Super Finding App

Chapter 1623: This part may (2)

"It's true. But don't let your guard down. Two survivors haven't been found."

Wang Fugui nodded heavily.

At this moment, he was already very confident about the mysterious call in his cell phone, and quickly dialed the cell phone.

"You tell me that the trapped people have found two. You say there are 4 people in total. In other words, where are the two trapped people?"

"Rest assured, there will be two trapped people I will tell you, they are in the gap not far from the mountain, but they are trapped deeper, to give you a piece of advice, you need to hurry up Go find them, otherwise everything is too late. "

There was still a faint sound coming from the mobile phone, but this time the sound seemed to be a slight heartbeat, and then the mobile phone hung up completely.

Wang Fugui frowned, puzzled

What the **** is going on?

What does it mean to be faster, otherwise it will be too late?

What exactly is going on?

Wang Fugui thought it was very strange, and then dialed the phone directly to call back, but my mobile phone responded that the phone number you dialed was an empty number.


Phone number becomes empty?

how can that be?

This is simply impossible.

That can only explain one thing.

The other party directly shuts down the phone or unplugs it with a mobile phone card, which means the other party has lost communication

If so, the other two trapped people are really as dangerous as he said.

Although it is not clear why the mobile phone number suddenly became empty, Wang Fugui knew that this was absolutely abnormal.

Quickly raised his hand to his companion

"Hurry up. Hurry up, there are two survivors. I already know where they are. Hurry up, their situation is very dangerous."

At the moment, Wang Fugui didn't know. At the moment he rescued Zhao Qian, beside him, he watched all these soul avatars as smoke disappeared.

On the other side

In the crevices of the mountain, Liu Wei with an ugly face and Zhao Lu with a beautiful and delicate face are now looking for an exit.

The intricate gaps in the mountains have made it look like a labyrinth, and there are potholes and well-developed channels.

But none of them are exits.

"Damn, what's going on? What's going on here? Why isn't it useful? Why is this?"

"Why the Super Find App in my phone is not successfully clicked now, what is going on?"

Liu Wei's face was abnormally ugly, and he constantly patted Zhao Qian's mobile phone with both hands, and was surprised to find that everything on this mobile phone communication can be used normally, but this super-find object app can't click at all.

After clicking it, it has no effect.

How is this possible

"Is it because this Super Hidden App can only be used by talented people, I have read a post on the Internet before and I seem to have mentioned this problem."

Zhao Lu came over from behind. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the delicate face was already covered with dirt, panting

"What. The Super Hidden App can only be used by this talent, how is this possible?"

"This is simply impossible, isn't it? Is there a fingerprint positioning system on this phone that doesn't work? What a joke?"

Liu Wei growled hysterically.

Although he didn't believe it, he intuitively told him that it was really possible.

After all, the Super Hidden Object App is not something that can be described by common sense, gritted teeth and said angrily

"I understand, I understand, it seems that all of this is Zhao Qian's conspiracy, all of which is Zhao Qian's conspiracy."

"He definitely knows, he definitely knows. This super finder aPP is only used by this talent, so he deliberately did not tell us that he was retaliating against us, is this retaliating against us?"

"This Zhao Qian is really very thoughtful."

When a person is in despair, the conditioned reflex will blame all the faults on others.

Liu Wei is now in such a state. He never thought that he had thrown Zhao Qian and Wang Yueshi to his own place, and turned around with a large amount of food and Super Find App.

Even after shouting from behind, he didn't stop for a moment.

"This is not necessarily true. No, Zhao Qian will never do such a thing. Otherwise, let's go back now and leave with Zhao Qian. Maybe we can find a way to leave here."

"Enough. Enough."

"Don't say good things to Zhao Qian, what good is it to talk to him, I know if you like Zhao Qian?"

"Speak? Do you like Zhao Qian? If you like Zhao Qian, you will go straight back. I know you have a leg with his eyebrows."

Liu Wei shouted in Xie Shi's face, his face became a little dazed, scared Zhao Lu could not help but step back two steps

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? You're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy!"

"I'm crazy? I haven't been crazy at all. All I say is true. I want to say that all these are Zhao Qian's conspiracy, all his conspiracy. Otherwise, how can we become like this, how can we Becomes like this "

"If I say all of this is Zhao Qian's fault, that is, he will take us to Yuzishan, the mountain collapse will happen, and we will be trapped in this dilemma. The Supergroup APP said that it was possible to leave here, but it turned out that only the Super Finding App could use it. "

"Let us get lost, get lost in the cracks with the mountain of Zishan, he just wants us to die, he just wants us to die"

"I want to say that this Super Hidden Object App is simply fake, it is fake at all, he is intentional, he is intentional."

At this moment, Liu Wei was approaching a crazy hysteria, and his face became abnormally haggard and evil, scaring Zhao Lu to shiver.

She never thought that Liu Wei, who was so polite to her before, could even entrust her for life to become so hysterical, horrible, and strange in the face of danger.

Just then, all of a sudden

Zhao Qian's mobile phone heard the sound of jingle, the screen burst into light in the darkness, and a paragraph of text appeared.

Liu Wei and Zhao Lu quickly looked down and their pupils shrank sharply.

I saw that the page of the Super Hidden App on Zhao Qian's phone appeared automatically.

Not only that, a paragraph of text appeared on this emerging page.

[Super Finding App Religious Finding Success]

[Congratulations to the finder for finding things]

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

What is congratulations to the success of the seeker?

What exactly does this mean?

Liu Wei's face was aggressive and hesitant, while Zhao Lu's eyes widened, and suddenly he understood what shouted.

"Super Finding App successfully found things? This shows that Zhao Qian they were rescued, Zhao Qian they were rescued, they left here"


This is impossible!

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