Super Finding App

Chapter 1345: Revenge (2)

"Fan Qiang, I'm very sorry for your daughter's affairs. I really didn't expect that Li Lei was so distraught. He clearly warned him that he still provided a white cow drink to your daughter Fan Yue. It is really our fault to treat her as a white mouse, but you must also consider one thing. After all, Li Lei is an employee of our White Bull Group. Once this matter is exposed, our White Bull Group will surely Suffering heavy blows, and at the same time our White Bull Group ’s upcoming White Bull Beverage will also be badly hit. This is absolutely impossible for our group. "

"Fortunately, today Li Lei has also paid the price for what he did. He even ingested the mysterious liquid. This is really Skynet's restoration.

The top-level luxurious office of the White Bull Group is inside. The president in a suit with a smile led Fan Qiang to the seat, then handed a glass of water, looking gentle and gentle:

"Why didn't the police catch Li Lei? He was killing, he was killing money"

Fan Qiang's face became more and more low and tangled, sitting silently on the sofa, the whole person exuded a decadent atmosphere, raised his eyes and looked at the words of the president of the White Bull Group in front of him and said in a word. It's a look of shame

The president of the White Bull Group is very clear that people like Fan Qiang have nothing at all, and he did not expect that Fan Yue ’s death would bring such a big blow to Fan Qiang, and even it would avenge Li Lei and let White Bull The group president's plan is complete.

He knew very well that he must keep his direction, otherwise, the stock of White Bull Group would even plummet even in the future.

"Alarm, Fan Qiang, you should also be very clear about how to make an alarm. Could you tell someone that you drank the white cow drink in the middle of the night and ended up dead? This is not a scientific thing at all. Even if it is told to the police, the police will not agree at all, just like you killed Li Lei with a mysterious liquid. "

The words of the president of the White Bull Group with a chuckle were different, and he raised his eyes, a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Don't be so surprised, your research formula center is the top priority in the entire White Bull Group. Do you think I don't have a camera?"

The president of White Bull chuckled, then opened the laptop on the desktop, tapped it a few times, and then turned the laptop to Fan Qiang. I saw a video surveillance video on the laptop.

Fan Qiang came on sneakily to add some kind of liquid to the drink, he could leave after a while, then Li Lei came over, picked up the drink and drank it.

"Fan Qiang, let's talk about you sneaking something in the drink, and then Li Lei's body ulcers, grabbing his own skin and tearing to death. If this image is given to the police, you can Is the murderer "

"I know, but what about that, if the police do report, I'm afraid the police will ask me what the poison is, and I will tell them all by then. President, I am afraid that the White Bull Group is not happy. "

Fan Qiang lifted his eyes and said word by word

"This is not necessarily, this is not necessarily, after all, mysterious liquid is mysterious liquid, after all, white cow drink is white cow drink. As long as the quality inspection has not found any problems with white cow drink, what liquid can we say is completely Scientific research will never be launched to the market without national certification before being certified by the system. As internal personnel, Li Lei and Fan Qiang can only say that you are embezzling public property. This is your personal dispute. Like a knife, you can cut fruit, but you can also kill people. It depends on how people use it. "

The president of the White Bull Group laughed slightly, sitting slightly upright and raising Erlang's legs. As the president of the White Cowboys, he has a large group of lawyers. It is not too difficult for him to find the flaws. thing

"I see, what do you want?"

Fan Qiang said nothing, raised his eyes and said a word.

"Fresh, Fan Qiang, you should know that the research on this mysterious liquid has always been that you and Li Lei have done the best research. At the same time, your talent is above Li Lei. Although I know you are for revenge, I can do this Understand, but as president of the White Bull Group, what I value is only interests. "

"Since Li Lei has been killed by you, then you have to take the position of Li Lei. I will give you a month. You must study this mysterious liquid and add it to the white cow drink. If there are any side effects, even if there are side effects, you must find a solution. Otherwise, this image may appear in the police office. "

The president of the White Bull Group smiled slowly and said slowly, squinting his eyes, just like seeing a cat of a mouse. He knew that Fan Qiang had no room to resist unless he was willing to go to jail.

"I know…"

Fan Qiang was silent for a moment, nodded and said, then got up and left slowly, as if the whole person had been tamed.

Seeing Fan Qiang's departure, the president of White Bull Group laughed lightly, shrugged his shoulders, and raised his lips slightly. He was not afraid of Fan Qiang's remorse.

Fan Yue also has no room for remorse. Unless he is really willing to go to jail and eat jail, he can only obey obediently.

The president of the White Bull Group did not notice that after leaving, Qiang Qiang's originally decadent face gradually became abnormally embarrassed, raising his head and exuding a murderous look from his pupils.

"Wrong, wrong, why am I wrong? It wasn't just Li Lei who killed my daughter Fan Yue. Li Lei was just a **** being used. What really killed my daughter was the White Bull Group, the whole thing. Of the White Bull Group, it was they who found the mysterious liquid that would allow me and Li Lei to study the liquid. It was because of the appearance of the mysterious liquid that Li Lei of the White Bull Group gave my daughter a white liquid with a mysterious liquid. Cow drink "

"All of this is ultimately the fault of the White Bull Group"

"Yes, yes, all of this is the fault of White Bull Group. Even after such a time, the presidents of these White Bull Group still think of only their own interests. This dirty world, mine It's absolutely impossible to forgive her daughter because of these dirty deals. "

"White Bull Group, wait, wait, I will make you pay for what you do, my daughter Fan Yue, look in the sky, you look at you in the sky Father, I will take revenge for you, as long as anyone who hurts you, even the fallen Hell, I will avenge you! "

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