Super Finding App

Chapter 1524: Panic

The morning sun shines through the glass on a brick building.

This is different from the high-rise buildings in the city, but similar to a courtyard house in Jiangnan Water City.

Don't underestimate this small courtyard house, blue brick building, having a beautiful courtyard house in this city is definitely not what ordinary people can do, and the price is quite expensive.

However, this is not a too worthy thing for Yang Kaiyun, because this is his ancestral house, not his own purchase. If it is changed now, this green brick and green courtyard house is even Yang Kaiyun worked in the institute for 20 or 30 years and I can't afford it.

He can also be regarded as an asylum of his ancestors, with a little bit of grace on his ancestors. He owns a courtyard house, blue bricks and green tiles, and he can live a good life.

"Be careful, you really have to be careful. Although I heard that Tian Ruo Hai is not in the high seas, but it is also close to the high seas. But you have to pay attention to safety. I heard that recently It ’s not too safe at sea. If it ’s really dangerous, you have to run away. You are doing scientific research and research. You are not a soldier or a desperate person. You must pay attention to safety. ”

With long hair with a shawl, a delicate and beautiful face, and a woman full of Jiangnan water village temperament with a worried look on her face, even so it was very gentle to put on her husband's clothes and put on a suitcase. Inside, Are some of the necessary equipment for some of the necessary life.

"Rest it, rest assured, it's okay, wife, this time the institute is not me alone, and there are a dozen staff members accompanying me, we just know that we will go to Tianluohai for research. It ’s only two days and nights. Basically, I can come back on the weekends. Do n’t worry, there must be no problems. ”

"When you are at home, you just need to bring your daughter well, but now the only bad thing is that I am afraid my daughter will be angry with me again."

Yang Kaiyun Kai shook his head funnyly, sighed, and turned to look around. The little girl wearing a pink princess dress stood quietly directly at the door of the house, her mouth wide and her face full of discomfort. look,

You don't have to look at it, it can be displayed through her expression. What she means is that I'm very angry. Don't mess with me and don't want to talk to you.

"It's okay, it's okay. The child is still too young? When you come back and make up for her, just buy her something to coax."

The wife shook her head gently. She knew very well that things in the world were unsatisfactory. What is perfect?

Not to mention it's all about work.

"I understand, I understand, of course I understand what you said, but our baby girl still has to talk to her well"

Yang Kaiyun nodded, raised his head and walked to the daughter who was angry, squatted down, reached out and stroked his daughter's head. The daughter stubbornly patted the hand touching her head, showing a kind of expression on her face meaning.

That is

I am just so unhappy!

Yang Yunyun shook his head, saying nothing at all

"Okay, okay, Yang Zi, my little baby, don't be so angry. Dad has work to do. Don't worry, he will compensate you well after Dad comes back to work. Will you? I want to buy everything for you, and I can take your family to the playground. "

The gentle sunlight fell through the shade of the tree and fell on the little girl wearing pink clothes in front of her eyes. The delicate face was like a little princess from a fairy tale, and her bright eyes were dazzling.

This is the scene where Yang Lao said countless times in the midnight dream.

But with the passage of time, such scenes have become increasingly blurred. The long 20-year history has gradually made Yang Lao unable to remember what his wife and daughter looked like.

If it hadn't been for the photo that the iron had already been yellow in his underwear, I'm afraid he would have been unable to remember his wife and daughter.

Although their thoughts are as deep as the sea and as thick as the earth, human memory is really a very strange thing.

Some things are so ingrained that you can never forget them, but when you think about it, you can't figure out what is going on.

For Yang Lao, the only thing I can remember is the pair of crystal clear and bright eyes under the sunlight in the memory.

And these bright eyes gradually overlapped with the girl in front of her.

Where he thought he could never meet his daughter again.

Miracles come in the place of death called the ship's cemetery.

"Yang Zi, Yang Zi, is my baby daughter really you, is it you?"

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible. How could you be here, how could you be here? How could you be here?"

Yang Lao shouted hysterically even after being chased by others. His old face was full of doubts and unbelievable expressions. He stared blankly before him Even the tall and handsome Yang Lao, with a look of astonishment and fear on his face, was something he had never thought of before.

His daughter would come to this ship cemetery to find him?

How is this possible?

"Father, father, it's really me, it's really me, I'm really Yang Zi, I'm really Yang Yang Zi, I finally found you, I finally found you"

This is the feeling of blood being thicker than water. Even if he hasn't seen it for 20 years, even if the father in front of him has changed from the youth in his memory to the elderly now, but when he first saw him, Yang Zi Her bloodline has told her that the old man in front of her is her father Yang Kaiyun, who she seeks day and night.

"No, no, why do you come to me? Why do you come here? You should not come to me, you should not come to me, don't you know that you will never be able to live without me?"

"As long as you enter this ship cemetery, you can never leave here. Why do you come to me? Why come to me?"

After a short period of joy, Yang Lao shouted with tears in his face, holding his daughter's shoulders tightly with his hands, and his face was suddenly frightened and worried.

This is a conditional reflex as a father. Compared with 20 years of meeting, he is more concerned that Yang Zi actually came to this ship cemetery.

You know this is the ship cemetery!

There is no entry or exit in the ship's cemetery, as long as it comes in, it will never go out forever.

I am already an old man, even if I die in the ship cemetery, it has nothing to do with it.

But how could her daughter be trapped in the ship's cemetery!

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