Super Finding App

Chapter 1629: responsibility?

Cheng Yiping stood on the steps outside the TV station of Jiangzhen City, boring yawning, holding his mobile phone and brushing some news without any nutrition, and frowned slightly.

"Zhang Xiaona's work is really so hard. It's all up to now. It hasn't even been off work. It's already more than nine o'clock in the evening. Is the old one considered overtime and not a violation of labor law?"

Cheng Yiping is a bit boring and yawns. Although there is a labor law in Tang Dynasty, it is undeniable how easy it is in this world?

Is it all the same as the labor law?

If it is an enterprise or public institution, civil servants will be fine. One hundred percent is in accordance with the Labor Law, 9 to 5, and there are good weekends, five insurances, and one gold payment. Of course, if it is a front-line civil servant in some remote areas, Then it's another matter.

But for the social units or private private enterprises, it is impossible to completely follow the labor law, even if it is in accordance with the labor law. But is it enough to give you enough wages to support your family?

Not enough

The final result can only be overtime.

Coupled with many companies, overtime work in private companies does not even have overtime pay. In a word, if you are not doing your job well, stay overtime. Who do you blame?

If you don't work overtime, it means that there is no dedication, that is, you cannot endure hardships and stand hard work, that is, you don't have a team spirit, you can clean up 100%, and see you now.

What can you do

You have nothing to do

Really helpless.

It can be said that the adult world has never been easier.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, the latest report on the robbery this time, let ’s go quickly. It is said that we have found out who the hostage ’s family is. We will go to the first interview now, and we must be the first. Time to interview "


I saw a crowd of people slowly rushing out of the gate of the TV station in Jiangzhen City. The host wiped the sweat from his forehead. Behind her was her working companion, carrying the camera in a hurry.

"Slow down, don't need to be so anxious, it's already so late today, can we go tomorrow as well?"

"How is it possible? What is the news? What is news is timeliness. What is required is fast. Believe it or not, we will take a step back. Other TV stations will scramble for interviews. If we broadcast slowly, then It does n’t make any sense at all, so hurry up, hurry up, everyone is working hard today, and working overtime to interview the families of the hostages. This is the focus of the news. "

The host hurriedly said.

"I get it, I get it, but I really didn't expect that a robbery of money transport vehicles would happen in Jiangzhen City. This is really amazing, and it is still a gun. This has never been done in the past two decades. Never happened "

"Isn't it? What does this say? This shows that this society is not easy to mix at all now. There were robberies that only existed in developed areas of large cities. Now we have them in Jiangzhen City. Is getting messier "

"Speak less, say less, drive the car quickly, I got the news, other TV stations have sent people for interviews, we must find the hostages' family members for interviews as soon as possible before others , Come up with first-hand reports. "

Cheng Yiping watched hurriedly driving the car, and some of the interview cars rushed away, his mouth widened, and he sighed sighily, and shook his head.

This year, no bowl of rice is delicious.

This is true even for the news media. But what they said was that the family members of the hostages had been found, did they mean the hostages held by bank robbers in the news report?

Cheng Yiping felt a little strange. He took out his mobile phone and looked carefully. He had to say that this is the era of the Internet. Everything can be said to be quite convenient.

Although Cheng Yiping did not find the families of the so-called hostages, the information about the hostages was clearly found out.

Looking at the slightly beautiful beauty Ruan Xintong on the phone, she fell into thought and touched her head.

"It's nothing, as the saying goes, it's good to use it for the people. If I don't have this ability, it's fine. If I don't know, it doesn't matter. If you know it, then help me, but is it true? It ’s unclear if she can help, depending on how good she is. ”

Thinking of Cheng Yiping taking a deep breath, he instantly clicked the Super Find App in his mind.

In an instant

A spinning and bright starry sky emerges, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerges

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking is starting ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Please ask the seeker to find the target: Find the target, Ruan Xintong]

next moment

The soul's avatar appeared straight into Cheng Yiping's mind, and the bright and rotating starry sky around him became a colorful channel.

The soul split into the channel, and next moment was in the darkness of the universe, next to it was a blue planet.

Immediately afterwards, a fascinating suction came from the azure planet, and instantly sucked the soul into it, crossed the sea of ​​clouds, and fell into the world.

With a bang, the brightness in front of the eyes, the soul is in the mid-air, and below is a piece of ruins and a rotten tailgate.

The red light that marked the object-seeking target soared into the sky from within the rotten tail floor.

The soul is floating in the sky quietly. The original rotten building gradually becomes transparent and transparent, and everything around you is in the eyes.

The soul clone can clearly see that Ruan Xintong is desperately running away in the rotten tail floor. Two looting robbers behind him are chasing after him. Darkness has no effect on the soul clone.

After a while

All this was transmitted to Cheng Yiping's mind through transmission.

"Has Ruan Xintong already started to escape? But trying to escape the pursuit of two robbers in this rotten tailgate is probably not a simple thing. What should I do next to call the police?"

"I'm afraid it's too late."

Cheng Yiping frowned, touching his chin,

He clearly calculated that if he called the police now and waited for some time before the police arrived, it was estimated that Ruan Xintong would be captured by the two robbers and then redirected.

Although he could indeed follow closely with his soul avatar, but after all, he was in trouble. If the two robbers secretly killed the killer, then he would not be able to save the near fire.

"It seems better to ask for help"

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes, and the soul's avatar disappeared like smoke.

Looking at the faith-seeking points lost one or twenty points, Cheng Yiping has some heartache, but compared to human life seems worthwhile.

next moment

Close your eyes, through the line of faith in your mind, quickly find the faint light of faith in Ruan Xintong ’s Super Hidden Object App on the vast line of faith.

With a little finger, the force controlled the line to shake.

In an instant

In Ruan Xintong's mobile phone in the rotten floor, the super-hunting app's logo burst into white light, and a bright and rotating starry sky appeared ...

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking is starting ...]

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