Super Finding App

Chapter 1586: Believe everything

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping seemed to know what he was vaguely grasping.

What is the so-called faith?

Some people say that faith is selfless dedication.

But in fact, this is not sure at all.

All people in this world are fighting for two things, one is name and one is profit!

As long as all things can never escape these two laws.

Faith may seem selfless, but it also makes up for the emptiness of ordinary people's hearts and meets their spiritual needs.

In other words, it is really something for people, not really selfless.

There is a huge difference between the Tang Dynasty and the Western people, that is, the Tang Dynasty people believe everything, but they also do not believe anything!

That's right.

This is the biggest characteristic of the Tiantang people, and it is also incomprehensible to western countries.

For Western countries, what they believe in is only simple. Once they believe, they will live forever. For them, God is omnipotent.

But in contrast, the people of the Tang Dynasty were very strange. They believed everything, but they also did not believe anything.

If they want children, they will ask for the Goddess of Mercy, if they want promotion and wealth, they will ask for the God of Wealth, if they want to be safe, they will pray for the God of Doors. Divided into categories, even in a toilet, there is a fairy in the toilet.

What makes the West most incomprehensible is that even if they have so many immortals, they seem to believe everything, but they do not believe anything. It seems that they will believe only when there is a need, and they will not believe it when there is no need.

For the people of Tiantang Kingdom, they believe in money more than they believe in these gods.

"It turned out that, now I finally understand, why Feng Zhifan's line of belief suddenly becomes so huge and so small, it really fits the character of the Tang Dynasty people."

"When there is a demand, everything you say is right. Absolute devotion in the heart. How much devotion, how devotion. Once you achieve the goal, immediately turn your face and not confess your account. It is no wonder that the beam of faith will suddenly become smaller, more than crazy Believers will suddenly become very thin again, and even shallow believers will not be considered. This is really interesting. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head in amusement and followed behind three members of the Ministry of National Security walking.

At this moment, the warship has been repaired. The personnel on both sides of the Ministry of National Security or the people on the ship saw Cheng Yiping and three members of the Ministry of National Security stopped, with an excited and kind **** on his face. It seems to be getting ready.

With the repair of the warship and the announcement of the broadcast, the people on the warship seemed to have started their spirits, and there was no such frustration.

The thoughts of the noble officers, sailors, service personnel, or the original inhabitants of the survivor tribes on the three warships did not matter. At this moment, he was touching his chin and thinking about how to maximize the faith to find things.

"I always thought that faith should be the purest faith, it should be like the belief in a sect or the belief like a star chaser, but now it seems that this belief is not sure"

"Faith should be a desire from the bottom of your heart, not the belief and prayer of the God of Finding Objects. In other words, whether it is on the prayer page of the God of Finding Objects or other people do not Like Feng Zhifan, the light of faith has become huge instantly, because their craving is not enough, or they are not as urgent as they can help me find the mood that I am willing to give everything. "

"If this is the case, then it may be very difficult to obtain faith points quickly if the Super Find App is used in the future. After all, such a situation as Feng Zhifan must happen by chance, otherwise it is true. It ’s quite difficult. In this case, I ’ll still save my faith points honestly. When I have saved hundreds of faith points, I can start to look for the other two remaining fragments of the super-hunting app. May be able to become the so-called new **** "

The warships of Tiantang No. 1, Tiantang No. 2 and Tiantang No. 3 are according to their names. Generally speaking, the noble people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and even the second princess Tang Xuanyu of Tiantang Kingdom should generally live in Paradise 1. Above the USS warship.

But who knows that these three warships were rolled up by the ghost storm and smashed heavily after this, but Tiantang 3 was the lightest broken.

Tiantang 1 and Tiantang 2 warships have more or less damage and cracks in the hull. Even after repair, the durability is far less than that of Tiantang 1.

At the moment, in the meeting room of Tiantang No. 3, wearing white clothes, hiding his graceful figure under the clothes, sitting on the main seat, with a cup of tea in front of him, the white heat on the tea slowed down. Slowly emitted.

Tang Xuanyu drank a cup of tea gently, and the tea went down her throat into her body, which gradually warmed up some of her cold body.

She never imagined how happy it was to be able to drink a glass of boiling water.

The meeting room was full of people. Tang Xueqing and Secretary Wang of the Ministry of National Security of the Tang Dynasty and Secretary Wang gathered together, and their faces were filled with relaxed smiles.

"Great, this warship has finally been repaired. Next, we only need to find a way to share the ship's cemetery with Cheng Yiping, and we can leave the ship's cemetery."

Secretary-General Wang exhaled and came to the ship's cemetery. She didn't go down with the warship for a while, because she felt abnormal danger here, and now she is finally leaving the **** ship's cemetery.

"It's true. It can be a good thing for us to leave here, but then again, who would have thought that the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship would be trapped in the ship's cemetery. Yiping's super-hunting app, we want to find it, but it is more difficult. "

"It's true, I can't deny that Cheng Yiping's Super Hidden Object App is really very interesting, but if you think this Super Hidden Object App is almighty, I don't think so."

Secretary Wang shook his head

So far, she still feels that the development of the matter has some good things, which is only a super-finding app.

The main thing is that this super finder app is really amazing. It ’s amazing that Secretary Wang didn't believe it.

"Well, in any case, Cheng Yiping will come over. We just need to let Cheng Yiping find a way to leave the ship's cemetery. We can all leave here."

While Secretary Wang and Tan Xueqing were talking to each other, the door of the meeting room was pushed open.

Cheng Yiping came in under the leadership of three members of the Ministry of Public Security.

"Hello Mr. Cheng, you are very welcome to come. Whether we can leave this ship cemetery this time depends on you."

Tang Xuan's second princess, Tang Xuan, had a gentle smile on her mouth, exuding an intellectual breath all over her.

It is undeniable that the second princess is a princess after all, and her cultivation and temperament are indeed like a bright pearl.

Even sitting quietly can exude a temperament that makes people look back, graceful and luxurious

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