Super Finding App

Chapter 1637: Haunted house

Fuzhou, as a second-tier city in the dynasty, can be said to be quite prosperous.

When Cheng Yiping came down from the high-speed rail, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, looking at the high-rise buildings in front of him, rushing, and had to say that it really gave him a completely different feeling.

Cheng Yiping didn't have too many memories, and he didn't mess around everywhere. He hit a taxi that was already waiting outside the high-speed rail.

"Master, please take me to Xinglong Apartment"

The taxi driver was shocked and slightly surprised, but didn't say much, and immediately started the car to run away.

Cheng Yiping sat in the back of the taxi and looked at the bustling Fuzhou City through the window. Suddenly, he felt like he was back in Jiangzhen City.

Outside the high-speed railway, watching the high-speed buildings in Fuzhou is full of modernity, but once you enter the city, you have passed out of the area of ​​the high-rise building and entered the ordinary area, and found that they are still bungalows. The floors, all of which are green bricks and green tiles, are painted with white houses, which are both strange and familiar.

This scenery is really quite familiar.

Every city in the dynasty has a very familiar and unfamiliar feeling, which is really amazing.

The development of each city in the Dynasty is quite fast, but all the cities are very similar except for high-rise buildings. To be honest, I just thought that I was still in Jiangzhen City, not here. Fuzhou

While Yiping was thinking funnyly, the taxi driver was very talkative and suddenly said

"This guest, are you going to Xinglong Apartment? You're not talking about our first fierce house in Fuzhou. Why would you choose to stay there? But our first fierce house in Fuzhou is very dangerous, every year Where did someone die, I think if you come out and play, you can choose not to choose this Xinglong apartment, I can take you to another apartment or the door of the hotel? "

"Is Fuzhou's first fierce house? I didn't expect you to know the reputation of this Xinglong apartment for years, it seems that this Xinglong apartment is really quite famous"

Cheng Yiping laughed. He didn't know whether the taxi driver in front of him was really kind or that the taxi driver had agreed with another hotel or the hotel and took himself afterwards and slaughtered it. Then he You can get a commission.

"Oh, this is of course. Xinglong Apartment is quite famous in our Fuzhou City. To be honest, I really don't know why your young people will live in Xinglong Apartment now. According to the previous statement, This Xinglong apartment is an outrageous mansion, lest we avoid it. "

"Now thinking about it is also quite cruel. I think about it. I remember that I was only a teenager at that time. A tragedy happened in Xinglong Apartment. The police and the media reported for a long time there. It will also become a naked mansion. I did not expect that now it has become an apartment and it is so popular. I really have some things that I ca n’t understand. "

Obviously, this taxi driver is a thirty-four or five-year-old. He remembered quite well 20 years ago, which made Cheng Yiping's eyes bright and he felt very interesting. He said

"This master, if you say so, you are quite clear about the tragedy that happened in Xinglong Apartment that year. Can you tell me? When I originally ordered this Xinglong Apartment, I never really thought that it would happen. It's a haunted house, which really makes me feel really weird. Is this Xinglong apartment really a so-called haunted house? "

For Xinglong Apartment Cheng Yiping, I did find some information on the Internet.

But after all, it happened 20 or 30 years ago, and the news on the Internet will also become a little fuzzy. I did not expect that the taxi driver who was sitting in the car would be able to learn about the tragedy. For Cheng Yiping, , But it gave him a hint of interest.

I saw the taxi driver nodded, took a long, deep breath, and then said

"Of course I remember, of course I remember, this thing was quite famous at first, it is said that the father killed two children and his wife among the family of three, and eventually committed suicide by taking drugs. The family of four died in the room. Inside, and the cause of the incident seems to be because of impulse. In short, things were very big in the past, and then Xinglong Apartment was always regarded as a fierce house. No one dared to enter it, and some people would even go to midnight in this Xinglong apartment When I heard the ghost's cry and ghost figure, it was really scary at first, but who can think of it? Now it has changed. Twenty years later, the Xinglong apartment, which is a fierce house, has become popular, and some people specialize in it. Going in for the night, I can only say that people today are completely different from before, and times have changed dramatically. "

The taxi driver breathed a long sigh of relief and said intently.

"It's true. After all, people don't believe the ghosts and gods, and many people are very interested in the haunted house. Some people even live in the haunted house, hoping to find the ghost. However, this Xinglong apartment The fact that it can open is enough to show that there should be no ghosts in it. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head and said.

For Chen Yiping, no matter whether there are ghosts or no ghosts in this Xinglong apartment, he has to live in it, after all, if Zhang Xiaona was filming inside.

And he is quite interested in the so-called ghost

"I don't know, but lad. You listen to me very well, I do n’t want to eat the old man, and I suffer. The most important thing is that ghosts are more credible than untrustworthy. You might as well let me take you to another house. Hotel or apartment, guaranteed price is cheaper than Xinglong Apartment "

The taxi driver said, persuading again.

"No, no, thank you, Master. Actually, I came with my friend and ordered this Xinglong apartment, so let's go over and see first. Even if you want to change, you need to talk to my friend first. Let ’s talk about it after we meet together "

Cheng Yiping shook his head and refused to let it go, a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

This Xinglong apartment is really getting more and more strange and weird.

God knows if there is a ghost in it.

The taxi driver heard some obvious frustration, but shook his head and said.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I can still send you there. Think about it with your friends. Don't underestimate this Xinglong apartment. It is said that when Xinglong apartment started a few years ago, every time Every year, some guests die in the room, which is really a very evil door. "

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