Super Finding App

Chapter 1329: Liu Wanyuan

One day at the gate of Tang Noble Primary School, a large number of brand-name vehicles stopped one by one at the gate of the elementary school. Parents in suits or designer clothes waited.

For the parents of the Tang Dynasty, whether they are rich or not, whether they are wealthy or hard to survive, they attach great importance to their children.

Even if you are busy at work, you will pick up and drop off your children at the school gate.

Although some children's homes are not too far away, they only need to walk for about ten minutes to go home. However, in today's environment of the Tang Dynasty, no parent can rest assured.

After all, there are too many human traffickers in the world.

Wearing a pair of ponytails and dressed in designer clothes, Liu Ting, who was young and beautiful, carried her schoolbag and bounced out from the entrance of the elementary school.

Behind her is a lot of classmates talking and talking, everyone's face is filled with bright smiles, there is nothing for children to make them feel happier than after school.

"Sister ... sister ..."

The immature Liu Ting walked out of the gate of the campus, looking around, a pair of dark eyes were constantly wandering, and finally fell to a red sports car.

I saw the door of the red sports car slowly open, a pair of slender beautiful legs with high heels protruded out of the car, a scent of fragrance hit, the tall beautiful woman matched the sports car, all noticeable.

Even those who can pick up and drop off children at the gate of the aristocratic elementary school can't help turning their eyes. The tall figure is full of the aristocratic atmosphere, and the long beautiful legs are all attracting the eyes of men.

Even a lot of male parents couldn't help but swallowed a few saliva, and secretly figured out how to get in touch with this beauty, maybe there may be development.

"Sister, sister ..."

Liu Ting didn't care about the thoughts of the male parents who picked up the children at the aristocratic school gate. He watched a bright smile on his favorite sister's face, opened his little hand, and ran away, and flung Sister's body.

For Liu Ting, her favorite is her sister, especially the faint scent on her, which makes her drunk, and she also wants to become a most outstanding woman like her sister.

"Really, Liu Ting, although I know that you and your sister have a good relationship, don't forget me, don't forget, I'm your brother-in-law ..."

On the other side of the red sports car, a handsome-looking man came down from the driver's seat, with a sharp-edged eyebrow and a straight nose. This man was a man who seemed to be full of mature man, with a slight smile on his mouth. There was a pet look in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, of course I saw you, but people still like to be with my sister"

Liu Ting clutched her sister's shoulders and said coquettishly, her cute and lovely appearance caused her sister Liu Wanyu and her brother-in-law to laugh ...

The setting sun in the sky shone, and the colorful light fell on the sisters and handsome mature husbands who were full of nobleness in front of them, as if they were coated with a golden light.

The light was unusually bright, but it was so warm that Liu Ting's eyes were almost blinded.

Liu Ting lives in a wealthy family. His father is a high-ranking government official, and his mother is the chairman of the company. It can be said that the family is rich or expensive, powerful and powerful.

For Liu Ting, her childhood was very happy and very happy. There are no goose bumps that ordinary people have. No matter what he wants, his father and mother will buy it for her. Without buying it, she also has a sister who loves her most.

For Liu Ting, the most admired in her life is her sister. Her sister is full of intellectual charm, tall figure and outstanding temperament, Liu Ting couldn't help focusing her eyes.

Especially after Liu Ting went to school, looking at other girls and even teachers, she felt completely different from her sister. In addition, her sister was a graduate student studying abroad at an internationally renowned brand university. , Work ability, temperament are all goddess levels.

For goddess men, girls like it too.

In Liu Ting's opinion, her sister is her pride.

But happy times are always short.

time flies

Liu Ting has also changed from a little girl to a college student from a well-known international university. After the unripe body was unfolded, she looked exactly like her sister, even more popular than her sister. She wore decent clothes and a pair of slender beautiful legs. All attracted the crazy bee wave butterfly, coupled with her from time to time to imitate the behavior of her sister, look, temperament has become noble, in the university is known as the goddess in the college.

At this moment, Liu Ting, who is called the goddess by the university, was running in a panic, running on the aisle of the hospital, wearing a high-heeled shoes that broke his heel due to the fierce running, and fell to the ground.

Liu Ting didn't even care about it. He took off his high heels all of a sudden, and flew barefoot on the aisle in the hospital with high heels and ran, which attracted the attention of many men along the way.

"Sister ... Sister ... Sister ..."

While shouting, Liu Ting ran quickly above the hospital aisle and ran to the corner in front of the operating room.

I saw my sister, who was full of vigor and nobility, sitting on the aisle of the hospital like a dead body.

What the whole person revealed was decadence and demise.

The original long hair of a shawl had faintly appeared white hair at this moment.

Liu Ting couldn't believe the decadence in front of her, as if a woman who was a teenager suddenly turned out to be her intellectually fashionable, mature, charming and noble sister.

This was a scene she had never seen before.

Can't believe it at all.

"Sister, are you all right? Are you all right, sister are you all right? ..."

Liu Ting knew that now was not the time to care about her sister's appearance. Although her sister had such a huge change, she felt an unusual heartache, and at the same time she let Liu Ting know how serious the matter was.

Two or three steps ran to the face of her sister Liu Wanyu, hugged it, her face was worried.

The elder sister Liu Wanjie was originally wise and full of wisdom and her bright eyes were raised slightly, but now she became confused, horrified, fearful, and numb, looking at her sister Liu Ting, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if It is extremely ugly to be destroyed by something.

"Dead, dead, all dead, younger sister, your brother-in-law and your niece are dead, my husband, my daughter are dead ..."

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