Super Finding App

Chapter 1504: Seize power

The old man in the ship cemetery survivor's tribe raised his head sharply, with a look of astonishment on his face, and an ominous premonition shrouded his heart.

Then he realized that the bald anthony in front of him seemed completely different from before. He couldn't help but shake the hand holding the cane slightly, and took a deep breath.

"Anthony, you are right. Of course, the interests of our survivor tribe are mainly in the shipyard cemetery, but this is not the reason why we do the same thing as the thug tribe Carter. We are humans and not beasts. It ’s all based on interests. If you do things like Carter and become beasts, there is only one way to wait for us. You do n’t want our survivor tribes to become full of killings like thug tribes. Cannibalism, everything will fall short in the end, wouldn't Anthony want things to happen again 20 years ago? "

"Dear Mr. Yang, your wisdom is quite wise. I fully agree with what you say, but one thing you said is wrong. The reason why such a terrible thing happened 20 years ago is to say the main responsibility in the final analysis. It ’s all in Carter ’s father. As the leader of the mob tribe, he has implemented a cold-blooded policy, using people as slaves. This is the most abhorrent. It is also because of Carter ’s father that the mob tribe now causes The same thing happened under Carter, letting people live in deep water, in other words, not because Carter did something wrong, but because of Carter, and I Anthony is definitely not exactly like Carter, I will never do the same thing as Carter. "

"I will bring a truly peaceful life to the survivor tribe in the ship cemetery, so that our survivor tribe can thrive, Yang, please believe me"

Anthony bare-headed said, raising his head to reveal the inexplicable Guanghua.

Yang Lao's face changed suddenly. Looking at the bald Anthony whom he trusted in front of him seemed to have some very strange feelings. He took a deep breath and said excitedly,

"Anthony, Anthony, what exactly do you want to do? What exactly do you want to do? Do n’t you know? Absolute power can only bring absolute corruption. You say this now because you do n’t have it. Absolute rights. When you and Carter hold all the power in your hands, you will change. Remember, remember, don't take evil for the small, and don't take the good for nothing. What you are doing in the name of justice and kindness is not good. You are wrong to do this. You are wrong to do this. "

Yang Lao stood up and shouted hysterically, with a flustered look on his face. He never thought that such a thing would happen in his tribe.

Carter didn't attack. Instead, his backyard was completely on fire, and he was the most trusted Anthony.

"Dear Yang, there is no need to worry, no need to worry, our survivor tribe lives here very hard, and because of the scarcity of women, we ca n’t reproduce at all, but now it ’s completely different. Water The arrival of the Moon International Luxury Cruises brought food and women. As long as these two are in our hands, our survivor tribe can truly survive and prosper and provide for retirement. You can rest assured that I did nothing wrong. All of this is for their good. Instead of the passengers on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, because of the shortage of food within the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, a terrible riot finally occurred, and I accepted them to the survivor tribe. It ’s ultimately for them, they know, it ’s all for your ideal, to help others, to let everyone live together in the ship cemetery. ”

Anthony spoke as he smiled brightly, with an unusually firm look in his eyes.

He believes that his decision is absolutely correct and will not be wrong!

"No, no, Anthony, it ’s totally wrong for you to do this. It ’s completely wrong for you to do this. Even if there is a riot on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise, they can only join our tribe if they are willing. In China, you will only cause disasters and hatreds. This is exactly the same as Carter. You must not do this, you must not do this. "

Lao Yang spoke quickly, persuading words, but Anthony shook his head in cold words.

"My dearest Mr. Yang, what you are saying is wrong. Everyone on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Line tells the truth. They have no idea what kind of living space is inside the ship's cemetery, just like me. I met Yang Lao 20 years ago. I do n’t know everything. All we need is Yang Lao. What you teach me, but now 20 years later I will teach you Shuiyuehao International Luxury. The people on the cruise ship let them live in peace among the survivor tribes. Only in this way can they maximize the benefits and the only way to ensure that everyone can survive. All this is to protect the survivor tribes. It is also for them. Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is Good "

The more bald Anthony said, the more excited he became, the more excited he felt. He felt that his decision was completely correct, and that he was certainly correct in implementing his own ideas.

All of this is for the survival of the tribe, all of this is entirely for the survival of the tribe.

The bald Anthony grew more and more excited, nodding his head, and suddenly saw the sound of rumors coming out of the window, Zheng Yingying with anxiety and flustered expression on his face was taken in by several men and men, pushed her down Yang Lao's side road

"The boss, Zheng Yingying, was caught by us. Not only did she and Yang's group who did not agree to attack us on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship all closed with us, but you can rest assured that most The people in our survivor tribe fully agree with your boss. Only the rare international luxury cruise ship can come to our ship cemetery ship with food and a large number of women. For the development of our survivor tribe, The tribe of our survivors will be able to grow vigorously in the future and be able to survive and **** food and women on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. "

"You can't do this, you absolutely can't do this. If you do, then if there are outside supporters entering the ship's cemetery, what should you do then?"

Old Yang opened his mouth, and hysterically shouted to make a final reservation. Anthony shook his head gently, exposing a cold look.

"No, no, Mr. Yang, you are wrong. There is no entry or exit of this ship's cemetery. Since the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship has come in, it will never go out, and no rescue will enter it!"

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