Super Finding App

Chapter 1617: Understated

"I do n’t know. It ’s clear that there is a way to die for wealth, birds for food, and the remoteness compared to Zishan. If I guessed correctly, I am afraid it was something done by some people near Zishan."

"There is a way to go to a remote and remote place to do everything to make money."

"Although I'm not saying they don't make good money, it's just that they take it too seriously"

"It turns out that no matter how we make money or not, it has nothing to do with us. I just hope that this is not how many people are trapped in Zishan. After all, our task is just to rescue, but this time I am afraid it is not so simple."

"In contrast, I hope it is a fire, at least it can be quickly extinguished. If it is a mountain rescue, it will be quite troublesome."

The two phases have the slightest disadvantage.

Compared to mountain rescue, Wang Fugui still hopes that a fire has occurred. At least everyone can get on the road, not like mountain rescue, which not only delays time but is tiring.

Trapped people cannot be completely found.

Especially when these half of the mountain collapsed.

"Okay, okay, Wang Fugui, this is what we said on our car, you must not say it after getting off the car, otherwise, if it is given by those who are unscrupulous or self-media If we catch it, we will think that we are gloating. In fact, we don't say that it is a landslide or a fire. We hope that nothing can happen. "

"I know, I know what to do."

Not much to say, accompanied by the harsh sound of the fire truck, rushed to the foot of Yuzishan after a long journey.

There are already many people gathered here at this moment

The collapse of the mountain has already alarmed the local government.

A large number of officials have gathered here to start discussions. The main thing now is whether there are any trapped people.

If not, take it slowly.

If so, they must be rescued.

Life is off.

"Are you really sure? You can be sure that Zhang Zhishu's nephew brought all ten migrant workers into the mountain with a landslide?"

"Not only that, but you also saw the tourists who came to climb the mountain. Can you really be sure that they are still in the mountain and have not left?"

"Really, I can certainly be sure. I can certainly be sure. I opened a small shop at the foot of Yuzi Mountain. As long as it is a person going up the mountain, I can see it. Today it is estimated that there should be one or twenty people in Yuzi. Inside the mountain, God knew that such a thing would happen. "

"Suddenly the mountain crashes, which is really strange."

An old man who opened a shop at the foot of Mount Yoshiyama said with a look of flustered expression on his face.

"I didn't see anything. I just heard a few loud noises. Good guy, the sound was like a thunder in the sky. The next thing was the shaking of the mountain. The whole mountain would blast down. If it ’s not the old man, if I run fast, maybe I will be trapped in the mountain, it is too dangerous. "

"This must be the anger of Thor, and the condemnation."

Still Thor is angry?

Still condemned?

Many officials couldn't help rolling their eyes, they wouldn't believe what the ghosts said. From the mouth of the old man, it was learned that there were one or two dozen trapped people trapped in this place, one by one. His complexion became abnormally difficult to look.

If this matter is handled well, everyone's achievements.

If you don't handle it properly, the black hat on your head will definitely fail.

"I see, I see, then immediately after the rescue team's arrival, let them enter the mountain for rescue immediately, you can let them go to the mountain for rescue. In any case, people must see people, and death must see corpses."

"The best time to rescue is 48 hours in gold. Be sure to rescue people before that."

At this moment, the soul was standing quietly at the foot of the mountain, watching the arrival of many officials and rescuers, and sighed sighily, with a look of joy on his face.

With the arrival of the rescue team, the hope of being able to rescue Zhao Qian is even greater.

It's just not that simple by itself, after all, the gaps in which the mountain body is trampled are intricate.

Zhao Qian and others are trapped in the crevices of the mountain. It is not easy to find them easily.

Thinking of the soul avatar in the level of control slowly looking for the rescue team.

Suddenly his eyes brightened.

After seeing one of the fire brigade quickly jumping from the fire truck, one of them took out his cell phone and said

"Wang Fugui, give me your mobile phone number, I will send your mobile phone number to the other rescue teams, when the time comes, you can also contact each other, although the main way of contacting us is to use the intercom , But if the radio signal is not good or the coverage area is lacking. This can be considered as a future disaster, at least you can make two-handed plans. "

Wang Fugui nodded

"no problem"

Then he quickly pulled out the mobile phone and dialed his mobile phone number. However, he did not find that the mobile phone number that he said was clearly heard by his transparent soul.

Then passed through the consciousness to the high-speed rail into a flat mind.

Cheng Yiping's eyes sitting on the high-speed rail lighted up instantly, opened sharply, took out the mobile phone in the fast layer package, and instantly opened the memo, entered the phone number into the memo, looked up, and mumbled Whispering

"Wang Fugui"

[The platform to Jiangzhen City is about to arrive. The platform to Jiangzhen City is about to arrive. Please prepare for the passengers who get off the bus in advance, and prepare for the passengers in advance. 】


The high-speed train uploaded a sound coming soon, and Cheng Yiping's eyes lit up suddenly, chuckling.

"Sure enough, someone wants to send pillows to sleep. This time is really good."

Cheng Yiping didn't hesitate too much, immediately stood up, sorted out his belongings and arrived at the gate of the high-speed rail, quietly waiting for the high-speed rail to arrive.

Then get out of the high-speed rail.

The cold light flashed in my eyes,

"Now that I know that the phone number of one of the rescue workers can be rescued by Wang Fugui and Zhao Qian and others, one of the problems is that I ca n’t use my own mobile phone and I ca n’t have my own mobile phone number. Call, otherwise everything will be exposed. "

Cheng Yiping rubbed his temples with a headache, and now the whole dynasty has begun a real-name system for mobile phones, although sometimes it seems to many people that this real-name system is useless.

But it is undeniable that the emergence of real-name system allows police to find mobile phone parties, which is very convenient.

But this also makes Cheng Yiping a bit troublesome.

After all, if you use your mobile phone to make a call, then if Wang Fugui tells this matter, the communications department will only need to make a simple investigation to know his true identity.

Then I will be quite troublesome,

Cheng Yiping knows very well that after he rescued the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and others, although the second princess Tang Xuanyu and Tan Xueqing have a very good attitude towards themselves.

But Cheng Yiping wanted to know that he must be registered in the Ministry of National Defense.

Low-key, low-key, you must be low-key.

be careful and live long.

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