Super Finding App

Chapter 1583: clothes

"No, no, I have no testament at all, I have no testament at all"

Anthony struggled desperately, his face became unusually solemn and ugly.

However, facing the personnel of the Ministry of National Security, he had no room to backhand and was quickly controlled.

Three members of the Ministry of National Security fumbled on him for a moment and found no trace of the suicide note at all. He turned his head and shook his head, with a doubtful look on his face.

Anthony whispered

"I said that there was absolutely no testament on my body. You wouldn't really innocently think that I would put the testament on myself. Yang Lao didn't expect that you would be such a kind of unspeakable person. I would Think about whether this testament will be given to you. "

"The big deal is not to leave the ship's cemetery. I want you to be unlucky, and regret it!"

Anthony said with gritted teeth, his face was so dull that dripping water could come out.

How is this going?

How is this going?

Does it mean that the Super Hidden Object APP has no effect?

Could it be that the Super Find App failed?


this is impossible.

How could there be such a thing!

Yang Zi looked at each other. Looking down, looking at the Super Find App on Feng Zhifan's mobile phone still flashing a red sign, telling her that the suicide note she was looking for was indeed on Anthony.

But why can't I find it?

How is this going?

Could it be that the Super Hidden App failed?

Feng Zhifan's mouth was wide open, and he had some doubts and puzzlements, but his heart was disturbed.

do not!

Never fail.

Never fail.

If the Super Finder app fails, the consequences are unthinkable.

First of all, I don't know how to resolve this matter. Second, I don't need to wait until Yang Zi wants to marry herself again.

Thinking of Feng Zhifan's desire to cry without tears, he took Yang Zi's own phone and looked down.

Looking at the search page of the Super Search App, all of a sudden

Anthony, who looked in front of him, suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise.

"Clothes. Clothes, take off Anthony's clothes, take off Anthony's clothes"

In an instant

Anthony's complexion changed instantly, struggling to say

"What are you doing, what the **** are you doing, Yang Lao, you are insulting, you are insulting, tell you to stop them, stop them, otherwise I will never give you the will. Otherwise, even if I do n’t leave the ship's cemetery, I will never give you my will. ”

Anthony's sudden haste and abnormal behavior caught Yang Zi's attention instantly.

Yang Lao opened his mouth and was about to speak, but was stopped by Yang Zi, motioned to the staff of the Ministry of National Security to take off Anthony's clothes three or two times.

Into the hands is unusually heavy.

How could there be ordinary clothes without a garment factory within the ship's cemetery?

The clothes worn by the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery are made of a special seaweed on the seaside and the original clothes are quite thick, but they can also keep warm.

Otherwise, there is no clothing to protect against the cold. In this ship cemetery, winter is enough to freeze people to death.

And the clothes were unusually heavy.

The three members of the Ministry of National Security touched the thick clothes and had some doubts. When they searched for Anton, the clothes were already very heavy, which prevented them from searching for Anthony.

But Anthony did not have any testament. After all, a thick stack of testament can be found by touching it.

It really is true.

It really is true.

Feng Zhifan's eyes suddenly shone brightly, lowered his head, and carefully looked at the search page of the Super Search App in his hand. He could clearly see that the red sign of the Super Search App's search sign was not Anthony, but The dress worn by Anthony!

Looked up and said excitedly

"It's in this suit, it's in this suit, and the testament is in this suit."

With Feng Zhifan's words, Anthony's face turned pale instantly, struggling to rob the clothes in the hands of the Ministry of National Security, but was easily restrained.

John Jones with his mouth wide open was incredible.

At this moment he finally understood why after entering the warship Tang 1 on this day, all of them changed into the clothes brought by the personnel of the Ministry of National Security, but Anthony refused to change.

At first, John Jones thought that Anthony was uneasy about the rescue team members on the warship, afraid that they would play tricks on the clothes.

But it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Let ’s go, let go, let go, this is my clothes, this is my clothes, give me back my clothes, give me my clothes back."

Anthony screamed exhaustedly. Teeth were trembling constantly.

Anthony's strange behavior also attracted the attention of Lao Yang and everyone present.

It can be said that as long as everyone can clearly feel that Anthony is simply a dog jumping the wall at this moment.

Could it be said that the testament is really in the thick clothes that Anthony wears?

The eyes of everyone present were instantly focused on the thick clothes.

Yang Lao walked over with excitement, took the clothes and touched them deeply and said

"This dress is woven from a special plant on the seaside of our ship cemetery. This kind of plant can fill the clothes with warm winters and cool summers, and it can provide warmth and protection. The only drawback is It's heavier and very heavy to wear. "

"Could it be that……"

Lao Yang said as he suddenly opened his eyes, quickly lay the dress on the ground, and then tore it with a click.

As the clothes were torn and ripped, the stuffing inside the clothes spilled to the ground, and among the stuffings, there was a suicide note one after another.

"Testament, testament, it's really a testament. Father, look at it, it's a testament ... Anthony hid the testament in his clothes."

Yang Zi saw the filling in the clothes of the followers and dropped the testament to the ground, and quickly walked over and picked it up.

The mottled text on the testament can be seen in the eyes, which is obviously a long time ago.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible, how can you know that your will is in your clothes, how can you know that your will is in your clothes"

"It's impossible, it's impossible"

Anthony fluttered to the seat like a loss, with a look of panic and confusion on his face.

He couldn't understand why he had found such a secret suicide note.

This is simply unrealistic.

"That's it. That's it, no wonder we can't find it at all. It turns out that Anthony hid his testament in his clothes."

Yang Lao was so excited that his hands were shaking.

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