Super Finding App

Chapter 1528: Capture (1)

"Hold on, hold on, guys hold on, guys hold on, the original inhabitants of these ship cemeteries rely on only some of their ferocity and blood, as long as they resist their first attack, these ship graves The original inhabitants on the field did not have any offensive power at all, they did not have any sustained power, and fighting protracted wars was not our opponent at all. "

George End of the United States shouted aloud, the security staff behind him tried to arrange the work, and the organizers resisted.

Many sailors on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship also picked up their weapons at this moment. Although they are not professional fighters, they have a strong physique and a steel pipe in their hands to deal with the worn-out underwear of the ship's cemetery. The original residents of the meal still had no problems.

The same is true of many waiters, don't look at them as waiters, but if you really think that they are powerless, it's a big mistake. Some of these waiters are handsome and stature, but everyone At least they can eat and drink, and their bodies are very strong. Of course, the only thing to worry about is morale. Once the original residents in the ship's cemetery rushed onto the deck and started. If you can, that may really break the morale of many sailors and staff on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship at once, and make them flee.

After all, fighting is one thing, but war, and killing is another.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, became unusually dignified. The women on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship gathered behind her, and everyone also held a weapon.

Do not think that Tang Xuan Yugui, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, is a princess, so it is very weak like the movie and TV, waiting for the prince's rescue, it is just a fairy tale. As women growing up in the new era, sometimes they are better than Men are more competitive.

The same is true of Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, holding weapons to fight on the front line. Many women behind them are holding various weapons and benches, and the tables and chairs desperately resist the indigenous inhabitants who climbed up from the ship cemetery.

"I'm coming up, I'm coming up, I'm finally coming up, ha ha ha, ha climb me up on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, you **** guys are going to bow to me now, otherwise I will kill him myself you guys"

A tall-billed monkey with a tall gill climbed onto the deck of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, with two feet on the deck. He felt powerful, proud, holding a metal-made weapon in his hand, only a dentition mouth. Seeing fiercely.

In his opinion, when he stepped onto the deck, many people under the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship should quickly run away, even bowing their heads, they did not have any strength to resist themselves, but suddenly they responded to him. It was a huge fist in front of him, which knocked him heavily to the ground.

I saw the bodyguards in black clothes coming over. Each of them was exceptionally strong, and the indigenous people who saw sharp-mouthed monkeys were stunned, grinned, and rushed up with the steel knife in their hands. He believed that even if the other was strong What can they do? As long as they are not afraid of death, they are simply a paper tiger.

With the crisp sound, the man with a sharp-mouthed beak shouted holding a steel knife and shouted his head, and saw a small red dot on his chest appearing on the chest. Then blood ran down the red dot frantically, and his body possessed countless strength. Constantly draining, raising his head, watching the mouth of the bodyguard in front of him wide open, the steel knife in his hand fell to the ground with a sound.

He simply couldn't believe what happened.

No, no, this script is not right at all, this script is not right at all!

The sense of weakness caused him to stumble backwards, opening his mouth.

"Why dare you kill me, how dare you kill me, this is not right, this is not right, this script is not right at all"

I ca n’t believe the fact that the inhabitants of the sharp-billed monkey gills regret everything, but it ’s too late no matter how much he regrets, the whole body fell straight to the ground from the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Just the same as a trash.

In an instant

With the sound of gunfire, the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe and the mob tribe in the ship's cemetery were suddenly stunned, even the original inhabitants who were climbing again were stunned at this moment, looking down at the dead companion, and then looking up. Looking at the guns held by the bodyguards on the deck of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, they suddenly panicked.

They just thought of one of the most important reasons.

That is, they can work hard. Similarly, people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship can work hard!

No, it should be said that even though most of the international luxury cruise ships on the Shuiyue are dare not to kill, these nobles have bodyguards. Those bodyguards are all special infantry. There may be more blood on your hands than the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery.

"Stupid guy, if we can, we don't want to hurt your life. After all, you are also a life, but if you insist on attacking, then don't blame us. Our only goal is to protect the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise The nobleman above

The dart leader said in a cold voice, took out the gun in his hand, looked at the aborigines in the ship's cemetery that seemed to be stunned by the firearms, and then slightly pulled the trigger.

With the sound of several crisp gunshots, several ship cemeteries were screaming heavily on the original residents and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the original residents who were about to climb on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship issued panic and horror shouts, one by one, the chickens and dogs fled into the desert, fled in a hurry, and made a panic escape.

"Hell, hell, there is a gun, there is a gun on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship."

"Kill, kill, they have guns, they can't beat them, they can't beat them, run, run"

"If there is a gun, there is a gun. The other party has a gun. No, no, we can't beat them at all. We can't beat them at all. The other side has a gun. Run away."

"Run away, you will be killed, you will be killed"

There is a way that the trees fall down, and the survivors of the ship cemetery and the original inhabitants of the mob tribe flee, they rely on their blood.

I hope that I can attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship at one time by virtue of the fierceness, but when they captured the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, they encountered a fierce counterattack, even a more brutal attack than theirs and even life was threatened. At that time, one after another fled wildly. Although they were trapped in the ship's cemetery, it is clear that the survivors' tribe and the original inhabitants of the thug tribe did not want to lose their lives in the ship's cemetery. .

There is a way to die is better to live. Facing the bodyguards on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship with guns,

Run away one by one.

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