Super Finding App

Chapter 1621: This is real?

Turned out to be true?

Turned out to be true?

The message passed to me on this mysterious call turned out to be true!

The survivor was really found where he was directed!

How is this possible?

Wang Fugui's face changed drastically. Compared with the excitement of other rescue companions, his heart was even more excited. Some even couldn't believe it. He lowered his head and took out the complexion of his mobile phone. He never thought that the call was not a joke Phone, but it's true.

Does the person on the phone really know where they are with the other trapped people on Zishan?

Is this a coincidence or an accident?

Wang Fugui bit his teeth hesitantly and heard the sound of a dingling call from the mobile phone.

Still that unknown number.

Suddenly, Wang Fugui was struck by lightning, and carefully connected the phone again.

"How? You already found the survivor where I said it"

There was still a faint voice on the phone. Wang Fugui raised his head sharply and looked around, his face became abnormally ugly.

How could the other party know that they had rescued the survivors?

Could it be said that the other party is also near Yoshiyama?

No, it's impossible!

If he is near Yuzishan, he can directly save people without calling himself:

But if he was not here with Zishan, how could he know that he had just rescued the survivors?

What the **** is going on?

"Don't look around, I'm not in the middle of Zishan. You just need to know that I know big in some way. I said that I'm a good person. My goal is the same as you. Of the trapped people came out, after all, life is off. "

The voice and words from the mobile phone comforted Wang Fugui temporarily, raised his head in doubt and whispered.

"What exactly do you want to do? What is your purpose?"

"My purpose is simple, to rescue the trapped people in Zishan. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You don't need to know how I know the location of the trapped people. You only need to know that I can tell you the location of the trapped person. Then listen well. The next trapped person is half a waist on the mountain in front of you. There are three trapped persons, and the situation is quite dangerous. If you have to rush over now, you will be able to rescue them, otherwise you will wait to collect them for them. "

Wang Fugui looked at the beeping sound from the cell phone again, and suddenly raised his head, his face became extremely ugly.

At this moment he didn't hesitate at all, turned around and said to his companion

"Come and follow me, I know where the trapped people are."

Said first, he hurried over. At this moment, Cheng Yiping, who was far away in Jiangzhen City, opened his eyes and raised his lips slightly.

Consciousness controls the soul avatar moving fast with Zishan.

The soul avatar can walk through the mountains and stones, as if walking on the ground, and even turning back time, it will be easy to see the location of the many trapped people in Zishan.

Cheng Yiping was very clear. What he had to do next was very simple. He saw the location of the person trapped on the mountain through his soul avatar, and then transmitted all these locations to Wang Fugui through his mobile phone.

As the saying goes, the best way to hide a tree is not to cut it down, but to hide the tree in a sea of ​​people. The best way to hide a water is to hide the water in a vast area. Within the infinite sea.

The same person who wants to rescue is Zhao Qian. As long as Zhao Qian can be rescued, it is tantamount to the super-hunting APP's devotion to find things successfully.

But if all the trapped people in the entire Yuzi Mountain are rescued now, Zhao Qian is just one of them, and the risk will be largely avoided.

Safety! !!


Safety comes first!

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he took a long breath.

He knows that safety is the most important thing for him.

Now all he has to do is command Wang Fugui to completely rescue the trapped from Zishan.

"Here, here, everyone follow me quickly"

"In the front left direction, there are three trapped below, everyone hurry up,"

"All three trapped people are injured, everyone hurry up."

Wang Fugui now fully believes in this mysterious call in his mobile phone.

He repeatedly called five times, each time being able to tell him the exact address of the trapped, which can be said to greatly speed up the rescue.

Although I really feel very weird to Wang Fugui, why is this happening, who is this mysterious phone,

But now he can't even care, everything is mainly rescue.

Although the rescue teammates headed by Wang Fugui also felt strange, they rushed to the address of the trapped one by one, all for rescue.

Rescuing the trapped one after another from the cracks in the mountain revealed a bright smile, wiping the sweat from the forehead.

One of the companions

"Wangfufugui, you are really too powerful. How do you know that these trapped people are here? The trapped person has already been crushed and seriously injured. The doctor said that if it is later, I am afraid it will be back Run out. "

"I'm just luck, it's just luck."

Wang Fugui shook his head and flickered, how could he tell people that he had received a mysterious call, and no one believed it if he said it?

"Wait for me to answer the phone"

Suddenly the phone's ringtone rang.

Wang Fugui quickly said

"I have been rescued. How many people are there in the whole Yuzi Mountain? How many people are there"

"Rest assured, there are four people in the next Yuzishan, and four or four trapped people. As long as you rescue these four trapped people, there will be no trapped people, and the rest are just corpses."

"Of course if you have to find the body of the dead, I can help you as well."

"I see, I see, where are the four trapped?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Fugui hurriedly said.

Are there only four alive trapped people?

This is great news.

As for the other dead bodies trapped by them, of course, they must also be found, but everything is mainly to find living people.

Wang Fugui dropped the phone, looked up, and looked at his companion.

"Let's go ahead, there are rescuers inside, they are trapped in the slits on the day of the mountain."

Tick ​​...

In the slit of the mountain, the dew dripped down the cold stone, and the slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi panted vigorously, she felt that her vitality was continuously lost.

Looking at Zhao Qian who fell to the side was very worried.

"Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian, don't sleep, don't sleep, hold on and hold on, you don't sleep, if you sleep, you won't wake up"

Zhao Qian was lying weakly on the wall, his leg fractures, physical exertion and other vagueness had almost passed out.

"It's okay, I'm okay, I'm okay, Zhao, Zhao Lu, Zhao Lu hasn't she returned yet?"

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