Super Finding App

Chapter 1640: Really ghost?


Is there really a ghost in this world?

how can that be?

Cheng Yiping is naked, but he feels frowning all over the body. If he had never before believed that there really is a ghost in this world, but think about the super-hunting app that he has and what he has done at sea. Meet the new **** and the so-called mirage.

To be honest, even things like mirages in the mirage have ghosts in this world, it is not unlikely.

Is it true that there is a ghost in the first fierce house in Fuzhou?

Cheng Yiping really felt very strange, hesitated a bit, came to the TV with snowflakes again, picked up the remote control, pressed the remote control switch button, but found that this time no matter how he pressed the TV, Nothing works, as if the remote doesn't work.

With the crackling sound leveling out and taking a step back, I clearly saw what kind of image appeared on the screen of the TV set emitting snowflakes, interspersed with the continuous crackling snowflakes.

Cheng Yi slowly held her breath and watched carefully. Suddenly the snowflakes disappeared instantly, exposing a woman's face covered with a blood-stained shawl, and a terrible mourn sound was issued, and Cheng Yiping and his **** fell to the ground. The TV popped out.

The flickering lights that had been constantly flashing also returned to normal.



Really ghost!

Really ghost!

Is there really a ghost in the first fierce house in Fuzhou?

Cheng Yiping sweated heavily on his forehead, crawled from the ground, and found that his back had been wet with cold sweat, showing a look of bitter smile, it seems that he is helping others to rescue, even in the face of natural disasters At that time, there was no such fear and anxiety as now.

As if all the skills and martial arts that I have learned have completely disappeared, just like an ordinary person who is paralyzed by fright.

"Hell, hell, no wonder some people say that ability is one thing, but if the courage is too small, it is another thing. Now look at it. When watching a horror movie, you find that the protagonist is the same as an idiot. The legs are weak and they can't do anything. I still feel that they are too fake. I didn't expect things to happen to me, too. Is there a ghost in this Xinglong apartment? "

Cheng Yiping gritted his teeth carefully two steps forward, picked up the remote control, pressed the switch button, the TV turned on with a click.

In the horrified eyes of Cheng Yiping, ordinary TV channels jumped out. Cheng Yiping hesitated to click on the remote control of the control, and found that the TV was back to normal. Turned his head and looked at the bright light bulbs around him. When he came to the switch, he stretched out his hand, one opening, one closing, one opening, everything was intact, as if everything just happened was his own illusion.

"Hell, hell, what the **** is going on? Can't I really see a ghost?"

Cheng Yiping scratched his head a little strangely, and finally understood why it is said on the Internet that Xinglong Inn, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, does have a ghost. To be honest, people who move when they see it will really be scared You have to fart.

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting, is there really a ghost in this world?"

Cheng Yiping touched his chin. Although he had experienced it himself, his brain was telling him that there would be no ghost in this world.

If there is a ghost, it will not seem as if it was intentional to scare yourself.

When the front foot moved into this room 401, a ghost appeared on the rear foot?

It's a coincidence that this is not artificial.

"Interesting, then let me have a look again. Is this ghost real or fake?"

After passing a period of intimidation, Cheng Yiping recovered quickly. After all, he was regarded as a battle-hardened player. He slammed a ring finger, looked around, and turned towards the bathroom.

In any case, take a shower yourself.

Moreover, Cheng Yiping is really very confident. If a ghost really appears again, then Cheng Yiping will definitely find this ghost!

He really wanted to know if the ghost was real or man-made!

At the moment, in another room on the fourth floor, in the room 404, Wang Kexin and other five students of Jinglan University were very excited. When they entered the room, they looked excited. Left Take a look at the right and look excited.

"Is this the first fierce house in Fuzhou? It seems that it feels similar to ordinary places, and there is no terrible place. Is it the wrong place?"

Lu Weiliang looked around, this is a very ordinary room.

It was only because they were 5 of them that they lived in a triple bed, and the room was quite large.

"Lv Weiliang, this is your fault. You don't really think that this first house is quite horrible. I told you that I had checked it before I came here. It is indeed the first place in Fuzhou. The haunted house, according to what people on the Internet say, this first haunted house is simply inexplicable. Although it looks similar, it is quite scary. "

"A lot of people have left messages on the Internet, but they all clearly say that they met the ghost in the frankest apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou."

Zhao Xiaotian said excitedly.

"Really? Since that's the case, let's get things ready quickly"

Wang Kexin laughed lightly and said, then Zhao Xiaotian and five other people quickly lived alive.

Since it is specifically to find ghosts in the first fierce house in Fuzhou, it is natural to make good preparations and measures.

I saw that they had taken out the camera and various detection instruments from the package, carefully placed the camera in many places in the room, and then the connected cameras could be clear in their mobile phones. See everything in this room.

It can be said that there is basically no dead angle in 360 degrees.

"Hey, the current technology is convenient. We have installed cameras in this room. If there is a ghost, it will be recorded clearly at that time. If it is artificial, then we must be Can't escape our palms "

Zhao Xiaotian said excitedly

"It can't be artificial, it can't be artificial. Posts on the Internet have also said that many people use the camera we use to record videos, but the result is still nothing. I'm all excited now, you said What kind of ghosts will we meet, and what horrible things will happen in this apartment? Think of it, you will be excited. "

Zhao Xiaotian's excited eyes were all glowing with gold.

"Okay, Zhao Xiaotian, don't be so excited, don't forget that this time we applied for funding from the Student Union, but it has a special purpose. In any case, this video must be video, and a report will be written at that time Give the Student Union funding for our next event "

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