Super Finding App

Chapter 1341: dark

"This **** Fan Qiang is just an elm cricket, and he doesn't want to think about it. In the Tang Kingdom today, who wants to get rich, will not take some crooked paths and shortcuts?"

"This liquid is indeed quite magical. It can make people instantly shake their minds. Although it is not known what the composition of this liquid is, it only needs to know that this liquid can shake people's minds."

Li Lei came out of Fan Qiang's bathroom, his face became more and more ugly, and he muttered softly. He really had some ghosts who couldn't understand Fan Qiang's so-called responsibility.

Take a look at the food safety confusion in the entire Tang Dynasty. Even the milk powder that children drink can participate in this chemical composition, not to mention that even sports drinks that ordinary people drink can be added with something different. how about it?

As long as the effect can be achieved.

The main thing is that he and Fan Qiang are just researchers who formulate sports drinks, but they are not real distributors. Even if there is a problem in the end, it is the bad luck of the White Bull Group and it is not their bad luck.

At that time, if you are really scared, you can report all the risks to White Bull Company. Even if something goes wrong, there are the upper layers of White Bull Company. There is no harm to them at all.

However, even such a strong fan still disagrees and is unwilling to do so-called clinical experiments. It is really an elm head.

"Does Fan Qiang really think he is doing chemistry? Do he really think he is a pharmacist of the Pharmaceutical Group? What clinical verification and human experiments are we doing? Are we mistaken? A scientific researcher who develops a beverage said that the scientific researcher added light to his own face. "

Li Lei cursed in a low voice, and he saw everything very thoroughly. Compared to the spirit of the so-called scientific researcher Fan Qiang, he felt that he really had a sense of sniffing.

What are the so-called scientific researchers, after all, everyone is just a person who works for the White Bull company and formulates it. People like them are even fired by the White Bull Group and want to recruit people again. It's a breeze.

This Fan Qiang really is the core person who owns the technology. The White Bull Group cannot replace us.

Li Lei said with gritted teeth, but there was some helplessness. After all, in terms of strength and ability, Fan Qiang was indeed much stronger than him.

He also relied on Fan Qiang to be able to mix in the White Bull Group without wind and waves. Once you kicked Fan Qiang away, you gave yourself no confidence to complete the modification of the beverage formula.

Even if it is in exchange for another newcomer, can I still remind him like Fan Qiang can tell him this?

"So sleepy, so sleepy, it's too sleepy"

When Li Lei gritted his teeth and was at a loss, only to see that the door downstairs was opened, Fan Lei's daughter came out with black eyes, yawning, and saw Li Lei quickly,

"Hi Uncle Li ..."

Li Lei nodded. He often came to Fan Qiang's home. He was very familiar with Fan Qiang's difficulties. He also knew Fan Fan's daughter Fan Yue quite well.

Seeing Fan Yue's face didn't sleep well, she asked in confusion.

"What's wrong with you? Why is this? Now it looks like you haven't woken up. If you're not feeling well, you need to take a good rest."

"Thank you Uncle Li, I also think about it, but this is not possible. I haven't finished my homework yet, and I will have mid-term exams in a few days. I attach great importance to the results this time. I still have A lot of homework has not been reviewed. Last night I reviewed it at more than three o'clock in the morning. It was so sleepy that I slept overnight. I did n’t expect to sleep until now. It seems that the learning progress is going to fall again. I am today You have to stay up late at night, otherwise you will not be able to complete your homework or review it. "

Fan Yue said with a small mouth

Today's children are very heavy learners, and their homework is unusually much. Although the country has a burden reduction and burden reduction, under the foundation of the Tang Dynasty's discriminative theory, the burden reduction is simply a nonsense, except that there is no Other approaches.

"It turns out that your children's learning pressure is really too great now, it's almost like a world apart from us"

Li Lei shook his head and sighed slightly. I have to say that they were too happy before now. Where like the current students, the pressure of life and study is simply too large to increase, although the country has always said that reducing the burden and reducing the burden can be practical. However, the pressure is getting higher and higher as the pressure is reduced.

"Uncle Li, I won't tell you, I'm so sleepy now, I'll wash my face and continue to review"

Fan Yue shook her head and gave her a big yawn. She was going to wash herself in the bathroom and continue to study hard.

This is the current status quo of most of the students in the Tang Dynasty. In order to be able to enter the university, to go to college, and to enter a good school, they must study hard day and night to get a point.

This point may weigh down millions of people.

The light flashed in Li Lei's eyes, and suddenly he thought of something.

Watching Fan Yue come out of the bathroom, yawned back to the study, continued to study hard, while studying hard, while staring, the lack of sleep closed and lowered his head, dozing little by little ...

"Do you really feel really sleepy?"

"Uncle Li, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm really fine. Don't tell my dad that I just took a nap. I'm going to study right now. I must be able to get a good result in this midterm exam."

Li Lei pushed open the door of the study, came to Fan Yue, and passed a bottle of mineral water in his hand.

"Relax, don't worry, don't worry, I won't tell your dad, this is for you, give it a try, but I brought it from abroad, it is said to be the most famous sports drink abroad, just drink The last bite can refresh you, you can try "

"Thank you Uncle Li"

Fan Yue had no doubt, nodded, took the drink handed by Li Lei, put it on the table, and continued to study hard.

Li Lei nodded calmly, then retreated, but did not leave, but observed quietly across the door.

After a while

It seems that Fan Yue has been dormant, but she has some sleepiness, raised her head, picked up the drink sent by Li Lei, opened the lid and murmured.


The eyes glowed with golden light, and the person who originally felt decadent became abnormally shaken. He looked down at the drink in his hand, felt very surprised, and then buried his head to study hard.

At the moment, the corner of Li Lei's mouth outside was slightly tilted, revealing an inexplicable smile.

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