Super Finding App

Chapter 1515: a bunch of idiots

Steamship Cemetery Survivor Tribe at this moment.

"Yang Lao, Yang Lao, please hold on, you hold on, I will untie the rope after a while, I will untie the rope after a while."

Zheng Yingying and Lao Yang were confined in a luxurious tent with their hands tied to pillars.

Yang Lao panted vigorously. Originally the old man, he had no ability to break the rope at this moment, but Zheng Yingying had no problem at all. At this moment, her hands were constantly rubbing up and down the pillars on the back, one by one. Carefully cut the rope carefully.

Just need not be discovered by others, she won't be able to break the rope to her sister for a long time, and suddenly stopped moving, and saw that the door of the tent was opened, and the indigenous residents of several survivor tribes walked in slowly. With an excited look on his face

"Really, why didn't Anthony take us to attack the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise? It would be great if we could also attack the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise together."

The aboriginals of one of the survivor camps chatted with a regretful look on their faces.

"Okay, okay, do n’t say that. We are here after all. It ’s also quite beneficial. At least it ’s safe. No, we really have to attack this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. If there is a war between people, it is quite troublesome. It is a good job to wait for them to bring back food and women. Just look at Yang Lao and the group of people who follow Yang Lao. Honestly, if it ’s not for food and women, I really do n’t want to betray Yang Lao. ”

"The same is true. I have great respect for Mr. Yang, but Anthony's explanation is absolutely correct. If we don't get food and women, we will not survive the tribe of the survivors. Now we can eat some food every day. We all eat one meal less than one meal. We ca n’t even eat enough, let alone survive, and there are no women at all. There are only a dozen or so women in our tribe. It can be said that many people haven't touched women for decades. If it wasn't for Yang Lao's strong control, I'm afraid that we will become similar to the runaway tribe here. After all, men are crazy, but it's unbearable. "

"Yes, that's it, that's it, but it doesn't seem to matter much now. You just need to bring back all the women on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, even if only a part of it is enough for us. "Everyone can have food and women, and we will be in a hurry."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yang disagrees with Anthony's decision is wrong. To put it bluntly, we cannot escape from the ship cemetery at all. In this case, why not survive here well, my wife and children are hot. This is what we are after. ”

Yang Lao looked up at the two original residents who talked in front of him. He knew the two people very well. He used to be his left arm and right arm. However, he did not expect that he would follow Anthony now. , Looked up, looked at the two indigenous residents in front of them and said

"Hurry up and let me go. The two of you hurry up and let me go. The decision made by Anthony is wrong. If we don't stop Anthony, everything in our survival tribe will fall apart and everything will fall apart. Will be completely over "

"Hurry up and let me go. Hurry up and let me go. Anthony's wrong decision. Do you want to follow Anthony?"

Listening to Yang Lao's reprimand. The original inhabitants of the two survivor tribes opened their mouths, with worried and hesitant faces on their faces.

After all, for them, Mr. Yang is very respectful, and one of them took a deep breath

"Mr. Yang, we know what you are talking about, and we are not dissatisfied with your management methods, but Anthony is also right. If we do not participate in the offensive and offensive of this international cruise ship If that happens, then the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will be taken away by the Ankat of the runaway tribe. By then, he will have people, food, and women will become extremely powerful. We survivor tribe We ca n’t fight at all. By then we will not have the strength to fight Carter. "

"That being the case, why don't we join Carter to attack this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and at least be the first to get food and women"

"And they are able to survive among our survivor tribes for their good. They also allow us to understand the strength of the Carter tribe. This is the best of both worlds. Why do you refuse?"

"Yes, yes, Yang, if you do n’t refuse, we wo n’t tie you up with this strategy at all. If you agree with Yang now, I will release you immediately, I believe Anthony knows You will be very happy if you agree, all of this is for the survival of our surviving tribe. "

The original inhabitants of the two survivor tribes talk to each other. There was a sloppy look on his face. It was Yang Laoyang's regret and sighing expression that responded to him.

"It was wrong and you were all wrong, do I not know what you are talking about? I refused Anthony to attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship together not because of Carter, nor did I mean that I was afraid that Carter would not use Shuiyue International. The food and women on the luxury cruise ship were all recaptured, but the offensive Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship was unrealistic from the beginning. The ultimate failure of the offensive Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will be us, not the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Don't you see that? "

"No, no, Mr. Yang, what you said is really weird. How is that possible? The Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship is only filled with some passengers and some staff, it seems that it is simply Without any fighting power and lethality, how could it make our opponents impossible? This is simply impossible. Carter of the Runaway Horde is a group of thugs. If they are present, how could the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship be Carter's opponents, together with Anthony and others, went together, and the people on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship had no resistance at all. "

"Stupid, you guys are really stupid. Have you ever thought about one thing, whether it's Carter of the Thug Tribe or people in our survivor camp, we all have a hungry meal and say we are simply I ca n’t eat enough, but I ’m not warm, and the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship come from the outside world. At least they can eat and drink, and their physical fitness and strength are better than us. Will the powerful person be the opponent of the person on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise? "

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