Super Finding App

Chapter 1619: I am a good person

There is a way, there are policies, there are countermeasures

Although the country does stipulate the real-name system for mobile phones, it is also quite easy to get a secret mobile phone card as long as you have money.

Generally speaking, it is not necessary for ordinary people to do such things, but for Cheng Yiping, this anonymous phone card or a phone card that is not his real identity is still quite necessary.

After all, although he is helping others with what he is doing now, safety comes first.

Man of few words

Cheng Yiping came to a remote corner, took out his mobile phone, took out his card first, and then replaced this anonymous card. After turning on the phone, he entered Wang Fugui's number in it, and then Dialed the phone number.

"Hurry up, hurry up, everyone, hurry up, here, see if anyone is here, see if anyone is here"

"It's terrible, terrible, it's too terrible. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen, who would do such a mad thing?"

Wang Fugui and his companions were walking **** the mountain with Zizi. From time to time, they could see the bodies of the meat sauce people being smashed under the falling rocks. Such disgusting bodies even could not help but vomit to the side. He vomited with a look of panic and panic on his face.

They did not expect that this place would be so horrible as Shura hell.

"It seems that all of these people did not have time to escape into the mountain, and the crushed rocks were crushed and killed directly. It is too miserable. I don't know who will To do such a thing, even blasting in the mountains, doesn't he know that if a blasting is needed, a professional is needed? "

"Everyone will die once the mountain collapses"

"Okay, okay, do n’t say these, do n’t say these, there are natural disasters and human disasters. Natural disasters are often very small, and human disasters are the most important, just like the fire alarms we encountered or some other Basically, human disasters are the overwhelming majority, and real natural disasters are few and far between. "

"Like the blasting of this mountain with Zishan, the entire mountain was blasted and collapsed. You talk about how desperate and ignorant people can do such a thing, and such a thing is actually really willing Do it. Dare to do it! "

"Okay, okay, let ’s stop talking about these, it ’s no use talking about them now, our task is to rescue, and see if there are any living people who must rescue them, and the mountain looks not too bad Too strong, there will be secondary collapse "

"Everyone must be careful, be careful"

Rescue has never been a simple matter. Whether it is a firefighter entering the fire scene to risk his life or rescue in this mountain, it is not a simple matter.

This point Cheng Yiping was very clear. At this moment, the soul was standing quietly beside Wang Fugui, and passed on everything that happened to him to Cheng Yiping's mind through his thoughts.

Cheng Yiping, who was far away from the sky, sighed sighily, he remembered the rescue he had participated in, and the scene was really quite tragic.

Although the rescue on Zishan is not as serious as the rescue on that occasion, it is definitely not simple.

After all, it is related to human life.

Thinking of this, he dialed the phone lightly, and the connection sound came from the mobile phone.

With the connection of the mobile phone, the signal, like the same light beam, is continuously transmitted through the signal network and converged into Wang Fugui's mobile phone.

Wang Fugui and his companions are pushing a huge stone away hard. Below is a person who has been silenced. His face is full of panic and panic, and the expression on his face is still panic. .

It shows how worried he was when he was facing the death of the disaster.

"It's really miserable"

Wang Fugui sighed with a sigh of relief, perhaps doing relief work all year round, seeing too many tragic things, and even his heart will become a bit cold.

Suddenly the phone's ringtone rang, and he frowned.

Did something happen to other rescue teams?

Take out the mobile phone, and enter into a string of mobile phone numbers you do n’t know, and connect the mobile phone with a doubtful look

"Hello, may you be Wang Fugui?"

"Who are you? I'm doing something now, if you have something, please call me later, I'm not free right now"

Wang Fugui frowned. The first reaction was that there must be a so-called sales promotion or a phone call from some crooks.

Honestly, the scammers are too gigantic these days. Although the country has been talking about protecting privacy, God knows the privacy of individuals and how many times they have been sold.

You've just had a child, and you can hear all kinds of insurance and sales calls about your child.

You just bought a house, and then you can receive sales from various decoration companies and furniture. After you buy a car, there are a lot of sales calls about cars.

It can be said that if you do not believe that your information has been leaked, you cannot believe that your information has been leaked.

"Wait, wait, Wang Fugui, Wang Fugui, I'm not selling anything, but there is something I want to ask you to help, you are now participating in the rescue with Zishan"

Wang Fugui felt a shock all over his body, and he stopped pressing his finger to hang up. His face became abnormal. He looked up ugly, looked around, and looked at his companions. He was puzzled.

"Who the **** are you? How do you know what I want to do here?"

"Calm down. Calm down. I said that I'm just a kind person. I know exactly where the trapped people are in Yuzishan. I can tell you where are they hiding? Where are you trapped? What can they save? "

"You know where are the trapped people in Zishan? And you can also tell me where they were trapped, and I will rescue them. If you are joking, if you can really do it, you Why not do it yourself, but call me, don't you think it's ridiculous? "

Wang Fugui froze and suddenly came over. He thought it was a scam phone, but now it looks like a neurotic phone.

You have to know that in this and Zishan today, he does n’t even know where these trapped people are, and now he suddenly received a call to tell him where the other trapped people were. ? !!

What a joke

You are not even with Zishan, you can know by phone only?

You dream!

This person is simply neurotic.

"I know you don't believe me at all, but it doesn't matter, let me guess, you should be right now with Zishan, 20 meters in front of you, you go to that front, then turn left again After turning 50 meters, there will be a trapped person below. You will know if you go there or not. "

"I'll wait for your call"

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