Super Finding App

Chapter 1538: Purest love

In order to survive, to what extent can people do?

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, is not clear, but she knows that if she changed herself, she would stay in the ship cemetery for a full 20 years. No, it does not take 20 years. Time, even if it only takes a few years, if she now has a way to leave the ship cemetery, then she will leave the ship cemetery desperately.

If anyone wants to stop herself, she will fight desperately, even if she can't leave the ship's cemetery to destroy the other party in the end, this is the inverse nature of man, and this is also human.

"I see, Mr. Cheng, I finally understand. I now know why Tang Xuanxue has been thinking of you since returning to the palace. You are really very simple. I didn't expect to think of this so quickly. problem"

"I finally understand why you want to take all the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery away. Compared to leaving them, they will eventually become our enemies, and eventually destroy us to leave this ship's cemetery, so that everyone will stay in this ship. In the cemetery, it is the safest method to gather all these indigenous residents and take them together. I believe that after this method is spoken, all those who oppose will have no opinion. "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said with emotion.

"Don't say that, I'm not smarter than any of you, but I think more than you, and you are just a fan of the authorities."

It is said that everyone is carrying it. The second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu, can say such words. Cheng Yiping will naturally borrow the donkey on the slope, chuckled a few times and said, his eyes flashed inexplicable brilliance.

In fact, for Cheng Yiping, it doesn't matter whether the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery are taken away or not.

After all, even if the indigenous residents attacked the International Cruise on the Shuiyue month?

Anyway, he was not there when he attacked.

But Cheng Yiping considered the same thing. Since the original inhabitants in the ship cemetery can attack this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, then if they do not bring them, let them Will the indigenous inhabitants know if they will attack the warship?

Even if the warship is not destroyed in the end, it destroys the warship and finally makes it possible to stay only in the ship's cemetery. That leveling is the intestine that will not even regret it. After all, even if you have a super finder app, even if your super finder finds your own super finder app, it can help you find your way to drive a ship graveyard. Find a way.

Or I can find the method that I can use

In the final analysis, the Super Hidden Object App is just an auxiliary, not a panacea.

This kind of danger is a dare not to risk. He can't afford it.

On the other side, Yang Zi, Feng Zhifan supported Yang Lao, and Deng Yingying walked in the procession.

Yang Zi wiped her tears while looking at Yang Lao. There were many words in her heart. She searched hard for such a long time. Now she finally found her father, but it was a pity that her mother could not see this. one day.

"Dad, dad really worked hard for you, sorry, dad do you know? During these 20 years, I sometimes hate you very much, why do you leave us?"

"What the **** happened, why did you leave me and my mother? And now I finally know, you will be trapped here, sorry father, sorry, father."

Yang Zi wiped her tears. After she knew the news of her father's disappearance at that time, it would be Wulei Bangding.

Many times, even if she knew that her father was missing, something must have happened, but she still resented why her father was not with her.

How many times have I gone to kindergarten, elementary school, and high school every time there is a parent-teacher meeting, and watching the children of other people can be reunited with their father and mother, but she is the only mother, and sometimes the mother cries and runs at home. He is full of resentment and hatred towards his father.

Maybe for Yang Zi, there is no reason to find his father and become a demon in his heart.

She wants to know an answer, she wants to know a reason, she wants to know why her father left her mother and herself, and why she disappeared!

And today she found the answer

"I'm sorry, daughter, I'm sorry I'm sorry for you, it's my father I'm sorry for you, although my father also knows what I'm saying has no use for you, but my father is really sorry

Yang Lao looked up, watching the stranger in front of him and leaving home in his mind, the figure of the crying child in a princess costume gradually overlapped, tears flowing across the road

"Father really sorry for you. I thought I could be in every day of your life, every morning in your life, I could learn to talk, walk, go to school for the first time, for the first time. Wrestling, even the first time you talk to a subject, can stay by your side and protect you. You are the most precious treasure of your father and mother. It is the treasure given to us by God, but my father did not expect to enter this place. In a ship cemetery "

As Yang Lao said, he stretched out his hand and gently touched Yang Zi's face, with an expression of incomparable love and remorse on his face.

"But please believe me, please believe me, Yang Zi, even if I am in this ship cemetery, my heart will always be with you, and I will always be with you together"

For parents, children are always the most beautiful gemstone given to them by God.

Parents' love for their children is as deep as the sea and as vast as the sky. Those who have never given birth to a child cannot understand how they feel when they have a child.

I ca n’t understand the feeling of the same blood, maybe it ’s really very difficult to raise a child. It ’s very difficult. Like the parents of baby-raising on the Internet, it can be said that there are tears on their faces and a pee of urine. .

Tell them many times, maybe they will say that if they have another chance, they will definitely not have children, because they are too tired, but if they are given another chance, they will still have children, because no matter how hard they are, After returning home from tiredness, I saw the child ’s innocent smile that day, watching the crystal clear eyes as big as a sweet smile, shouting father, mother, open hands, and ran over to me like a penguin, Plopped and fell to the ground, then got up, and touched the place where he fell and wept.

Even crying can still make parents' hearts happy and warm. Even if they have suffered many difficulties and grievances outside, they will disappear in front of their children.

This is the love parents have for their children.

It is also the purest love in the world.

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