Super Finding App

Chapter 1337: Interrogation (2)

During the interrogation, do not let the prisoner lead his nose. In this case, the interrogation work will not be 100% successful.

As an interrogator, he or she must monitor the situation at any time and introduce the prisoner into the rhythm of his control according to his own layout. Only in this way can the prisoner's psychological defense line be broken.

Interrogation has never been a simple matter, especially in today's era where violence is not allowed, civilized law enforcement is required, and torture is not an option. All you have to do is to use reasoning or collect A lot of evidence directly convicted it.

"Of course, of course, I have sent dozens of bottles of this white bull drink. Even if there are only 12 chances, at least a dozen people will be killed, but I have always felt very disappointed. When in Cabin City, Even if I distributed liquor drinks that could easily lead to the death of people, there was no police linking them, thinking that this was a serial killing, but just thinking that it was poisoning or some kind of disease. To be honest, this is too much. I am disappointed. If your policemen only have such a program capacity, how can they protect the safety of ordinary people, or the vast majority of cases captured by the police, is it really an injustice?

Good guy.

Fan Qiang was aggressive at the beginning, and those who were unclear did not even know which party was the interrogator and which party was the interrogated.

"Enough, Fan Qiang, pay attention. It's our question now, not your question here. What we want to know is what did you give Wei Fang and others to drink?"

Zhao Weiquan, from Dinka, Beizhou, immediately opened his mouth and slammed his hands on the table, attracting the attention of Wang Yuting and Fan Qiang. He had clearly felt that Wang Yuting had gradually been taken by Fan Qiang. Into his rhythm, this is quite unfavorable for the interrogation.

"What's that? Of course it's a white cow drink, haven't you all discovered it?"

Fan Qiang shrugged his shoulders indifferently and chuckled.

"Is White Bull Beverage really a White Bull Beverage? This sentence is impossible. If it is a White Bull Beverage, how can White Bull Beverage be fully listed in the country, and we have also made strict rules for White Bull Beverage. Inspection and analysis did not find any strange ingredients. It is indeed a sports drink. You tell me now that this is a white cow drink. Do n’t you think it ’s funny to say this? ”

Wang Yuting said immediately

"Oh, you are still a police officer. Indeed, I sold them all white bull drinks, but who told you that this white bull drink is the same as the white bull drink on the market?"

Fan Qiang grinned coldly and shook his head.

"I thought you were so powerful. You can't even think of such a simple thing. You should try another person to interrogate me. What I know is not useful even if I tell you!"

Fan Qiang said as he closed his eyes tightly, revealing a satirical look.

This **** guy.

Wang Yuting's silver teeth in the sixth group of Jiangzhen City Police Department had almost been bitten. He was the first time to meet such a person, and he was almost furious, but he was helpless.

After all, Fan Qiang is now a prisoner in the interrogation. Under the circumstances that he cannot use force, there is really no way.

But I saw Zhao Weiquan flipping through the files in front of him

"Fan Qiang, 54 years old, from Jiangzhen City, has a 23-year-old daughter at home. If you read it correctly, according to the analysis on this data, your woman has died, and your daughter's former work unit was Bai Cattle drink, if I guessed right, your daughter's death should be related to this white cow drink, otherwise you would never do such a thing. "

Zhao Weiquan raised his eyes as he said, saying it word by word.

"According to my speculation, your work unit is in this White Bull Group, and although the position you hold is not clear for the time being, if it is not wrong, it should be related to the research and development or quality inspection of White Bull Beverage. According to the report collected in this file, your daughter died of massive bleeding, and the entire internal organs gradually ulcerated. This situation is a serious illness. According to my experience, it should be a long-term illness to cause this. Internal organs, vomiting blood, but your daughter did visceral necrosis and died of vomiting blood in a very short period of time. If I guess correctly, this is probably related to the white cow drink. I am not wrong. "

"It seems that you are indeed a lot better than that woman, yes, since you have already found out, then I am not afraid to tell you that I was originally an employee working in the White Bull Group, and belongs to the core developer. My My daughter inherited my father's business and entered the White Bull Company. I originally thought that I could retire at the White Bull Company. My daughter's future life was also guaranteed. Although it was only the White Bull Branch, the company was quite formal and still In a multinational enterprise, the development prospects of daughters in it are also broader than those in the outside. Therefore, I have never worried about what happens to my daughter, but no one expected that her daughter would suddenly become seriously ill and have internal organs. Quickly began to fail, even corrupted, vomiting blood with a big mouth "

Fan Qiang recalled the past and calmed down gradually, even with a deep sense of sadness, sentence by sentence

"In the beginning, I thought my daughter had died of a serious illness, and I could not blame anyone. After all, people have good fortune and good fortune, and there is a lack of sunshine, and the death is really too sudden ..."

"But ... but ..."

Fan Qiang was suddenly excited while talking, the sound of gnashing his teeth was even hissing.

"But I asked my friends who were doctors, and they all told me explicitly that the situation like my daughter is definitely a long decay of the internal organs, and one by one wonders why I did not take care of her when she was sick, or even It is a timely treatment, otherwise the daughter's illness will not become so serious, and there will be no separation between heaven and man. "

"But they didn't know at all. One month before the onset of my daughter, I took my daughter for a physical examination. The functions were completely intact, and there was no such thing as the decline of the internal organs and organs. Internal organ necrosis. In just one month, my daughter's body has undergone such an earth-shaking change. Honestly, if you feel that you are not nasty, would you be willing?

"Then after my investigation, I found out that my daughter died of taking a special white cow drink!"

Fan Qiang gritted his teeth and said, because almost all of his angry gums bleed out his blood, his face was dark.

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