Super Finding App

Chapter 1646: doubt

"Cheng Yiping, what happened to Cheng Yiping? What happened? What happened?"

The door of the small room of the 503 apartment was pushed open, and Zhang Xiaona, dressed in clothes, hurried in, revealing her graceful figure.

Cheng Yiping turned his head. With a look of panic and pale blood on his face, he turned on the light, and there was no abnormality around him. He panted vigorously and looked at Zhang Xiaona.

"Xiao Na, I think I really met a ghost"

And such things happened from time to time in the rooms occupied in the whole Xinglong apartment. The entire hallway heard the sound of screams and the sound of fear.

At 3:00 in the middle of the night, it was supposed to be the time when people were asleep and sleeping peacefully. But at this moment, the panic sounds from the staff of many TV stations in Jiangzhen City in the building of Xinglong Apartment escaped the room and talked to each other. With a look of panic and fear.

"I met a ghost. I met a ghost. I really met a ghost. Just now I found that the lights flashed inexplicably. The TV turned on somehow and turned on automatically. I did n’t use the remote control for any purpose. "

"You also met, did you meet too?"

"Me too, mine too. Not only that, all the snowflakes in this TV set, and finally a ghost appeared, which scared me to death."

"What the **** are you, what the **** are you? At most you are the ghosts released from the TV. I was pushed by the ghosts. I slept well, and then I felt that someone was watching me. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found a ghost with a horrible face staring at me, and his body was floating parallel to me. Even I could clearly see her hair and those evil eyes. It was terrible, terrible. "

"What the **** are you? I saw a murderer who could run through the wall and was holding a knife. Honestly I thought I would be killed. It was terrible. It was too terrible. Terrible "

"Nonsense, nonsense, all these things you say are okay? I'm terrible. The room is full of crying ghosts, people who are crying are upset, and the voice comes from all directions I ca n’t find it, and now I hear my voice, I feel creepy. ”

"There are really ghosts in this Xinglong apartment, there are really ghosts in Xinglong apartment"

"Can't do it, can't do it, let's go back, let's find somewhere else, we can't interview and record at Xinglong Inn, we are only in the first day and we will encounter this situation, if we really mess with it later When the ghost gets angry, then we will not be killed by the ghost "

"Do n’t panic, do n’t panic. There is no ghost in this world. There is no ghost in this world. Do n’t be arrogant and do n’t forget. We are all employees of Jiangzhen TV Station. We are all living in the new era. How could a person believe in the superstitious legend of ghosts and gods? "

"Don't believe it, don't believe it"

"I said Zhou Hui, what you said is not right. Don't believe it. Is it true that what we see with our own eyes is false? As the saying goes, what we hear is false, what we see is true, but we see it with our own eyes."

"Yes, yes, we saw it with our own eyes, but we saw it with our own eyes. There are really ghosts."

On the aisle on the 5th floor of Xinglong Apartment, many members of the TV crew of the town TV station talked horribly, with fear and anxiety on their faces:

Heaven and earth conscience, although they did know that what they were going to do was a ghost recording, they followed Zhang Xiaona to the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

But as people naturally know that there are no ghosts in the world, they naturally don't believe it. At most, they come here to record the show, find some magical events, and then make a report.

Who would have thought that you would actually meet a ghost.

It felt creepy to think of it.

"Enough, you guys all give me some quietness"

While everyone was arguing, Zhang Xiaona's righteous voice came to his ears, and the people were quiet for a moment.

Cheng Yiping stood behind Zhang Xiaona, looking at Zhang Xiaona in front of her, and felt a little strange. When she was in contact with herself, Zhang Xiaona was gentle and full of intellectuality.

But now Zhang Xiaona seems to be a piece of ice, or to reveal the temperament of a superior in her knowledge.

It can be seen that as a woman, Zhang Xiaona is really not easy to mix up some famous people in the society.

If it is really so good to speak, it is impossible to suppress some of the staff below.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping suddenly felt unusual heartache for Zhang Xiaona

"Sister Zhang, sister Zhang, host Zhang is not our argument here, but we really meet ghosts, this Xinglong Inn really has ghosts, we all saw them, we all saw them."

"Yeah, yeah, we really all see ghosts, let's go quickly, we can't stay here, we can't really stay here, there will be trouble, there will be trouble."

"If there is a ghost, all of us will die, all of us will die."

"Shut up, give me a little quieter"

Zhang Xiaona listened to the words in front of the staff full of panic.

"Don't forget what our job is. Our job is to come here to find out if there is a ghost in Xinglong Apartment of Fuzhou First Inn. Now that it is there, isn't it a good thing for us? What's more, if there is a ghost in this world, no one knows it at all, and as a new era, we should know that there is no ghost in this world, it only shows that something happened in this Xinglong apartment, what we have to do is to change this Xinglong apartment Find out what happened instead of worrying about being afraid and disturbed like now. "

"Where do you guys still look like professionals? Of course, if you are really afraid you can leave, but after returning to Jiangzhen City, I do n’t know how the leaders of Jiangzhen City TV will think of you."

In the face of Zhang Xiaona's words, everyone present was suddenly quiet.

But still some people said unconvinced

"That's a ghost, but it's really a ghost. If you didn't meet it, how would you know how terrible it is to meet a ghost?"

"How do you know I haven't met, don't forget what I lived in, but the room where the massacre happened 20 years ago was in Room 503. Even if there was a ghost, the ghost would kill someone. First I was Zhang Xiaona, not you. I was not afraid of what you were afraid of. Could n’t you guys be inferior to me? ”

Zhang Xiaona slammed her lips and suppressed everyone in the aisle instantly. Zhou Hui with two ponytails also ran over, with a look of panic on her face, opened her mouth and bit her teeth lightly, her complexion Pale and bloodless stood to Zhang Xiaona's side and said

"Yes, Sister Zhang is right. It's a good thing that we met a ghost. This proves that we have found the right place."

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