Super Finding App

Chapter 1334: Memories

Blue skies and white clouds, mild sunlight shines in this small park.

Liu Ting, dressed in princess costumes, was sitting on the edge of a tree in a small park alone, looking at the park boringly ... The other children were laughing and playing.

Many times, Liu Ting is very envious of these children, being able to have partners and friends together.

But from a young age, Liu Ting's face was covered with all kinds of freckles. It looked like a little girl in the soil, very rustic.

Such a little Liu Ting does not have any children who are willing to play with Liu Ting at all. Even many children will think that such small freckles on Liu Ting's face will be transmitted to them, and they have always resisted each other. Over time, Liu Ting was gradually isolated.

Although for many adults, disputes between children should not be involved, but in many cases disputes between children will gradually evolve into so-called school bullying. When parents really take it seriously, I am afraid it will be It's too late.

Even if there is no incident of bullying on campus, and no friends play, the inner heart of the excluded child will become abnormally inferior and gradually become distorted and abnormal, which is fundamental to the development of the child. No benefit.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of change is a change of human psychology. It is hidden in the heart. It is not something that parents can easily perceive. What is needed is more parental care and normal contact.

Obviously Liu Ting is in this state now. She wants to play with her classmates and chat with her friends to find her own friends.

But in many cases, she was isolated only because of freckles on her face. She could only stay alone while playing with sand, watching other children travel and play, her eyes full of envy.

Over time, Liu Ting felt that she had some inferiority.

"Sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on sparrow face, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on face ..."

"Sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on sparrow face, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on face ..."

"Sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on sparrow face, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost, sparrow ghost on face ..."

Suddenly a few children gathered around and walked in front of Liu Ting, headed by the King of the children.

For children, they are born with characteristics that can bully other children.

I don't know if it is because of good bullying or how. There will always be a few children who like to bully children. Even if they report to the parents, they will be exchanged as if they are children.

At this moment, Liu Ting was listening to the children who should have been classmates and friends, but now she has become a bad guy who bullies her. She is constantly shouting at sparrow ghosts, laughing at the dense sparrows on Liu Ting's face, scaring Liu Ting. Covering her entire ears, squatting on the ground, her eyes filled with tears.

Never hope that your weakness can be exchanged for the mercy of the perpetrator, this will only increase the joy held by the perpetrator and make him even more brutal.

Obviously, Liu Ting didn't understand this. At the moment, her mind was full of curses and shouts from sparrows and sparrows. She didn't dare to look up. It seemed that there were children everywhere, these people. Laughing loudly at the sparrows on her face, ridiculing, tearing Liu Ting's features and tearing Liu Ting's heart

Liu Ting is miserable and miserable. Many times, she will also feel how horrible her dense freckles are. She is so ugly. It is better to die than to live.

"Give me away ..."

Suddenly, a crisp scolding sounded with anger, and Liu Ting looked up in tears.

In an instant

All I saw was a black silhouette in the sun under the dazzling sky that crossed her head, and a fierce kick kicked him in the face of the most vocal boy, who kicked him to the ground.

Sister Liu Wanyu!

"Liu Ting, what are you doing? When you are bullied, you should fight back like this, instead of being told to hide here for a long time and trembling, this is useless at all, let's talk about the freckles on your face. It will be okay in a few years, when you will be so beautiful that even these little boys can't afford you one by one. "

Bigger than Liu Ting, like Liu Wanjie, seven or eight years old, said loudly, turned to look at the bear children, stretched out his hand, made a crackling noise, and said with cracked teeth.

"Also with your group of bear children, I have told you many times. Do not bully my sister. Whoever bullies my sister, I will hit you once when I see you."

"What are you doing, do you want to be shameless when you are an adult who bullied us? You are so bullied and bully us, do you want to be shameless?"

Obviously, the leading little boy also knows how to use the pressure of public opinion to touch his leg with tears and screams. He wants to be angry, but Liu Wanyi, who is looking at him, is seven or eight years older than himself. Really dare not do it

"What's the matter? What do you want? I said that as long as anyone dares to bully my sister, I will never let him go, let alone you are a child, even if your parents come here. , What's wrong? It ’s not rolling yet. Do n’t you want me to shoot? ”

Liu Wanjie said coldly, waving her fists, and the group of bear children who were scared made a loud cry and ran home, presumably to find her mother to attach a parent's complaint.

"Really, how many times has Liu Ting told you, girls should be more confident, although gentle, but never be afraid. In this world, we women should protect themselves, understand?"

Liu Wanjie turned her head and lifted up her sister Liu Ting. She gently patted the dust on her body. The gentle feeling was like a patron saint, which made Liu Ting's heart warm.

Looking at my sister in front of me, she is like a **** of protection under the shining sun

"I see. Sister, I know sister, but they are right, these freckles on my face are really ugly."

Liu Ting lowered her head in depression, reached out and touched the freckles on her face. Even if she touched her hands, she could feel the dense freckles on her face, just like a pit. Ugly, it's no wonder that these children treat themselves so much.

Sometimes, with Liu Ting looking at the freckles on the face in the mirror, they felt very ugly ...

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