Super Finding App

Chapter 1571: Object-hunting helps consciousness space (2)

The origin of ground warfare and joint surgery has a long history, and many things are involved.

The main thing is that arthroplasty naturally involves a variety of joints.

It is simple and very simple, and it is quite complicated.

Fortunately, there is no fatigue, no concept of time, and no boring feeling in the space of consciousness to help find things. Cheng Yiping is like a sponge, constantly learning about ground warfare and Knowledge of joint surgery.

Watching section after section of video and video constantly sucking.

"The seeker's ground combat theory knowledge has been completed and entered into the actual combat assessment."

Is the theoretical knowledge finally completed?

Then finally have time to fight!

Cheng Yiping laughed and had some eagerness to try.

next moment

The surrounding scenes changed again, and there were actually 10 burly men in front of him, with an unusually strong physique and an ominous feeling lingering into Yiping's mind.


Just listen to the instructor talking

"The seeker will defeat 10 challenge opponents to be able to successfully evaluate in actual combat."

"Game start!"

With the words of the ground warfare instructor, there was no stay at all. I saw one of the burly Han Han shouting and clapping his hands, and the ground rushed forward.

Cheng Yiping gnashed his teeth and rushed forward. Cheng Yiping was twisted and died!

Cheng Yiping's arm was twisted and failed!

A tie was broken and failed!

Cheng Yiping's neck was directly broken and failed!

Cheng Yiping failed!

Cheng Yiping failed!

Cheng Yiping failed!

Cheng Yiping did not know how many times he had failed on this platform. If he really wanted to count, he could imagine that his head had been twisted directly no less than hundreds of times, let alone his arm. I don't even remember the number of them.

In some cases, even his internal organs will be squeezed to death.

It was a fierce battle.

Every time death or an arm is broken, it will recover the next moment, and re-enter the battle, leaving Cheng Yiping with no other thoughts at all. The only thought in his mind is battle!


Defeat your immediate opponent!

Defeated an opponent.

Defeated two opponents.

Defeated three opponents.

Finding things helps Cheng Yiping to be naked in the consciousness space at the moment, exuding a sturdy breath on his body, his eyes cold like a poisonous snake.

He is very clear that ground warfare is not as warm-hearted as other major combatants. Ground warfare sees more calmness!



Like a poisonous snake, it lurks silently, seizing a chance, it can fall to the ground, and immediately perform ground joint surgery to kill it.

What is needed is absolute calmness!

Brute force has no effect at all.

In front of him is the 10th challenger he has to deal with.

The battle between the masters will never be as wonderful as the movie says. You and we fight for 300 rounds. The battle between the real masters is quite boring and boring.

It's more about the two parties' guesses and hypotheses in their minds before the shot. After all, as long as they can show a little flaw, the other party can completely kill themselves.

The battle between masters is often only in the moment.

Time passed little by little between Cheng Yiping and the tenth opponent in front of him.

Suddenly the two seemed to receive the signal at the same time, like two tigers rushed up.

Popping sounds ...

The two were entangled with each other. The moves looked awkward, but they were quite flexible, and eventually turned flat and reversed. Using this gap, they instantly fell the other side to the ground, then quickly climbed on the other side's body and cast A death cross buckle. Feet and arms lock each other tightly.

The 10th challenger Yang Tian shouted in front of him, and even with his strong power, he gradually opened a flat lock to open it slowly.

Cheng Yiping knew very well that once he was pulled away, it was himself who died next!

The power of this 10th challenger is far greater than the average person!



Lock his arm even if he twists his head!

With a crisp sound, the 10th challenger collapsed to the ground with an instant of weakness, and the bones in his neck were instantly pinched.

next moment

The voice of a masked ground warfare instructor was heard in a bottle.

"Congratulations to the seeker for completing the ground warfare search and help to complete, and I wish the seeker a smooth journey."

next moment

The surrounding scene disappeared instantly like a bubble.

Cheng Yiping's consciousness instantly returned to his original body.

At this moment, he was still on the muddy ground of the ship's cemetery, his hands and feet were tightly held by Li Xiaoxuan in front of him.





As long as I was locked by my arthroplasty, that leveling in front of me couldn't win me at all.

Can't win me at all!

"Did he give up?"

Cheng Yiping desperately suppressed Cheng Yiping's face with ecstasy, he could feel the strength of Cheng Yiping's resistance in front of him getting smaller and smaller, showing a bright smile.


A horrible feeling rushed from the back to the back of the head, chilling with horror, and horrified to see the horrible power contained in the originally immobile city Yiping. The muscles were expanding and the inexplicable fear filled Behind Li Xiaoxuan, his cold hair burst.

Turned around

The focus was on a pair of knives, and then, Cheng Yiping, who was under his body, broke out with a strange gesture.

how can that be possible?

how is this possible!

How could the fat on hand be run away again?

Now that I was pressed to the ground, how could it be possible for you to escape by being pressed to the ground by my joint surgery?

Li Xiaoxuan's face changed so much that he couldn't care why Cheng Yiping in front of him suddenly changed, and hurried forward.

Cheng Yiping was entangled again, trying to suppress him underneath, but he was shocked to find that Yiping was in front of him as if he knew his movements and postures.

Moreover, his body was repressed under him instantly.

Do you want to oppress me?

How is this possible!

You can't lock me at all!

You can't lock me at all!

Li Xiaoxuan snorted, preparing to break free forcibly, but was shocked to find that his hands and necks were instantly locked by the other party.

This is the scariest death cross lock!

Accompanied by the horrifying power and depression of Death Cross Lock, it was instantly shrouded in Li Xiaoxuan's body.

He knows better than everyone else that with the slightest use of force, his arm and even his neck can be completely pinched.

And the force transmitted from the other side's body told Li Xiaoxuan that the other side was still doing this, and a cold voice came from his ear.

"Now you either surrender, or I'll pinch your arm, and your neck will be completely twisted. This is the shipyard. Even if it kills you, there will be no problem."

Li Xiaoxuan bit his teeth and resisted desperately.

He absolutely didn't believe it.

He must not give up like this!

But along with it was a more powerful and horrifying force sweeping over, snapping his arm and breaking it instantly, making a painful sorrow:

The force at the neck rushed like iron tongs.

Li Xiaoxuan was finally afraid.

"I confess, I confess!"

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