Super Finding App

Chapter 1632: Rescued

It's not right. It's not right.

How come this hostage hasn't come out yet? Could she say she's hiding in this rotten tailgate?



This is absolutely impossible.

The hostage would never know that we would be blocked at the door of the rotten tail floor. She would never know that we were guarding the rabbits, so why didn't she come out?

The ominous feeling lingered in the mind of the robber Zheng Rihua, feeling the same ominous and strange.

"Brother Zheng, what's wrong with Brother Zheng? Why hasn't she come out yet? Did she say what's going on in this rotten turret? So she has been hiding in this rotten turret, Or that she fainted "

Robber Li Fanqiang opened his mouth and said something he didn't even believe.

"Wait, wait, she probably ran away from the back of this rotten tailgate. Maybe she didn't run away from this front. This is also completely possible. Li Fanqiang, let's go back and take a look now The area of ​​the rotten tail floor is not large. We can just walk around from the side. If she really walks from the outside, then we wo n’t have any use if we stay here for a long time. ”

"Anyway, we must take the hostages. She has seen us, and she must not be released."

Zheng Rihua bit his teeth.

At this critical juncture, he already had some cranky thoughts. Although he didn't know whether his thought was right or wrong, as long as there was any flaw, he had to block it.

Does he really not believe that two big men cannot catch a mentally handicapped woman?

It's ridiculous.

Unless the other party knows exactly where they are.

Ruan Xintong Ruan was running desperately, her feet had been worn out with blood bubbles, her clothes were fragmented, and the decent clothes of the bank staff were now torn.

If it is a temptation to add in the TV movie, but no one cares at this moment.

She didn't even care if the clothes on her body were good or worn, and ran hard.

On one side, looking at the flat map of the Super Hidden App in the mobile phone, carefully watching the dynamics of the two robbers, they found that the other party was still blocked in front of the rotten tailgate, and was relieved for a long time.

Along the backyard of the rotten tail floor, he climbed up to the fence, fell to the ground, raised his eyes and looked up. In front of it was a piece of ruins and reed grass higher than people.

In the distance in the reed grass is a city with bright lights, and Ruan Xintong is full of hope. Stumbled into the grass higher than people.

She didn't go far, and suddenly her face paled instantly, and she lowered her head sharply. Looking at the flat map of the Super Hidden App in her mobile phone, she could clearly see that two white figures had gradually approached from behind her. .


Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Ruan Wenxin was desperately running, and if he was successful, he would be in trouble, and if he was defeated, he would be in trouble.

Without the intricate environment and dark space of the rotten tail floor, Ruan Xintong has no hiding place at all.

There was a scream of rapid screaming as he ran behind him.

"I found it, I found it, Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, we found the hostages, she's ahead, the hostages are ahead!"

"I found it, I found it!"

"Catch it, she grab it."

"Hurry up and grab her, we'll catch her!"

Li Fanqiang raised his eyes and saw the hostages who had penetrated into the grass under the moonlight, and immediately showed a surprise, his face rushing up.

Beside him, Zheng Rihua chased after his gritted teeth, and cruel light was exposed in his eyes.

Sure enough

Let me just say, why is there no figure on the main entrance of Lanweilou, it seems she really ran away from this back door.

We really did underestimate this hostage!

But now that we've discovered it, we must be able to catch her!

"Li Fanqiang seized her, she must be seized, and she must not be escaped."

Ruan Xintong was desperately running, her feet limping in the dirt of Ni Ning, and scratched her delicate white feet and body with scars. The severe pain stimulated her body, but at this moment she couldn't help but Running desperately.

With a lowered head, on the flat map of the Super Hidden App in the mobile phone, you can still clearly see that two white figures are getting closer and closer to her, and a huge power comes from behind him, black The shadow fell from the sky, and thump Ruan Xintong to the ground.

Ruan Xintong was desperately struggling and growling, but it was useless.

The only thing I could see was Li Fanqiang's cruel face rushing over her.

Behind Li Fanqiang, Zheng Rihua rushed over hurriedly, exposing his eyes. Ruan Xintong looked desperate.

Super Finding App can help her to see the movement of the enemy, and even help her find the escape route, but there is no way to make her teleport.

She won't do anything if caught by the enemy and captured by the robbers.

"Let me go, let me go, you guys let go of me quickly"

Ruan Xintong is desperately struggling and is on the verge of despair, but how could a mentally weak girlfriend be the opponent of two robbers?

Pressed to the ground by them.

Zheng Rihua's eyes were fierce, saying word by word

"We really looked down on you. I didn't expect you to run so much. Li Fanqiang would take her away and find a place to dispose of it. I thought it was easier for a mentally retarded woman to control. As hostages, I didn't expect it would be so difficult. "

"Let me go, let me go, you guys let me go"

Ruan Xintong was desperately struggling, constantly shaking, but had no effect.

Being dragged by Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang on the ground with two legs, Ruan Xintong was on the verge of despair, reaching out to hold the phone, but the phone fell aside.


Suddenly, the light in the dim grass surrounding them rose sharply, and several figures rushed out, holding flashlights and firearms.

The only thing Ruan Xintong could see was the rows of policemen who came out of the reeds as if the soldiers descended from heaven and those dazzling badges.

[Super Finding App Faith Pathfinding Success]

[The path for finding pathfinders is smooth! 】

As Ruan Xintong was carefully escorted by the police out of the grass, the page of the super-hunting app faith-seeking found in the mobile phone that fell on the ground changed instantly, like an explosion of fireworks, and then the text slowly appeared.

Then the entire Super Find App page disappeared instantly, and the phone returned to the original page again.

"Success, success. The speed of the police is really quite fast."

Cheng Yiping, who was far away from the front door of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief. He knew that the robbers had caught him and the hostages had been rescued.

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