Super Finding App

Chapter 1606: Die

Zhao Qian, the chubby girl Wang Yueshi, and Liu Wei and Zhao Lu climbed carefully on the mountain road with Zishan.

Originally, when climbing a mountain, I still felt that the road was quite difficult and tired, but when I really went down, I found that going down was sometimes more difficult and dangerous than climbing.

After all, you can take a break when you are tired when climbing the mountain. Although you can run down the mountain quickly under the effect of gravity when you go down the mountain, if you cooperate with the ground to shake the mountain, it is a dangerous anomaly. Rolled down.

Although this is not too thrilling with Zishan, it is estimated that it will be half dead if it rolls down from the top of the mountain. If you hit some trees or rocks, the consequences are absolutely unthinkable.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry down, hurry down, it's really unlucky, it's really too unlucky, how can this happen, how can this happen?"

"We shouldn't climb the mountain at the beginning, we shouldn't climb the mountain at the beginning, if you listen to me, it won't happen."

Liu Wei carefully jumped down from the steps and stones in front, rubbing his feet on the ground, using friction to stop his body from falling quickly.

The expensive sneakers that had been spent a lot of money on the hillside of Ni Ning have been pitted.

Liu Wei was dying with heartache.

I spent the money to buy this limited edition sneaker, but I installed it in the school, or picked a girl, not for climbing.

But even now, no matter how heartache is compared with his own life, his life is more important.

Even so, he was full of anger, turned his head and yelled at his girlfriend Zhao Lu.

At this moment his face was a little hesitant.

Zhao Lu obediently followed Liu Wei silently, walking cautiously, holding his hand on Liu Wei's shoulder, stumbled, with a look of panic on his face.

Even after being reprimanded by Liu Wei, she did not have any dissatisfaction, because she knew that the current situation was that everyone would feel very dangerous.

"It's okay, everyone's okay. As long as the blasting doesn't continue, the mountain will not be so fast and it will collapse so easily. We can run down the path quickly. As soon as we get down the mountain, there will be no problems. At that time we will Know who will be blasting here and Zishan. "

Zhao Qian quickly said, cheering everyone in the back, his face became a little ugly.

He could feel the mountain shaking fast, making cracks and even the sound of the rock breaking under the big feet.

This is definitely not a good thing.

"Shut up, shut up, Zhao Qian, shut up for me, Zhao Qian, shut up for me."

Liu Wei turned his head and shouted loudly. There was some hesitation in his face.


In an instant

A deafening explosion burst into the sky.

The four turned their heads. Although they couldn't see clearly, they could still see the billowing black smoke on the other side of Yuzishan, and the aftermath of the powerful explosion spread to the surroundings, even the four could be separated by a long distance. Feel the smoke in the air after the explosion.

After a brief silence.

Violent banging and shaking occurred with the Zishan mountain.

The sound of huge vibrations even shook the whole mountain and issued continuous cracks.

Zhao Qian's face changed greatly, watching the rocks under his feet crack and crack, the large rocks above his head fell from the sky, rolled down all around, and even the branches of the mountain had collapsed because of the huge cracking of the mountain.

Zhao Qian's face pale

"Run, run, everyone, run, run, the mountain is about to collapse, the mountain is about to collapse"

"Run, run!"

At this time, no one's urging was needed at all. The slightly fat girls Wang Yueshi and Sun Wei and Zhao Lu hurriedly rushed down the mountain to speed up the running speed.

Even the danger of running down the mountain can't be ignored.

There is still a hint of vitality running down the mountain quickly.

If you stay on this mountain, if the landslide falls into the cliff, you will die.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable"

Liu Wei gritted his teeth with a trace of his hair on his face, and turned and ran quickly.

Due to the speed, even Zhao Lu, who was behind him, stumbled, and some of them could not keep up, and then he stumbled and fell on the ground with the gravel under his feet, with a look of fear and fear on his face.

"Liu Wei, Liu Wei wait for me, wait for me"

Running in front of Liu Wei, he heard his girlfriend's shouts and stopped, turned his head, sweating, and his face was a little hesitant.

Hesitating, turned his head, reached out and grabbed his girlfriend Zhao Lu.

The moment he grabbed Zhao Luyu's hand, the ground between them cracked and cracked, and it was expanding to both sides at a very fast speed, and the rock fell instantly.

Zhao Lu suddenly fell into the deep pit, and the body gravity and free gravity instantly fell down. Liu Wei suddenly lay on the edge of the area, grabbing Zhao Lu's left hand with his right hand, his face became Unusual swelling of red and iron blue.

"Save me, save me, save me quickly"

"Never let go, Sun Wei, don't let go, don't let go"

Zhao Lu was so frightened at this moment that he grabbed his boyfriend Sun Wei's right hand with his left hand and begged with a look of horror on his face.

Liu Wei's face was extremely red. His right hand wanted to pull his girlfriend Zhao Lu back, but gravity couldn't pull him at all.

The left hand was a little bit harder against the edge of the cliff, but it was very useless. With a click, the left hand held the rock on the edge of the cliff to break down instantly, scaring Liu Wei's complexion instantly.

Zhao Lu still shouted loudly below

"Save me quickly, save me quickly, be sure to save me"

"Don't let go, don't let go ..."

Liu Wei's complexion became unusually solemn and ugly, holding his girlfriend Zhao Lu's left hand tightly in his right hand, watching the bottomless dark abyss beneath her swinging body.

Liu Wei was able to see that the rocks beneath his body were constantly cracking because of his pressure, his face changed instantly, and even became a little bit embarrassed.

Zhao Lu shouted desperately, with a look of horror on his face, suddenly his face became pale, and he saw his face become a little emaciated, even horrible, and saw him word by word. Said

"Zhao Lu, don't blame me. I still want to die. I don't want to accompany you to die. If you blame, it will be Zhao Qian. All this is his fault."

With Liu Wei's words, holding Zhao Lu's hand constantly struggling, and then slowly released

Zhao Lu screamed in despair, his face pale, desperately trying to grab the hand of boyfriend Liu Wei, but it was of no use.

The whole body instantly fell into the darkness of the cliff ...

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