Super Finding App

Chapter 1332: photo


Cheng Yiping felt a little strange. What kind of photos can make Liu Ting believe the so-called urban legend?

Believe in the so-called mirage?

I believe the so-called mirage can change the past?

I believe that the so-called people can enter the mirage?

Wearing fashionable clothes, a pair of stockings with beautiful legs and unusually attractive Liu Ting nodded deeply, took out the exquisite designer wallet from her arms, carefully opened the wallet, and took out a photo from it to Cheng. A flat

Cheng Yiping took the photo in doubt, looking down, this is a very ordinary photo, there is a woman similar to Liu Ting on the photo, but this woman looks older than Liu Ting , More mature and stable, in the arms of this woman's side, this is a naive little boy with a smile, and on the side of this little boy there is a man who looks very sunny.

This is a photo of a family of three. It seems to be fun and there is nothing strange about it.

According to the background of this photo, it can be seen that it is in a room. The decoration of this room looks stylish and elegant. At first glance, it is a rich or expensive one. It should belong to the villa.

"This is your sister. If I guess right here, it should be your brother-in-law and your nephew. It really is a family of three, and it seems to be happy."

"Is there anything weird about this photo?"

Cheng Yiping looked at the photo and carefully observed that it was a very ordinary family portrait, a special type of photo. He looked up at Liu Ting and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Cheng, please watch it carefully and look at the background behind this picture. It has a clock on it and a date on it."

Liu Ting hesitated for a moment, and said, there was a slight trembling in his tone when he talked, as if something was hidden.


Cheng Yi nodded his head and lowered his eyes again. Indeed, there was indeed a wall behind the family portrait in this photo, and a clock hung above the wall.

This clock is not an ordinary clock, but a clock that records the years. It is quite careful. A large family will buy such a clock, including the year, month, and day, even what kind of festivals can be held in a few days. Will be labeled one by one, very convenient

[October 2, 3018, 17:23 minutes]

"See, the time shown on this clock is October 2, 3018, and today is November 7, 3018. In other words, this is a picture taken before last month."

Cheng Yiping nodded, looking at the date above the clock.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in his head, and he became pale in an instant. He thought of a possibility, and turned his head and eyes with a surprised expression.

"Liu Ting, can you be sure that this picture is indeed your sister, brother-in-law and your nephew? If I remember correctly, according to you, your brother-in-law and your nephew should be two years ago. Already dead "

That's right, this is the flaw and strangeness found in a bottle.

According to Liu Ting, two years ago, his brother-in-law and nephew died after accidentally falling into the villa, and his sister was also mentally deranged.

And now the back of this photo shows that the date above is actually October 2nd, and it is still October 2nd this year.

What does this mean?

This shows that this photo was taken this year!

But if this is true, it is very weird. How can a person who has died for two years be suddenly resurrected this year.

This is impossible

"Mr. Cheng is right, you are absolutely right. I also felt very strange and shocked after I received this photo. My brother-in-law and nephew did indeed die two years ago. Their I also attended the funeral in person, but now there is clearly my brother-in-law and my nephew in this photo, and I am still with my sister. I thought this was a photo in the past, but it was true later. Written on October 2, 3018 "

"I am so weird. Is it possible that this photo was taken out?"

Cheng Yiping hesitated, raised his eyes and said

"You also know that the current technology is very advanced. For some great gods, it is not impossible to make fake pictures real or even fake. It is just like the special effects of movies now. Can explode into reality. "

"Mr. Cheng, I know what you mean. When I received this photo, I also doubted it, so I sent this photo to an authoritative organization for identification. This photo is 100% true. It is not produced by the PSP. There is no ps or synthetic ingredients in it, it is indeed taken by people. "

Liu Ting said, her eyes were shining.

"It is exactly the same, I will believe that my sister found the so-called urban legend after she left home, which can change the mirage in the past. It is precisely because of this that I have been constantly in this year and two years. Posting a mission within the Discovery Club, I hope someone can help me find the mirage that this person can enter. This is the only thing that can be explained, otherwise, it is impossible to explain what is going on in this photo. "

The more Liu Ting said, the more excited she became, the more she turned red,

"It must be that my sister has found a mirage where this person can enter, staying with her brother-in-law and nephew, and then they took this picture and sent it to me."

"Wait, let me calm down, let me calm down, if according to what you said, there really is a mirage that the so-called people can enter, your sister really found it, changed the past, and sent it to This photo of you is very simple. You just need to retrieve it according to the address of this photo, can you find your sister, brother-in-law or even your nephew? "

Cheng Yiping instantly caught a flaw and asked. For the current technology and for this stub, it is very simple to want a place.

"I know, of course I know, I actually found someone, but it didn't work at all. This stamp appeared in the mailbox for no reason. There was no courier or courier documents at all, it seemed It ’s really weird like it was put in. ”

Liu Ting shook her head and showed a bitter smile. She could think of almost everything she could think of.

She was very worried that her sister didn't want her sister to have any problems.

Now that her sister has sent such a photo back, she is even more worried with an excited look

Does it mean that her sister has found a mirage that the so-called person can enter?

Can it change the past mirages?

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