Super Finding App

Chapter 1598: Sad

how could this be?

how could this be? One

Li Xiaoxuan fell powerlessly on the deck, and there were storms and tornadoes outside, and even the entire warship became crumbling under the impact of the storm.

But even so, Li Xiaoxuan didn't react at all, letting his body be hit against the wall of the deck, his eyes were full of ashes.

For a long time, he thought that he was able to play with the applause of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe, but now he looks like a fool.

From the beginning to the end, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe did not believe him, he wanted to justify and wanted to persuade the original inhabitants of the mob tribe again.

But when he spoke, he swallowed it back, because he knew that the original inhabitants of the thug tribe were true.

Rather than die in the ship's cemetery, they are more willing to fight with the so-called cannon fodder on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship rescue team.

There is only one difference between the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and the living inhabitants of the tribe.

That is, they are lonely widows, and they have their own families, their loved ones and even their own children in the outside world.

For the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and even the surviving tribe, there is no hope that they can only stay within the ship cemetery.

"As long as there is any hope they will never give up."

Do not underestimate them, want to return to the outside world, want to see loved ones, want to see the momentum of the family so that they split the sky, crack the earth, stop the gods and Buddhas.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxuan's innumerable spirit suddenly disappeared, like a dead old man shaking his body constantly with the bumps of Warship No. 1:

He knew he had failed completely.

"Sure enough, it is **** or old spicy. It seems that Yang Lao is not as simple as I imagined. Think about it. I can live in this ship cemetery for 20 years, and I am still a survivor. How could the leader of the tribe be a simple old man without any kindness? "

"I'm afraid his face is also his disguise in the ship's cemetery, but then again, it saves me bothering. I can easily change the minds of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe and even let Li Xiaoxuan launch another riot. Not here. "

Yang Lao really is not simple

All the firecrackers in the lobby door of the Warship No. 1 mob tribe are not weak, but the original inhabitants did not find that the soul avatars stood in the sky above them, and everything that these soul avatars saw reached the warship No. 3 In a flat mind.

He opened his eyes slowly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In this ship cemetery, the feeling that Mr. Yang gave him has always been a good old man and a kind old man.

But now it seems that this old Yang is indeed not simple.

At least Cheng Yiping registered the original inhabitants of the thug tribe in the shipyard cemetery, and finally did not expect that Li Xiaoxuan would once again bewilder the situation of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. "

Yang Lao had already done a vaccination in advance and it was easy to unify the reinforcements of the mob tribe than all ideas.

Li Xiaoxuan fell short.

Otherwise, once Li Xiaoxuan really riots the original inhabitants of the mob tribe, this will be quite troublesome.

Although in Cheng Yiping's view, it is absolutely impossible for even the indigenous insurgents in the mob tribe to seize the next warship No. 1, but in the end it is a troublesome thing. The main thing is that in the view of Cheng Yiping, even if the original inhabitants of the thug tribe robbed Warship No. 1, it would be useless.

When you are a warship, you have an automatic navigation system. Can anyone personally drive it?

And it's in this bad weather!

I'm afraid that in this ocean will be rolled up by a tornado storm, or will be entangled in the depths of the ocean, buried in the bottom of the ocean,

Individuals should never make such a decision, of course, this is not certain.

No one can guarantee that there are no hysterical stupid people like Li Xiaoxuan in the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.

But now it seems that all has been settled.

"Next should be the Great Vortex, as long as you can safely reach the Great Vortex, you can leave the ship's cemetery"

Cheng Yiping took a long breath and said that he wasn't worried that this was simply impossible.

In this big ocean, it is no longer under its own control, and it is clear that in the face of the small mess of this terrible marine man.

He also realized once again that Super Hidden App is not a panacea.

Whether it's a super finder app or a belief finder app, even if it's a long way.

The Super Hidden App uses the same method as the video to safely leave the ship's cemetery.

Tell us, or you can easily tell me where the object you want to find is, but this process of finding the object requires you to find it yourself.

And this is full of various crises!

At least in this ship cemetery China has nothing to rely on.

Can only be warships!

Once the warship is really broken or stranded waiting for me, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

Thinking of the peace of mind here, I slowly closed my eyes and looked at the soul clone in my head.

At this moment, the soul distracted by the void, looked down at the entire warship like a **** in this storm, and silently observed it.

If there is a situation or danger, even if he is trying to reveal his identity, he must remind him. After all, he suspects that he still has the opportunity to be transferred.

But the warships drowned in the ship's cemetery, and it was really dead.

At the same time, the senior officials and nobles of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship on the warship, or some shrinking in bed, will be cuddled tightly and feel the shock of the warship in the storm.

Or a few people cringed together, holding their hands tightly, or even closing their eyes and praying for peace, as if a candle burning in a storm, using their faith to give themselves Lifting blows.

Many more people grasped the object tightly and gritted their teeth. All of them were in fear.

They are praying that they can safely leave the ship cemetery.

"His Royal Highness Princess, it's okay, it's okay, there should be no problem at all. Although there is some gap between the current situation and the video, it is not entirely out of track, as long as we follow Cheng Yiping using the Super Find If we find the line, we will definitely be able to leave this steamer powder factory and we will definitely be able to steam the cemetery. "

The heroic Tan Xueqing and Secretary Wang are at the moment with Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, with a solemn look on her face.

As the Ministry of National Security Tan Xueqing and Secretary Wang, their most important job was to protect the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu.

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