Super Finding App

Chapter 1564: Suspicion (1)

Anyone has skepticism, especially in this ship cemetery, the life is extremely difficult and hard, and all kinds of materials and resources are very scarce.

The mob tribes and the survivor tribes in the ship cemetery have been fighting each other for many years. The two sides can be said to be fighting between you and me. Although they have maintained a balance in the end, it is undeniable that both sides have suspicions heart:

Especially now that after the mob tribe and the survivor tribe have united to attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, the rescue team on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is willing to take them out of the ship cemetery together.

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe in the round cemetery seemed to be full of doubts and strange things.

If at first it was still attracted by the joy of being able to leave the ship's cemetery, but now, after Li Xiaoxuan's remarks, the suspicion has turned into a seed that is constantly spreading in their bodies.

"I think Li Xiaoxuan's statement is very correct. I am afraid that even a saint cannot achieve the situation now. After all, we just attacked the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship with the survivor tribe the day before yesterday. They ca n’t even After all, I always find it strange. "

"Yes, yes. If it were me, I would definitely not. Instead, I would think of various ways to solve the people on the ship's cemetery. If this is the case, it is possible this time. It really will be a trap "

"Yes, yes, it could really be a trap"

Li Xiaoxuan listened to the babble of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe behind him, his face was abnormally solemn, but his heart was full of flowers.

Sure enough.

Sure enough.

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe really began to think more. In fact, this is just a simple psychological tactic.

After all, there is a way to know people and their faces, and a way to know that the heart is separated from the belly.

Although I don't know if the rescue vessel of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship can take us away from the ship's cemetery, this may be true or false.

The probability of this 50% choice can completely make the original inhabitants of the mob tribe sincere and even doubt!

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxuan looked up and looked at Tan Xueqing with a word of righteousness.

"Miss Tan, I do n’t know if what you said is true or false, but if you are true, why ca n’t you agree to my request to let my mob tribe and people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship live? On the same warship, anyway, everyone is going to leave the ship's cemetery. This is a matter of mutual benefit and cooperation. It also allows us to feel your sincerity and be completely at ease. "

"If you refuse, it only shows that you have other ideas."



This is really quite troublesome. I did not expect that Li Xiaoxuan would say such things.

Cheng Yiping stayed behind the crowd and narrowed his eyes slightly, but felt a little irritability in his heart. Li Xiaoxuan who looked at him shook his head slightly.

Cheng Yiping knew very well that Tan Xueqing would never agree to this request.

Just kidding, the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is all aristocrats of the entire Blue Star. Tan Xueqin's primary purpose is to rescue the noble officials on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship to ensure their safety. If you do, there will be a feeling that people are completely different from others, but Cheng Yiping is clear that this is the reality.

Under such circumstances, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe in the ship's cemetery must be brought together with the noble officials of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Not to mention Tan Xueqing, even Cheng Yiping would never agree.

Sure enough, I saw Qin Xueqing raised his head, and a firm light shot in his eyes, saying word by word

"This is impossible. Our own arrangement for the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. If you are willing to leave the ship's cemetery, go to Tiantang 1 with the people of the survivor tribe. I know you will have doubts. But remember, the purpose of staying with us is to leave the ship's cemetery, not to care about you. "

"Haha, haha, I'm afraid that's not right, Miss Tan, if you don't want to, then I can totally doubt that you want to get revenge, or to scam all the original inhabitants of my thug tribe to warships and then kill them, Let me tell you, if this is the case, I will not agree with Li Xiaoxuan to board the warship. "

Aside from Yang Lao, he hurried forward and said urgently.

"Li Xiaoxuan, Li Xiaoxuan, you can't believe this Miss Tan, but don't you even believe me? I always talk to the old man. I have never deceived any of you, please believe me, as long as you log in The warship Tang 1 and the rescue fleet of the international luxury cruise ship Shuiyue will definitely leave you safely from the ship cemetery. I will always stay with you. "

"I'll leave it to you, Mr. Yang, do you really consider yourself a character? I can't deny that you have lived the longest time in this ship cemetery. We have more or less accepted your favor, But this does not mean that what you say is true, or maybe what you say is true, but it is not known whether what the so-called rescue fleet is saying is true or false. Maybe she is the same as you Deceived "

"In short, this is a sentence. If we don't let me and the aristocrats of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship on a warship, our thug tribe will definitely not board the warship, and we will not be fooled."

"Brothers, do you say I am right or wrong?"

Li Xiaoxuan shouted loudly, then turned his head and shouted at the mob tribes with nearly a hundred people behind him.

I saw the original inhabitants of the thug tribe behind them shouting hysterically.

"Yes, yes, if we were not allowed to stay with the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise, we would never board the warship."

"We will never believe you"

"We want to stay on a warship with the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise."

"We want to stay on a warship with the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise!"

"Trap, trap, this is simply a trap trap!"

"A trap, this is a trap at all"

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With Li Xiaoxuan's words of confusion, the original inhabitants of the thug tribe instantly boiled, shouting in the trap, his face became abnormally excited, and even Tan Xueqing could not help but step back.

Hundreds of indigenous inhabitants of this thug tribe now seem to have become a group of real thugs.

The cold light in Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed, and he sighed sighily, shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly stepped forward to the soldier who guarded Tan Xueqing's side and grabbed the soldier's pistol, playing in his hand, Then he clicked into a chamber, raised his head, and slammed, the crisp gunshot sounded all around.

All of a sudden, the people quieted down.

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