee on the table and drank it.

"Sorry, Miss Liu, if that's the case, I don't think I can help you, you still have to find someone else and ask for more."

Said to finish a flat turn straight and turned away.

It's too bad.

I hope that the manager Bai of the Youlu Club will introduce himself to a good business, but turned out to be a lunatic.

I also don't want to see a mirage from the past, a mirage from which people can enter. How is this possible?

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, please wait, please wait. I'm telling the truth, I'm not kidding you"

Liu Ting clearly understood the meaning of Cheng Yiping, and quickly stood up, stretched out his jade and held him in a sleeve, and said urgently

"Miss Liu, although I am not well educated, I am also very clear that mirages are just an astronomical phenomenon, and it reflects the scene that appeared in other places at the time. In other words, how could mirages come from the past? of"

"If there is something from the past, it can also be explained by the geographic magnetic field, or there is a magnetic field that records what happened at the time, and it can be played in a specific thunderstorm or environment. It can be said clearly, but what you said can make people enter the mirage. Isn't it too fake? The mirage is only a past or present fantasy, just a false existence. How could a person enter it? "

Cheng Yiping turned around and said word by word. Fortunately, I have often seen some scientific programs before, and it is clear that mirages are illusory.

Maybe some mirages will record past memories and then play them out in a specific environment. Therefore, in ancient times, they were also called fairy magic or some strange places.

However, whether it is the mirage currently displayed on the ocean and the desert, or the mirage that can display the recorded images of the past, it is just an illusion, and it is impossible for people to enter it.

People say these words either lunatics or lunatics!

"I know, Mr. Cheng, I know this is very strange and incredible, but what I said is true, otherwise how could my task become one of the ten impossible tasks in the Discovery Club? How could it not have been completed so far, Mr. Chen, as long as you can help me find this mirage, the price is not a problem, I am willing to pay 1 million ... "

Liu Ting said hurriedly that she was really too anxious. Since her mission was linked to the visiting club, although there were many treasure hunters to seek help every time, most of them were just cheating for funds.

Over time, Liu Ting no longer holds any hope. If not this time she really received a letter from her sister, I'm afraid she would have regarded those as a dream, a joke, but now she can be sure Sister is still alive, still alive ...

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, but you have to let me think about it, right? So, let's go home and think about it, I'll think about it before I answer you"

Good guy.

Although it is a good thing to be entangled by a hot woman, if it is entangled by a female lunatic, it is definitely a man's nightmare.

The rest of the people in the cafe had long focused their eyes on Liu Ting's graceful posture, watching Liu Ting even pull Cheng Yiping's hand to say urgent words, and one by one's eyes fell on Cheng Yiping's body, as if It's going to be like a thousand swords.

Obviously, in their minds, a dog blood plot of the scumbag who abandoned his girlfriend ...

"Really, what I said is true, you really have to think about it, I really hope that you can help me find the mirage. The price is not a problem."

Liu Ting pulled into Yiping's hand tightly, his face was full of expectations, but this look fell into Cheng Yiping's eyes just like looking at a neuropathy.

"Rest assured, I know, I know, you let me think about it, you let me think about it, yes, I still have things now, so I'll contact you later."

Cheng Yiping said quickly, although he said he would contact him later, Cheng Yiping vowed a woman like this. It is estimated that he should never contact him again.

Just look for mirages

But looking for a mirage where one can enter?

Why don't you dream?

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