Super Finding App

Chapter 1551: negotiation

Cheng Yiping once heard a joke called when the primitive people came to modern society and saw doctors in the hospital opening up their patients, what would they think?

I am afraid they will not let them know that the doctor is treating the patient, they only think that the doctor is killing people!

Leaving the patient's belly aside, this is something that only the devil can do.

This is also called the generation gap. It is also a fault composed of so-called knowledge.

To the primitive man, the doctor is terrible, because he is opening his belly, think about it, will he still be a good person?

It's impossible to be good!

It must be a very scary existence.

And the people living in modern times are very clear. The doctor is really helping people to heal, is helping people to heal. The purpose of opening the stomach is to cure the patient ’s illness, not the real killing.

It's the same now. For Yingying Zheng and Yingying Ying, something that feels very strange to Cheng Yiping seems to be a very ordinary or normal thing:

After all, it is a very common thing for all people to find things with the Super Hidden App.

But Cheng Yiping and others did not expect that, in his opinion, these very ordinary things fell into the hands and eyes of Yang Yang and Deng Yingying, which was extraordinary magic.

It's amazing that they are stunned and unbelievable.

It is a very magical thing to think of what you have lost with just a small cell phone, and to find the person you have lost.

"Fortunately, fortunately this is the steamship cemetery, and this steamship cemetery is not big, it is small, and no mess is happening. It is not like in the outside world, looking for someone. It is very difficult to find certain things, and it can be said that it takes half a day. And this ship cemetery only needs to simply find based on the address given by the Super Finding App in the mind. After all, there is not too much danger. Not to mention small places, there are advantages to small places. "

Cheng Yiping gently shook his head to open.

Then according to the Super Finding App in his mind, he knew exactly where Anthony and John Jones were hiding in front of him?

The light car familiarly brought it directly in front of the power engine in the deepest part of the Tang Dynasty No. 3, and could clearly see the soul avatar standing quietly at this moment.

But after seeing Anthony and John Jones. The soul avatar disappeared slowly and instantly like smoke.

[Super Finding App Finding Success]

[Get points for finding things: 10 points]

"Yes, I didn't expect that Anthony and John Jones were really important to Mr. Yang. Otherwise, raising Mr. Yang would not give ten points of faith. Perhaps this is also related to Mr. Anthony and John Johnson. What was taken away was a suicide note, which was related to the suicide note collected by Mr. Yang. "

Just as Yiping was thinking wildly, the old man beside him could not wait to speak.

"Anthony, John Jones turned out to be you, and it really turned out to be the two of you. Why did the two of you do this? Why did the two of you do this? Do n’t you know? Do n’t you know this testament to me How important is it? You should be very clear. The testaments contained here are all the friends who have died in the ship's cemetery. Their testaments are written. "

"How important are these testaments to them, how can you do such a thing, how can you do such a thing?"

Yang Lao shouted hysterically

He couldn't believe that Anthony and John Jones could do such a disgusting thing.

He should know that Young Anthony and John Jones should be very clear about the importance of this posthumous book to himself.

Why do they do this?

"Enough, enough, Mr. Yang wouldn't say so grandly. If it weren't for us to know that this testament is really so important to you, we would not make such a move. If we do n’t take out the testament, we would die. If we do n’t bring this suicide note, we will be killed. Do n’t think I do n’t know this. ”

Anthony snarled hysterically, with a few stings on his face, and John Jones said quickly

"Yes, no one knows that there is a rescue team in the ship's cemetery, and we actually attacked the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Do you think other people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will let us go? "Even if they would let go of those ordinary people, would they let go of our two leaders? This is absolutely impossible."

"At that time, instead of waiting to be killed by them, we might as well find something to protect ourselves. For others, we can't do anything, but we know that Yang Lao's posthumous book is very important to you, as long as you can Hold the testament in hand, and we will be qualified to negotiate with you "

"You know we don't want to die yet, we absolutely don't want to die"

John Jones immediately spoke.

"Yes. Yes, we don't want to die yet, we absolutely don't want to die, why do we want us to die? We will never die, we will never die"

"Why do we die? Everything we do is to live well in the ship's cemetery, and everything we do is just to hope that we can live in the ship's cemetery."

The expressions of Anthony and John Jones were even a little hesitant.

"That ’s the case, it ’s the case. I said why this happened, and it ’s exactly the same as I thought. After a long day, Anqi and John Jones were just to be able to protect themselves, but even so stolen Yang Lao's testament has to say that this is indeed a very bad thing to do "

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes, looking at the Anthony and John Joan before him suddenly feeling a bit pitiful.

For them, stealing a suicide note is simply a hope that they will survive.

But if they had known this already, why did they attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship in the first place? Perhaps, in the circumstances, what Anthony and John Jones did was the right choice.

And found that there are many food and women in the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. It is just that they never thought that after the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, the rescue team of these three warships arrived. All this was beyond their expectation.

Otherwise, what Anthony and John Jones did was a very simple law of the jungle throughout the ship's cemetery.

To be able to live.

To be able to live better.

Grab other people's resources and live.

This is the law of naked jungle.

Old Yang looked ugly as Anthony and John Jones gritted their teeth and took a deep breath.

"I understand what you are talking about, but now I can tell you that the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship have completely forgiven our original inhabitants, have completely forgiven you, and can even take us away This ship's cemetery, so now hand over the testament, as long as the testament is handed over, I can never blame it. "

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